1,352 episodes

Guided meditations created for women or anyone who feels called to listen. 💗 Listen when you want to start your day with mindful intention, relieve stress or anxiety, fall asleep easier or simply tune into the wisdom of your inner voice. Each meditation is created with love to help you shine throughout all the seasons of your life. Hosted by Katie Krimitsos and part of the Women's Meditation Network. Get more meditation resources at https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com

Meditation for Women Womens Meditation Network

    • Health & Fitness

Guided meditations created for women or anyone who feels called to listen. 💗 Listen when you want to start your day with mindful intention, relieve stress or anxiety, fall asleep easier or simply tune into the wisdom of your inner voice. Each meditation is created with love to help you shine throughout all the seasons of your life. Hosted by Katie Krimitsos and part of the Women's Meditation Network. Get more meditation resources at https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com

    Practicing Boundaries

    Practicing Boundaries

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    Slow down,

    And breathe in deep.

    Filling your body with air. 


    Slow down,

    And exhale completely,

    Releasing out the tension. 


    Inhale once again,

    Expanding your entire body.

    And then exhale, 

    Letting it all go. 



    And let your mind clear. 


    Go easy on yourself, 

    When you’re practicing boundaries. 

    It often can be jarring,

    For ourselves,

    And others,

    To draw a line. 


    One day it will feel good,

    And the next it may need adjusting.

    That’s okay.

    Just listen to yourself,

    And know it’s all a work in progress. 


    Go easy on yourself,

    Go easy on others.

    And trust you’ll know when and where,

    To create boundaries and structure when you need them. 

    Just slow down,

    And come back home. 

    Namaste, Beautiful

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    • 9 min
    Settle Down for the Night

    Settle Down for the Night

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    The day has come to an end,

    And it’s time to settle in.

    Time to clear your mind,

    And surrender your body to pools of deep relaxation.

    So invite yourself to snuggle in,

    Gently moving into your most favorite position.

    Allow yourself a moment to stretch or move to relieve any kinks or tension in your body.


    And then take a full, deep breath in,

    Inhaling the night’s air deep into your lungs,

    And then exhale, 

    Melting deeper into this special spot.  


    Concentrate on your breathing,

    Inviting your mind to hold its attention 

    On the rhythmic movement of air in and out of your nose. 


    Breathe in,

    Breathe out.


    Slow your body down with every breath,

    Even if your mind speeds up.

    Just stay with your breath,

    And slow it all down.


    Now bring your attention to the top of your head,

    Imagining a soft lavender light hovering just above it.


    Feel the comforting warmth of this lavender light,

    And its calming energy relaxing your head completely.


    Feel it quiet everything inside.

    Feel it deeply relax your eyes,

    Soften your cheeks,

    Release your jaw,

    Soften your mouth,

    And relieve your neck. 


    Notice as the soft, lavender light travels down,

    Wrapping its soothing energy around your shoulders,

    Your right arm,

    Your left arm,

    Your hands. 


    Notice the soft hum of sleep it spreads here,

    And then feel your shoulders drop,

    Your right arm and your left arm melt,

    And your hands soften and relax,


    The soothing lavender light now settles onto your chest,

    Relaxes your belly,

    And slowly cascades down your back, 

    Following your spine from your neck,

    All the way down to your lower back.

    Relaxing and releasing,

    Relaxing and releasing.


    Invite the calming energy of the soft, lavender light to spread into your hips,

    Down into your thighs,

    And circling around your left leg,

    And now your right leg.


    Watch it spiral all the way down into your right foot,

    And then your left foot.

    And then covering your toes,

    One by one.


    Breathe deeply,

    And feel yourself wrapped lovingly in the soothing,

    Lavender light of the night.


    Let it heal you,

    Let it cleanse you,

    Let it relieve your body of all the tension it carries.

    Let it relieve your mind of all the thoughts inside. 


    Feel it wrap you in the warmth of love,

    And safely guide you through the night.

    Sweet Dreams, Beautiful.

