30 episodes

Jesus heals today

Healing Peter W Laws

    • Religion & Spirituality

Jesus heals today

    John G Lake Healing Extracts 3 Video

    John G Lake Healing Extracts 3 Video

    I am reading from The Collected Works of John G. Lake . Jawbone Digital. Kindle Edition. I plan to put out further readings from this book meanwhile please check out my 10 session podcast series called
    Healing ⁠peter-w-laws⁠. This series is designed to enable you to have the faith to come to Jesus and to be totally healed spirit soul and body. If today you are a Christian this series is also designed for you to receive the fullness of faith to carry out the commission of the church. It will help you have a firm biblical foundation for faith in God for healing. Many platforms present the latest upload first but I suggest
    you start at the introduction and find the numbered sessions in order as they build on each other.
    1) I will not write a cheque for more than I know I have in my bank account. But God has entrusted me with His spiritual cheque book. I can write a cheque for healing. Not from my account but from His.
    2) Since you can do nothing how much help do you need? We are not doing stuff for God but allowing Him to do stuff through us – through what He has made us to be.
    3) Speak of things as if they are. On what evidence? Because God says it and it is so. Move up to a higher life.
    4) Some say I believe God will do it in His own time. No! Unless we expect to receive today it is unlikely to be any different tomorrow. Just like salvation we have to receive today rather than expecting tomorrow or next week.
    5) We are called to live in an alternative kingdom – a spiritual one.
    6) The medical profession is mans best efforts to bring healing to the world. It is mans invention. It is the best man can do to save himself from the works of the devil (sickness and disease). Like all of mans other efforts to bring satisfaction and salvation to the
    human race it circumvents Gods method. Gods method of healing is a person. Jesus is the way both of salvation and healing. He paid for both at calvary. Luke 6:19 And the whole multitude sought to touch
    Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all. This is Gods way of healing.
    7) God heals because it is His nature to do so. He is the Healer. He cannot help Himself – it is who He is.

    • 5 min
    John G Lake Healing Extracts 1 Video

    John G Lake Healing Extracts 1 Video

    I am reading from The Collected Works of John G. Lake . Jawbone Digital. Kindle Edition. I plan to put out further readings from this book meanwhile please check out my 10 session podcast series called
    Healing ⁠peter-w-laws⁠. This series is designed to enable you to have the faith to come to
    Jesus and to be totally healed spirit soul and body. If today you are a Christian this series is also designed for you to receive the fullness of faith to carry out the commission of the church. It will help you have a firm biblical foundation for faith in God for healing. Many platforms present the latest upload first but I suggest
    you start at the introduction and find the numbered sessions in order as they build on each other.
    Behold,I Give You Power Matthew 8:1-2 "When He was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him, and behold, there came a leper and worshipped Him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." That man knew that Jesus had the power to heal him, but he did not know it was God's will, and that Jesus had committed Himself to the healing of mankind. If he had known he would have said, "Lord, heal me." It is always God's will to heal. Our faith may fail. My faith failed to the extent that unless someone else had gone under my life and prayed for me, I would have died. But God was just as willing to heal me as He could be. It was my faith that broke down. God is willing, just as willing to heal as He is to save. HEALING IS A PART OF SALVATION. It is not separate from salvation. Healing was purchased by the blood of Jesus.
    This Book always connects salvation and healing. David said: "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases." (Psalm 103:2-3) There never has been a man in the world who was converted, and was sick at the same time, who might not have been healed if he had believed God for it.

    • 10 min
    John G Lake Healing extracts 2 Video

    John G Lake Healing extracts 2 Video

    I am reading from The Collected Works of John G. Lake . Jawbone Digital. Kindle Edition. I plan to put out further readings from this book meanwhile please check out my 10 session podcast series called Healing peter-w-laws.
    This series is designed to enable you to have the faith to come to Jesus and to be totally healed spirit soul and body. If today you are a Christian this series is also designed for you to receive the fullness of faith to carry out the commission of the church. It will help you have a firm biblical foundation for faith in God for healing. Many platforms present the latest upload first but I suggest
    you start at the introduction and find the numbered sessions in order as they build on each other.

    1) Man is the crowning creation of God. God has endowed man with a nature and qualities that by the grace of God can express more of God than any other of His creation. Hebrews 2.11 For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, One substance, one character, one life, one in the righteousness of His death and one in the consequent dominion that came because of His resurrection and glory. Qualified through the Holy Spirit to perform the same ministry.

    2) Sin is a perversion and sickness an imposter. The grace and power of God delivers man from all bondage and darkness.

    3) Jesus went to the grave not as a martyr but with a divine boldness. He went to the grave as a conqueror. He was after something! He went after the power of death (I
    have come for the keys!) and He got it and took it captive! He came out of the grave proclaiming His victory over death. No more bowing to the power of death created by sin. No more fear of hell. He had death and hell by the throat and the keys in His hands.
    He was conqueror. Jesus gathered His disciples together and says let Me breathe into you. Go forth in power. All power is given to Me both in heaven and earth –
    go. These signs shall follow, cast out devils, speak with new tongues, heal the sick. Go and slay the powers of darkness and undo the works of the devil and live in My triumph. Revelation 1:18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death. 1 John 4:17 …..as He is, so are we in this world.

