25 episodi

A podcast about gaming in general from the people at the zelda forum http://ztpsocialboard.proboards.com

Zelda Working Title Podcast Zelda TP Social Board

    • Tempo libero

A podcast about gaming in general from the people at the zelda forum http://ztpsocialboard.proboards.com

    ZWT Podcast Episode 86

    ZWT Podcast Episode 86

    With Adam returning from The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses this past weekend, we talk about video game anniversaries.  How do different companies handle their franchises' anniversaries?  What would we ideally like to see from anniversary celebrations?  What don't we want to see in anniversary celebrations? Featuring Adam, Alex, Angel, and Clay. Episode 86

    ZWT Podcast Episode 85

    ZWT Podcast Episode 85

    In Episode 85 we talk about indie games and indie developers.  What makes a game indie?  What are the pros and cons of developing an indie game?  Is indie gaming the wave of the future? Featuring Adam, Alex, and Angel. Episode 85

    ZWT Podcast Episode 84 (E3 2012 Recap)

    ZWT Podcast Episode 84 (E3 2012 Recap)

    In case you missed it, listeners, E3 2012 happened last week.  Now that the show is over, we've thought long and hard about our opinions.  Here they are. Featuring Adam, Alex, Angel, and Clay. Episode 84

    ZWT Podcast E3 2012 - Nintendo 3DS Software Showcase

    ZWT Podcast E3 2012 - Nintendo 3DS Software Showcase

    Adam and Angel watch and comment on Nintendo's E3 2012 Software Showcase.  Nothing really unexpected.  It did seem like there weren't really that many games demoed though...  Oh well.  At least we have some good 3DS games on the horizon. Featuring Adam and Angel. E3 2012 - Nintendo 3DS Software Showcase

    ZWT Podcast E3 2012 - Sony Conference

    ZWT Podcast E3 2012 - Sony Conference

    Adam and Angel watch and comment on Sony's E3 2012 press conference.  The conference was neither great nor terrible.  No surprises.  Some good games, some bad games. Featuring Adam and Angel. E3 2012 - Sony Press Conference

    ZWT Podcast E3 2012 - Ubisoft Conference

    ZWT Podcast E3 2012 - Ubisoft Conference

    Adam and Angel watch and comment on Ubisoft's E3 2012 press conference.  You thought last year's host, Mr. Caffine, was bad?  Well say hello to Aisha Tyler, professional forced awkward moment creator.  If you can manage to listen through her though, Ubisoft announced some pretty good looking games. Featuring Adam and Angel. E3 2012 - Ubisoft Press Conference

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