144 episodes

The VIP Nutrition Coach Podcast (formerly Beyond Macros Podcast) is a show for nutrition coaches and health coaches who want to have more freedom & more impact by and scaling a VIP online coaching business.

Episodes will be on topics that include:
• Finding clients on social media (without cold-pitching)
• Creating a VIP experience for your clients (so they never want to leave)
• Scaling with automated lead generation & nurture (so you aren't stuck hustling for every client)
• and more!

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VIP Nutrition Coach Podcast Matthew Walrath

    • Health & Fitness

The VIP Nutrition Coach Podcast (formerly Beyond Macros Podcast) is a show for nutrition coaches and health coaches who want to have more freedom & more impact by and scaling a VIP online coaching business.

Episodes will be on topics that include:
• Finding clients on social media (without cold-pitching)
• Creating a VIP experience for your clients (so they never want to leave)
• Scaling with automated lead generation & nurture (so you aren't stuck hustling for every client)
• and more!

Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

    High Ticket Coaching Offers Without Client Check-In Calls

    High Ticket Coaching Offers Without Client Check-In Calls

    Create High Ticket Coaching Offers Without Client Check-In Calls

    Over the next few minutes I am going to explain how you can create a high ticket coaching offer that your clients LOVE, that does not include phone or Zoom calls.

    And if you’d like to learn the exact steps to creating and selling a $1K coaching offer, drop “1KOffer” below the video and we’ll give you access to a mini course that will help you do just that.

    For those of you who don’t know me… My name is Kate Jaramillo, I’m the co-owner of Beyond Macros where we teach nutrition coaches like you how to build a nutrition coaching business that they LOVE that’s both impactful and profitable through our VIP Coach mentorship Programs.

    OK, let’s talk about the sources and systems that, if you leverage them now, will allow you to be on your way to having a completely referral-based coaching business.

    So many Coaches feel weird about asking their clients - or anyone - for referrals. But the truth is, when you have a referral-based coaching business - one where you barely do any selling - you feel much more relaxed and happy in your business. And because of that, you’re a better coach and your clients get better results.

    So let’s dive into how you can have that flowy, aligned, super impactful and highly profitable referral-based nutrition coaching business.

    Source: Current Clients. System: Know when to ask. The best times to ask your current clients for referrals are when they first enroll and when they experience a big breakthrough/win/transformation. To turn asking for referrals into a system you’ll stick with, build the ask into your enrollment scripts, as well as in your client check-in agendas. I find it’s best to ask for these referrals on a call when you and the client can both share in the excitement. It’s okay for the client to give you the referral’s name and contact information, but it’s even better if they can facilitate the introduction via 3-way communication (email, text, Messenger, etc.)
    Source: Past Clients. System: Reach out to check in on their progress. Sincerely reach out to your past clients once a quarter or so, and see how they’re doing. If they are still kicking ass & taking names, celebrate them! And ask who else they know that’s as awesome as they are, that would benefit from working with you.
    Source: Other Peoples’ Networks (Gyms, PTs, health practitioners, Power Partners). System: First look into your current connections and see who you already know that has an audience of your soulmate clients. Think of a way to make a referral situation a win-win-win (for ex: they receive a referral commission, client is getting a transformation, you make more money), and reach out to schedule a call.

    Create a little tracking system for yourself to keep track of your referrals. You’ll quickly find out who your best referral sources are so you know where to devote your time and energy. This System could be as basic as a Google Sheet and can include the Name of the person referring, name of the referral, and where you’re at in the process (intro/nurture/discovery/enrollment, etc). When it comes to referral incentives, I’ve found that gyms, PTs, health practitioners really enjoy receiving a small referral commission. Clients and past clients love receiving special little gifts. Whatever you decide to give as referral incentives, it’s a best practice to make sure you send out that incentive very shortly after the client enrolls. And hey - even if the referral doesn’t enroll, sending out a handwritten thank you card is very well received.

    Referral-based businesses grow with ease, and you’re almost guaranteed to work only with soulmate clients. The key to implementing these strategies and making them work is your mindset. I want to offer you this thought to think each time you are planning to ask for a referral: It’s not about ME, it’s about THEM.

