1 hr 10 min

10: Parallele Algorithmen, Vorlesung, WS 2017/18, 08.01.2018 Parallele Algorithmen, Vorlesung, WS17/18

    • Courses

10 |
0:00:00 Starten
0:00:10 Minimum Spannung Trees
0:03:06 Selecting and Discarding MST Edges
0:09:01 Kruskal's Algorithm
0:12:41 Edge Contraction
0:16:29 Finding lightest incident edges
0:24:06 Structure of Resulting Components
0:28:51 Pseudotrees -> Rooted Trees
0:31:07 Rooted Trees -> Rooted Stars by Doubling
0:32:43 Contraction
0:42:36 Recursion
0:45:21 Analysis
0:52:10 Randomized Linear Time Algorithm
0:55:08 Parallel Filter Kruskal
1:05:43 Running Time: Random graph with 2^16 nodes
1:09:12 More on Parallel MST

10 |
0:00:00 Starten
0:00:10 Minimum Spannung Trees
0:03:06 Selecting and Discarding MST Edges
0:09:01 Kruskal's Algorithm
0:12:41 Edge Contraction
0:16:29 Finding lightest incident edges
0:24:06 Structure of Resulting Components
0:28:51 Pseudotrees -> Rooted Trees
0:31:07 Rooted Trees -> Rooted Stars by Doubling
0:32:43 Contraction
0:42:36 Recursion
0:45:21 Analysis
0:52:10 Randomized Linear Time Algorithm
0:55:08 Parallel Filter Kruskal
1:05:43 Running Time: Random graph with 2^16 nodes
1:09:12 More on Parallel MST

1 hr 10 min

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