    • 4 min
    John G Lake Healing Intro Video

    John G Lake Healing Intro Video

    I want to tell you about an inspirational man who was called by God to Spokane Washington in USA to open a healing centre which became known as the Healing Rooms. After 3 years 50,000 healings had taken place and after 5 years the numbers reached 100,000. These were all documented and authenticated healings As a result Spokane was named by a federal government representative as the “healthiest city in the world”.
    This man was John G Lake. Every day between 10am and 4pm at the Healing Rooms there would be ministry to sick people with prayer and laying on of hands. On Sundays there were 2 public ervices. In 1919 it was recorded that on average 200 people per day were attending the daily ministry and 1000s were attending on Sundays. Prior to this He went to South Africa as a missionary and his
    ministry is estimated to have a million converts to Christ and he established over 625 churches. See “The Collected Works of John G Lake” from Jawbone Digital available on Apple Books and Kindle for around 3 dollars and well worth reading. Best paper “John G Lake The Complete collection of His Life Teachings” compiled by Roberts Liardon ISBN-10 ‏  780883685686ISBN-13  978-0883685686 Meanwhile please check out my 10 session series called Healing. This series is designed to enable you to have the faith to come to Jesus and to be totally healed spirit soul and body. If today you are a Christian this series is designed also for you to receive the fullness of faith to carry out the commission of the church. It will help you have a firm biblical foundation for faith in God for healing. See my youtube channel - Peter W Laws Healing.
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKjoinCmrVNL-JVWSeEilXA or
    available as podcasts https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/peter-w-laws

    want to tell you about an inspirational man who was called by God to
    Spokane Washington in USA to open a healing centre which became known
    as the Healing Rooms. After 3 years 50,000 healings had taken place
    and after 5 years the numbers reached 100,000. These were all
    documented and authenticated healings As a result Spokane was
    named by a federal government representative as the “healthiest
    city in the world”.
    This man was John G Lake.

    day between 10am and 4pm at the Healing Rooms there would be ministry
    to sick people with prayer and laying on of hands. On Sundays there
    were 2 public services.

    1919 it was recorded that on average 200 people per day were
    attending the daily ministry and 1000s were attending on Sundays.

    to going to this He went to South Africa as a missionary and his
    ministry is estimated to have a million converts to Christ and he
    established over 625 churches.

    the coming months I plan to record several extracts from John G Lakes
    writings as an encouragement to faith in God for healing. These
    extracts will be taken from the “The Collected Works of John G
    Lake” from Jawbone Digital available on Apple Books and Kindle for
    around 3 dollars and well worth reading.

    you prefer a paper version the best is “John G Lake The Complete
    collection of His Life Teachings” compiled by Roberts Liardon

    ‏  780883685686

    paper version is excellent and has slightly more content but is more
    expensive the cheapest available when I prepared this in August 2021
    was £21 new or £15 used plus postage from the USA.

    please check out my 10 session series called Healing. This is
    to enable you to have the faith to come to Jesus and to be totally
    healed spirit soul and body. If today you are a Christian this series
    is designed also for you to receive the fullness of faith to carry
    out the commission of the church. It will help you have a firm
    biblical foundation for faith in God for healing. Channel - Peter W
    Laws Healing. (available as podcasts https://anchor.fm/peter-w-laws

    youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKjo

    • 4 min
    Healed today – Be Healed Now - (Healing session 9 video)

    Healed today – Be Healed Now - (Healing session 9 video)

    Both our sin & our sickness were borne by Jesus on the cross-Isaiah 53

    It is Gods will to heal & healing is provided for ALL

    Knowing Gods will about sickness provides the ground for faith

    Faith begins where the will of God is known

    Jesus removed all doubt by saying I am willing be cleansed

    Jesus in the flesh was the physical expression of Gods will

    When Christ healed all those who came to Him He was revealing & doing His Fathers will

    The bible clearly reveals the will of God for healing

    No special revelation is needed

    It is still the will of God to heal ALL

    If God will heal anyone He will heal me

    One of Gods names is Yahweh Ropheka I AM the Lord who heals you. Part of His nature is to heal

    Healing is part of the Gospel

    Faith takes hold of what the grace of God has already provided

    Faith blows the rams horn before the walls come down -Jericho

    Faith looks not at the things which are seen but at the things which are unseen

    Faith is what we have before we see feel & experience healing

    Faith is rational & safe, based on the best possible evidence Gods Word

    Move in & possess what the title deed says is ours

    God has made His move. Healing is provided

    Our move is to believe His word then we begin to see His word fulfilled in our mortal bodies.