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    • 29 min
    AD-FREE BONUS: Meditation: Mindfulness Meditation

    AD-FREE BONUS: Meditation: Mindfulness Meditation

    Hey, it’s Katie and I want to welcome you to this special bonus episode. It’ll be here for you completely ad-free for the next week so you can get a feel of what it’s like to be a PREMIUM member. If you’d like an easy ad-free experience for all of our podcasts - that’s over 200 episodes each month, then JOIN PREMIUM today at https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium

    Invite yourself to slow down, 

    And come inside. 



    And see if you can settle into the rhythm of your breathing. 


    Riding the waves of air as it flows in,

    And out of you. 


    And slowly.  


    And out. 

    Slowing you down,

    And calming you.

    Mindfulness means we are conscious of our thoughts, 

    Our emotions and the world around us,

    So we can be here in the present moment,

    And live our lives with intention. 


    So let us practice mindfulness,

    By staying with our breath,

    And simply noticing when thoughts arise. 

    Noticing when emotions bubble up.

    And allowing these noticings to pull us back into the present moment. 


    Find your breath.

    Feel the cool air on your nose as you breath in,

    And the warm air on your nose as you breathe out. 


    Feel the rise and fall of your stomach with each cycle. 


    Let each exhale relax your body a bit further,

    Imagining yourself melting into comfort. 



    And allow yourself to be here for a bit, 

    Mindful of the thoughts,

    Mindful of the feelings, 

    Mindful to bring yourself back into the now. 


    Now bring yourself back to center, 

    Anchoring in this moment now. 


    Notice how your body feels.

    Notice how your spirit feels. 


    Now bring your hand to your heart, 

    As you take a big, deep breath in,

    Feeling your chest expand under your touch.

    Then exhale, 

    Releasing all the air, 

    And all the leftover dust,

    As you settle deeper into yourself.

    Feeling cleansed,


    And here.

    Namaste, Beautiful

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    Check out all of our other podcasts at https://womensmeditationnetwork.com

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    • 14 min
    Abundance Affirmations for Manifesting

    Abundance Affirmations for Manifesting

    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium

    Close your eyes, 

    And calm your body. 


    Let your face relax.

    Let your shoulders drop.

    Let your chest open.

    Let your arms and legs feel heavy,

    And invite your whole body to melt with every breath out. 


    Now imagine all those thoughts in your head,

    Gathering together as you breath in,

    And releasing from you as you breathe out. 

    Breathe in and gather, 

    Breathe out and release. 


    Your mind is clear.

    Your body is soft and open. 


    I am surrounded by abundance in every aspect of my life.

    I attract wealth and prosperity effortlessly.

    Money flows to me easily and abundantly from multiple sources.


    I deserve to be prosperous and successful.

    I am open to receiving all the abundance the universe has to offer.

    My opportunities for success are limitless.


    I am grateful for the abundance that is already present in my life.

    I release all limiting beliefs about money and invite abundance to flow freely.

    I am worthy of abundance in all its forms.


    Every day, in every way, I am becoming more and more abundant.

    I trust that the universe provides me with everything I need.

    I am aligned with the energy of abundance, and it is manifesting in my life.


    I attract positive and prosperous opportunities effortlessly.

    I am a magnet for wealth and abundance.

    Abundance is my natural state of being.


    I am grateful for the abundance that continues to flow into my life.

    I am open to receiving wealth from expected and unexpected sources.

    I am a money magnet.


    I am worthy of receiving abundance in all areas of my life.

    I release all scarcity thinking and embrace the abundance that surrounds me.

    The universe wants me to be prosperous, and I accept its gifts with gratitude.


    I am financially free, and money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

    I am co-creating my reality, and I choose abundance in all aspects of my life.

    I radiate success, abundance, and prosperity in everything I do.


    I am a beacon of abundance, attracting prosperity effortlessly into my life.

    Wealth flows to me, enriching my life and all the lives around me. 

    I am a magnet for financial success, drawing wealth from all directions.


    I am aligned with the vibration of abundance, manifesting my desires easily.

    Every day, I am blessed with new opportunities to increase my wealth.

    I am open to receiving abundance from known and unknown channels.


    I release all fear and doubt about money, embracing a mindset of abundance.

