46 min

Nikki Hall interviews Lucy Cuzzocrea Get Ready to Rise

    • Non-Profit

Nikki Hall  - Owner of The Peacelily Practice & Creative Writing Editor - Get Ready to Rise  


Nikki is a mother of four, a writer, a photographer, a reiki practitioner and most importantly the master of her trauma.  She is also the owner of The Peacelily Practice. She always felt she was a spiritual healer, but this is something she took time to navigate into. Stepping into her truth and empowering herself after a life of trauma has been by her own admission, tough. Nikki is dedicated to helping other women step into their power too. 

Lucy Cuzzocrea  - Founder of Wild Roots Foraging


Lucy runs Wild Roots Foraging - where she leads foraging walks both locally and online.  From this, Wild Roots Wild Women was born. A group created to inspire women to connect to their wild roots and their inner wild woman, in order to find healing, peace,  connection, and growth.  Lucy wanted to do something that helps women find their power and inner light and so once I found my own inner wild woman, I realised how important it was for other women to find this, too. And Wild Roots Wild Women was born.  She mainly teaches how to forage wild edible, how to process and cook with them, the herbal wisdom and magic that naturally comes with foraging and the history of our ancestors and how they used them. She also leads nature walks, meditation, forest bathing, and all-round nature therapy. That simply looks like women getting outside 

Nikki Hall  - Owner of The Peacelily Practice & Creative Writing Editor - Get Ready to Rise  


Nikki is a mother of four, a writer, a photographer, a reiki practitioner and most importantly the master of her trauma.  She is also the owner of The Peacelily Practice. She always felt she was a spiritual healer, but this is something she took time to navigate into. Stepping into her truth and empowering herself after a life of trauma has been by her own admission, tough. Nikki is dedicated to helping other women step into their power too. 

Lucy Cuzzocrea  - Founder of Wild Roots Foraging


Lucy runs Wild Roots Foraging - where she leads foraging walks both locally and online.  From this, Wild Roots Wild Women was born. A group created to inspire women to connect to their wild roots and their inner wild woman, in order to find healing, peace,  connection, and growth.  Lucy wanted to do something that helps women find their power and inner light and so once I found my own inner wild woman, I realised how important it was for other women to find this, too. And Wild Roots Wild Women was born.  She mainly teaches how to forage wild edible, how to process and cook with them, the herbal wisdom and magic that naturally comes with foraging and the history of our ancestors and how they used them. She also leads nature walks, meditation, forest bathing, and all-round nature therapy. That simply looks like women getting outside 

46 min