    • 7 min
    Coaching Offers That Skyrocket Client Retention

    Coaching Offers That Skyrocket Client Retention

    These Offers Are The Key To Skyrocketing Client Retention

    Retaining a soulmate client takes less effort and energy than attracting them does. But how do you keep clients after they’ve reached their goals?

    Well, I’m going to tell you exactly how you are going to skyrocket your retention by creating a backend offer that takes clients beyond their initial goals and into a life they only dreamed was possible.

    And if you’d like to see if client retention is the easiest lever for you to pull right now to reach the impact and income goals you have for your nutrition coaching business, type “Health Check” below.

    For those of you who don’t know me… My name is Kate Jaramillo, I’m the co-owner of Beyond Macros where we teach nutrition coaches like you how to build a nutrition coaching business that they LOVE that’s both impactful and profitable through our VIP Coach mentorship Programs.

    Now let’s talk about how you can spend less time and energy on sales and marketing by retaining your soulmate clients!

    Continuation vs. Backend Offer

    I want to first explain the difference between continuation and a backend offer.
    Continuation of a coaching relationship means that you and your client are continuing to work together towards their goals, and they are receiving the same level of support. This is most common when a client reaches the end of your initial agreement and hasn’t reached their goal, but they’re getting close.
    You may also offer continuation with slightly less support, maybe for a lower investment. This is ideal for clients who really get what they need to do and how to do it, but need that continued guidance and accountability to reach that initial set of goals.
    Backend offer includes guiding your clients to a new goal that they have set for themselves. It involves teaching them a different skill set in order to achieve this next level goal.
    Consider a maintenance program a backend offer because the knowledge, skills, and habits they need to develop to maintain their results are different from what they needed to do to achieve their initial goal(s)

    How to create & sell a Backend Offer

    Graduation call where you celebrate wins
    Find out where they want to go from here - what are the goals for the next 3, 6, 12 months?
    What support do they need in getting to that next-level goal?
    Offer that exact support!

    Because you have a client niche, you are likely going to find that most of your clients have similar next-level goals. Think of your graduation calls, then, like conducting market research with your client(s) to find the most common next level goal - examples are maintenance, maybe now they want to build muscle after a cut, perhaps they’re interested in competing as an athlete…

    Whatever the next-level goals are, you can start to develop a coaching framework- an offer - to help guide your clients in achieving those next-level goals.

    *** Insert analogy of high school (offer) and college (continuation at PSU, and backend was Temple) ***

    By including both continuation and a backend offer in your nutrition coaching business, you are going to skyrocket your retention of your soulmate clients. And as a result, you’ll be spending less energy on marketing and sales. Oh, and because you’re offering an even better client experience, you’ll see an increase in your referrals!

    You ready to see if creating a backend offer and improving your client retention is the easiest way to unlock more success in your nutrition coaching business? Type “Health Check” below and we’ll give you access to the amazing training - for free!

    • 6 min
    Stop Letting Gurus Tell You To Go All In, Do This Instead

    Stop Letting Gurus Tell You To Go All In, Do This Instead

    Stop letting gurus tell you that you have to go “all in” to succeed in business!

    Over the next 5-minutes I will teach you how to build a career as an online coach, without risking bankruptcy to do it.

    And if you’d like to get one of our top strategies to get momentum and clients for your business, even if you don’t have a big social following yet, drop “Launchpad” below the video and I’ll send that over to you.

    For those of you who don’t know me… My name is Matt Walrath, I’m the co-owner of Beyond Macros a nutrition coaching business that served over 1000 high ticket nutrition clients, and now I teach nutrition coaches like you how to build a nutrition coaching business you are proud of through our VIP Coach mentorship Programs.

    OK, let's how to build a career as an online coach, without risking bankruptcy to do it.