    I am worthy of all the riches the universe has in store for me.

    Prosperity is my birthright, and I claim it with gratitude and joy.


    Abundance surrounds me, nurturing my soul and fulfilling my dreams.

    I am grateful for the abundance that flows into my life, enriching my journey.

    Money comes to me effortlessly, allowing me to live a life of abundance.


    I am financially free, liberated from any constraints or limitations.

    I trust in the universe's plan for me, knowing it leads to prosperity and abundance.

    I am a magnet for success, attracting wealth and opportunities effortlessly.


    Abundance flows to me like a river, sustaining and nourishing my life.

    I radiate positive energy, drawing abundance towards me in all its forms.

    I release all scarcity thinking and embrace the infinite abundance of the universe.


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    • 22 min
    Hello from Katie : The Energy of Worry vs the Energy of Trust

    Hello from Katie : The Energy of Worry vs the Energy of Trust

    How do you feel when you wake up in the morning lately? 
    I’ve noticed that I wake up under the weight of a never-ending task list. I spend my mornings in my head, organizing, prioritizing and putting life’s puzzle pieces together. 
    I get a lot of satisfaction out of this. (Anyone else’s brain work like tetris?)
    But, I’ve noticed that there’s an undercurrent of anxiety here. Kinda like, if I keep checking things off this task list, “it” won’t get me. I can keep “it” at bay. 
    What is “it?”
    I’m not too sure yet.  
    But what I do know is that there are a lot of moving parts in my life right now. (You too?). Many big things in transition. So, perhaps my tetris brain feels some sense of control as all these things are on the move.  
    Perhaps this in and of itself is fine, but what about the underlying worry? 
    It’s like I’m watching an artist painting a mural and I’m unsure of how the big, red stroke of color she just made fits in. I can’t see the larger picture.  
    So I worry.  
    I let anxiety pool up inside my mind and body and fret about each brushstroke. I seem to forget that I can just sit back and trust that the artist will create the most magical masterpiece.
    That I can surrender to the flow of the process. 
    And I forget that I am the artist.  
    And that I am creating this vision with the Universe.
    Can you think of an area of your life where you are in the energy of worry lately?
    What are you always trying to control? What are you always trying to organize? 
    Now breathe…
    How can you invite in more trust? 
    How can you loosen your grip on all the details? 
    Trust the process.
    Trust yourself. 
    Trust the flow. 
    Trust in the divine purpose of it all. 
    And how does that make you feel?
    Today I’m making a few declarations, commitments to myself, and you’re welcome to join in with me if it feels right for you.
    I choose to pause each morning and become aware of my energy. 
    I choose to remember who I am, so that I may move through my day aligned. 
    I choose to follow what feels good, and trust my intuition. 
    I choose to remember that I am the painter…the creator of my life. Each color, each brushstroke is up to me. 
    I choose to let go of the energy of worry and surrender to the energy of trust. 
    I would love to know what this brings up for you and how it applies to your life right now.  
    And, I would really appreciate you sharing your reviews on Apple Podcasts…let me know what meditations you loved, and perhaps some meditations you’d like more of.  
    I love you. 

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    • 11 min
    Tune Into Your Fears

    Tune Into Your Fears

    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium

    If we can look our fear in the eyes, 

    If we can open our hearts to it,

    We might be able to see beyond, 

    The scary cloak it wears,

    And understand it…

    And ourselves…



    We might be able to look it in the eyes,

    And hold our gaze.


    We might even take fear’s hand,

    And walk towards our dreams,

    Trembling, yet confident,

    That we will figure things out. 

    So breathe in,

    And allow yourself to open.





    Let your body relax,

    Sinking deeper with every breath out. 


    Be here in this moment, 

    Heart open to your fears.

    Notice them sitting beside you,

    And surrounding you.


    Be here with them,

    Breathing out your desire to run,

    Or numb,

    Or ignore. 


    Be here with your fears.

    LONG PAUSE (3 MINS)...

    Namaste, Beautiful

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    Check out all of our other podcasts at https://womensmeditationnetwork.com

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    • 11 min

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