    Truth when it is believed changes adverse facts. Gods word has spiritual power

    Dont pretend physical symptoms don’t exist but know they will be changed by the higher truth of Gods Word when it is believed

    Take hold of healing by faith & firmly shut the door on unbelief

    Speak to your mountain. Speak to sickness & command it to go in Jesus name rather than asking God to do it

    Cooperate with Holy Spirit in the renewing of the mind by combating negative influences & thoughts

    Doubt the doubts believe the truth. Come against doubts with the word of God

    Believe & trust Gods word. Know the creative power of His word then you will act on His word

    If God says I am the Lord that heals you & you dare to believe the power of these wonderful words you will act on them

    Now you realise where sickness comes from & it is not the will of your loving heavenly Father that you are sick approach Him in humility and faith

    Jesus said These signs shall follow those who believe in My name they shall cast out devils they shall lay hands on the sick & they shall recover Mark 16:17-18. Ask & you shall receive that your joy may be full John 16:24. Everyone that asks receives Matt 7:8

    You can call on the Lord now & be healed because Jesus Christ suffered for you willingly as your substitute. He took upon Himself all the physical consequences of your sinful nature so that He could come into your life as your physical healer & spiritual saviour. Is.53.4-6 He was the one who carried our sicknesses & endured the torment of our sufferings. We viewed Him as one who was being punished for something He Himself had done as one who was struck down by God & brought low. But it was because of our rebellious deeds that He was pierced & because of our sins that He was crushed. He endured the punishment that made us completely whole & in His wounding we found our healing. Like wayward sheep we have all wandered astray. Each of us has turned from Gods paths & chosen our own way even so Yahweh laid the guilt of our every sin upon Him

    Father I thank you that Jesus has borne my sickness & infirmity & I am free from them. By His stripes I am healed

    I come according to Your word knowing that You always make good Your word & fulfil Your promises. You say I am the Lord that heals you 

    In the name of Jesus Christ I command this sickness which is a spirit of infirmity to leave & every symptom destroyed 

    • 20 min
    Receiving Healing Practical - (Healing Session 8 Video)

    Receiving Healing Practical - (Healing Session 8 Video)

    Speak to your mountain. Speak to your sickness and command it to go in Jesus name rather than asking God to do it. Just as Jesus instructed His disciples in Mark 11:22-24. Have faith in God. For assuredly I say to you whoever says to this mountain Be removed and be cast into the sea & does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them & you will have them Speaking is an applied release of God’s creative word of promise. There are things to avoid & I will list some of them & ways to avoid them. However there are no formulas or 10 steps to getting healed. Healing is about relationship with the Healer & simply receiving from Him what He desires you to have. What we are talking about now is cooperating with the Holy Spirit in the process of renewing our minds so there is no hindrance to faith

    1 Dont try to believe. Act on the word. That is believing

    2 Dont say anything that contradicts Gods word. Make your testimony & confession agree with Gods word regardless of symptoms. Keep His word on your lips

    3 Dont just trust in other peoples faith. You are a believer. You have faith. Rom.12:3

    4 Dont talk doubt & unbelief. Quote scriptures steadfastly & they will be yours. Rev.12:11

    5 Dont talk sickness & pains. Talk about your healing. When you talk about sickness you magnify & glorify the devil who you admit by your words is able to make you sick. Make him listen to your praise to God & your conversation about the living Word & the promises of God & he will leave you. Matt. 4:11, James 4:7. Jesus defeated Satan by saying It is written & then by repeating His Fathers words.  We defeat him in the same way

    6 Unbelief in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ is not a small thing. Our attitude must be as He bore my diseases I am healed. Doubt the doubts. Come against them with the word of God

    7 Dont talk failure & inability. Paul in Phil.4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

    8 Get rid of any unforgiveness

    When after prayer for healing satan says you will not recover say as Jesus did It is written Mark 16:18 They will recover James 5.15 The Lord will raise him up. Never quote the negative things from the devil. Quote & believe the word of God. The devil is a liar. If you would not tolerate sin in your life then do not tolerate sickness. Believe & trust Gods word. Know its creative power then you can & will act on His word. If God says I am the Lord that heals you & you dare to believe the power of these words you will act on them. Bedridden will arise by faith & be whole; lame will leap like a deer;  dumb will begin to sing; deaf ears will open; pains will leave; darkness will vanish. You begin to do the things you could not before you took God at His word acted on it & were healed. The creative power of Gods word  creates what you need in your body to be well & strong. Weakness is changed into strength. Death is changed into life. Sickness is changed into health Impossibilities are turned into possibilities

    If you need healing you can believe Gods word now & receive strength & health in your body. You can experience personally the wonderful creative power of Gods word by simply believing it enough to act on it. What reason do you have for doubting? No more than a sinner  when he repents & asks for forgiveness. You have exactly the same grounds for expecting healing that you had for expecting to be saved. You have Gods word for it. When we see that our redemption from sickness was  accomplished in the body of the crucified Lord & we wholeheartedly believe & receive what God declares in His word we personally experience Christ the Healer 

    • 14 min

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