    Main Points

    -Jeff art story or Matt lyft/CF class coaching, desperation vs. needs covered

    -Barbell strategy & closer vs. more

    -Main point: you need to be super efficient & effective with the time you do have & figure out ways to free up bandwidth

    And if you’d like to learn the full 5-step process from our VIP Coach Academy for going from side-hustle to full time coach, drop “Academy” below the video.

    • 7 min
    Converting Free Coaching Calls To Paying Clients

    Converting Free Coaching Calls To Paying Clients

    Never Offer Another Free Coaching Call Until You Watch This

    Offering a free coaching call can be a great way to grow your nutrition coaching business, but they can also keep you in the “pick-your-brain Friend Zone”.

    Over the next few minutes I am going to explain when to offer free nutrition coaching calls, and exactly how to convert those calls into paying clients.

    And if you’d like the exact process to use free coaching calls to grow your nutrition coaching business, type “CLC” below.

    For those of you who don’t know me… My name is Kate Jaramillo, I’m the co-owner of Beyond Macros where we teach nutrition coaches like you how to build a nutrition coaching business that they LOVE that’s both impactful and profitable through our VIP Coach mentorship Programs.

    Now listen up, because in the next few minutes I am going to teach you how to stay out of the friend zone and actually convert clients from free coaching calls so you can step into the role of Nutrition Business BOSS.

    Purpose of free coaching calls

    Gain experience coaching (build confidence!)
    Practice restraint vs. firehousing with info
    Create social proof + testimonials
    Mini market research
    Build trust and belief (in self, in Coach, in process)
    Free CALL - not offering “free coaching packages” to test out for feedback and testimonials
    Not a “pick your brain” session
    Not a sales call

    Who/When to offer free coaching calls:

    Newly certified coaches
    Coaches who have not had their first clients
    Coaches who took a break from coaching and are now getting back into it
    Changing/updating niche
    Changing/updating offer

    How to convert to paying clients

    Take leadership of the call by explaining the purpose of the call and what to expect
    Listen more than you talk; reflect back what you hear in the exact words
    Offer ONE great solution/next step that will get the person 1 step closer to their goal (make it easy and enjoyable)
    Celebrate the A-ha- congratulate the person on committing to this next step (you can get the testimonial right then, too)
    Be direct in asking if they want more help, and then schedule the sales call right away (strike while the iron is hot - they are happy, curious, and building belief)

    That last part - being direct - is the difference between staying in the free-coach friend-zone, and becoming a nutrition business boss.

    The worst they can say is no, and if they say no then it’s FINE! Nothing changes - you still have everything you need right here in this moment.

    But if you don’t ask, then the answer will always be “no”, and what will happen is the person will likely end up investing in someone else that wasn’t scared to hear the word “no”.

    We are here and all in to help you master the art of free coaching calls and converting them to clients, so if you’d like the exact process that our own clients use to move from “free coach friend zone” to “nutrition business boss”, type “CLC” below and we’ll give you access to the amazing training - for free!

    • 8 min
    High Ticket Coaching Offers Without Client Check-In Calls

    High Ticket Coaching Offers Without Client Check-In Calls

    Create High Ticket Coaching Offers Without Client Check-In Calls

    Over the next few minutes I am going to explain how you can create a high ticket coaching offer that your clients LOVE, that does not include phone or Zoom calls.

    And if you’d like to learn the exact steps to creating and selling a $1K coaching offer, drop “1KOffer” below the video and we’ll give you access to a mini course that will help you do just that.

    For those of you who don’t know me… My name is Kate Jaramillo, I’m the co-owner of Beyond Macros where we teach nutrition coaches like you how to build a nutrition coaching business that’s both impactful and profitable through our VIP Coach mentorship Programs.

    OK, let’s talk about how you’re going to create an awesome high ticket coaching offer that involves no client check-in calls.

    In the ONCC I asked how our amazing Coaches are supporting their clients outside of phone or Zoom calls. There are TONS of create responses - Voxer (my personal fav), WhatsApp, FB Messenger, FB private groups, text, email, coaching apps.

    What if that form of communication was the only one included in your offer?

    Say whaaaat?!

    I know what you’re thinking: who would pay for just text, or Voxer access to me?

    A LOT of people! People who travel frequently, who work odd hours, whose working hours frequently change, moms who are running their kids all over God’s green earth, people who talk on the phone for a living and are just totally talked out, introverts!

    Think of the client who is constantly rescheduling or canceling their check-in calls - they would probably seriously benefit from a coaching offer that doesn’t require them to get on the phone with you.

    Social proof: a coach I personally know of, charges $15K per month for unlimited private Voxer access. And people pay it.

    Why? Unlimited support, direct access, don’t have to wait for weekly check-ins to talk about issues, always feel 100% supported on their journey.

    And they end up getting better results, in a faster, easier, and more enjoyable way. They don’t have to stumble, and wait for the next call to get coached up on it. This is in-the-moment coaching (within your office hours, of course) where they can get answers and support quickly.

    It really comes down to YOU: your belief in the value of your coaching and the unlimited support you provide. If you feel that you can only provide value on calls, then that is the only method of support you will confidently sell.

    Identify your ideal client

    Do some market research to get a feel on how you want to structure and talk about this coaching offer
    Decide that unlimited support via whatever method you choose is extremely valuable to them
    Get on sales calls and sell the exact solution to their struggles that gets them to their single biggest result
    Deliver it via unlimited support

    You might want to include Loom videos for weekly check-ins, and that’s especially good for clients who are visual learners. But that’s completely up to you and your client - and whatever is going to help them achieve their goals in the most enjoyable way possible.

    I say this all the time: it’s not about YOUR time; it’s about YOUR CLIENT’S transformation.

    A high-ticket coaching offer isn’t about number or frequency of calls; it’s about helping your clients achieve their goals in the easiest, fastest, and most fun way possible, while providing them with unlimited support.

    Whatever method of communication you use is up to you and the client. THEIR results - how they feel during the journey and when they finally reach their goal - that’s difficult to put a price tag on.

    And if you’d like to learn the exact steps to creating and selling a $1K coaching offer, drop “1KOffer” below the video and we’ll give you access to a mini course that will help you do just that.

    • 4 min
    What Exactly Goes Inside a $1k/month Coaching Program?

    What Exactly Goes Inside a $1k/month Coaching Program?

    Are you curious what exactly goes inside a $1k per month nutrition program?

    Over the next 10-minutes I will give you a peek inside exactly what I offered my $1000 per month nutrition coaching clients. And what I offered might surprise you.

    And if you’d like to get my free workshop on how to build and sell your own $1k offer, type “1koffers” below.

    For those of you who don’t know me… My name is Matt Walrath, I’m the co-owner of Beyond Macros a nutrition coaching business that served over 1000 high ticket nutrition clients, and now I teach nutrition coaches like you how to build a nutrition coaching business you are proud of through our VIP Coach mentorship Programs.

    OK, let’s peek inside exactly what I offered my $1000 per month nutrition coaching clients. And what I offered might surprise you.

    -Goldilocks: too hot = too much, too cold = too common, just right = bespoke

    -Too hot = 1st program (VIP Day, weekly group calls, monthly 1-1 sessions, training program, corrective exercise program, nutrition program)

    -Too cold = just like everyone else (macro program, email support, monthly/weekly 1-1 call, access resource library)

    -Just right = bespoke program, menu of options to fit each client with general experience outline.

    Week 0 = baseline

    First 3-months = goal-focused
    Next 2-months = “recovery phase”
    Final month = goal reset

    Unlimited Support → based on client preference (some daily whatsapp pics of food with feedback, some monthly calls w/ additional as needed)

    Week 0 on boarding call to collect data & orient to support + tracking

    Week 1 on boarding call to build macro-based eating plan & establish “no compromise” habit

    Kick off support

    Be proactive about identifying red flags & addressing

    Other tools to deploy as necessary:

    -Functional Nutrition testing & protocols

    -Grocery tours & instacart lists

    -Restaurant menu audits

    -Travel planning

    And if you’d like to get my free workshop on how to build and sell your own $1k offer, type “1koffers” below.

    • 13 min

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