99 episodes

Feeling stuck in a midlife funk and ready for a change? This podcast is your go-to to get unstuck and thrive. This show simplifies fitness, nutrition, and a positive mindset into actionable steps for daily life. Helping you eat better, move more, and boost your energy. It's not just about overcoming challenges; it's about thriving with a positive mindset.

We're all about ditching limiting beliefs and habits that don't work anymore. From ramping up your confidence to steering through menopause and those tricky hormonal shifts, we get into it all. Plus, we always prioritize well-being—it's essential!

So, let's shake off the old and welcome the new. With simple, real-life tips, I'm here to help you say a big, bold 'YES, I CAN!' to a brighter, healthier midlife. Midlife's about to get a whole lot brighter!

I'm Heike Yates, and with three decades of experience, my passion has been to empower women in midlife, transforming not just bodies but lives. Let's do midlife and being over 50 together!

🎙️See a list of other "niche podcasts" that I produce

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⭐️ https://heikeyates.com/l/spark-blueprint/

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Pursue Your Spark - Midlife, Fitness, Nutrition, Mindset, Health, women over 50 Heike Yates

    • Health & Fitness

Feeling stuck in a midlife funk and ready for a change? This podcast is your go-to to get unstuck and thrive. This show simplifies fitness, nutrition, and a positive mindset into actionable steps for daily life. Helping you eat better, move more, and boost your energy. It's not just about overcoming challenges; it's about thriving with a positive mindset.

We're all about ditching limiting beliefs and habits that don't work anymore. From ramping up your confidence to steering through menopause and those tricky hormonal shifts, we get into it all. Plus, we always prioritize well-being—it's essential!

So, let's shake off the old and welcome the new. With simple, real-life tips, I'm here to help you say a big, bold 'YES, I CAN!' to a brighter, healthier midlife. Midlife's about to get a whole lot brighter!

I'm Heike Yates, and with three decades of experience, my passion has been to empower women in midlife, transforming not just bodies but lives. Let's do midlife and being over 50 together!

🎙️See a list of other "niche podcasts" that I produce

🤩 ⁠Visit My Website!⁠

🆓 Grab your free 3 Simple Ways To Recapture Your Health + Thrive over 50

🆓 Grab your free Intermittent Fasting Cheat Sheet

⭐️ ⁠Join the Fasted + Fit Over 50 Jumpstart
🙋‍♀️ ⁠https://heikeyates.com/courses/fasted-fit-over-50-jump-start/

🤩 ⁠Join the 8-week Pursue Your Spark Blueprint
⭐️ https://heikeyates.com/l/spark-blueprint/

💥 ⁠Follow me on Instagram⁠

❤️ ⁠Join the club!⁠

    5 Transformative Habits for Midlife Mastery #215

    5 Transformative Habits for Midlife Mastery #215

    Are you ready to turn midlife from a challenge into your greatest opportunity? Today on '5 Transformative Habits for Midlife Mastery,' we’re shedding old labels and forging new paths! Let’s explore how the simple choices we make every day can lead to profound transformations in the prime of our lives.
    Habits often boxed into 'good' or 'bad' categories are about alignment. How well do your daily routines mesh with your life goals and values? We explore this question deeply, shedding light on the power of conscious decision-making in crafting a fulfilling midlife.
    We dive into the 'habit loop,' inspired by James Clear’s insights in "Atomic Habits." Understanding the sequence of cue, craving, response, and reward offers a practical framework for reshaping our actions to support our aspirations. Imagine seeing your Pilates mat each morning. It's not just equipment; it's a cue that sets off a chain of rewarding actions that keep you strong and centered.
    In this episode, I share a powerful comment from one of our listeners that you won't want to miss. They remind us how crucial community is for staying motivated and supported through all of midlife's ups and downs. It's a heartfelt reminder of how interconnected we are and the incredible strength we can draw from one another. Tune in and feel the impact of our amazing community!
    We discuss into practical strategies for embedding transformative habits into daily life. From embracing adaptability to integrating new fitness routines that respect our evolving bodies, we cover ground essential for midlife mastery.
    And technology? It’s not just about staying connected. We discuss how smart tech use can enhance our health and well-being, keeping us on track with our midlife health goals.
    Now, I’d love to hear from you! If you have questions or want to share your thoughts on today's episode, please email me at heike@heikeyates.com with the subject line "mastery." I’m here to support you on your journey.
    If today’s episode resonated with you and you're looking for a clear next step, the no-obligation 20-minute Spark Breakthrough Call is it. It’s direct, to the point, and could be the nudge you need towards real change. 
    Slots are limited because we're focusing on quality, actionable advice. So don’t wait for “someday.” Make it today.  Book your call using this link.
    Links mentioned in the show:
    #70 Building Habits For Everyday Life/ ft. Molly Watts and Angela McDade James Clear, Atomic Habits #173 - 3 Easy Ways How You Can Make Pilates Over 50 A Habit #212 How To Keep The Weight Off For Good In Midlife/ft. Jill McCauslin & Chris Brown  #169 - The Astounding Power Of Feeling Connected For Women In Their Midlife Challenges/ ft Jen Marples Pursue Your Spark Blueprint Fasted and Fit Over 50 Jump Start Fearlessly Fit Club Over 50  

    • 50 min
    Radiant Skin Secrets After 40 Revealed/ft. Dr. Jen Haley #214

    Radiant Skin Secrets After 40 Revealed/ft. Dr. Jen Haley #214

    In 'Radiant Skin Secrets Revealed After 40,' we explore the captivating intersection of health and beauty with Dr. Jen Haley, renowned host of the Radiance Revealed podcast. From her prestigious education at Cornell University to her service as a Navy Officer, Dr. Haley offers a unique and insightful perspective on dermatology, nutrition, and holistic health.
    Dr. Haley's approach to patient care is deeply rooted in compassion. She emphasizes the significant relationship between our inner health and our skin's appearance. She shared insights on how midlife hormonal changes impact the skin, stressing the importance of personalized skincare to address sagging, wrinkles, and age marks.
    According to Dr. Haley, nutrition plays a pivotal role in skin health. She recommended specific foods and supplements to enhance skin vitality and mitigate aging signs. The conversation also highlighted the critical connection between gut health and skin conditions, with Dr. Haley advising on steps to improve both for better overall health.
    Sun protection emerged as a crucial theme, with Dr. Haley advocating for year-round vigilance and adapting skincare routines to the seasons. She also spoke on the necessity of hydration and discussed the effectiveness of treatments like micro-needling and facial massages in stimulating collagen production.
    Sleep and exercise were underscored as vital components of a skin-health regimen. Dr. Haley shared strategies for improving sleep quality and explained how regular physical activity benefits skin health and combats signs of aging.
    The episode wasn't just an exploration of dermatological practices but a holistic look at achieving radiance from within. Dr. Haley's journey from prestigious academic institutions to her podcast, Radiance Revealed, exemplifies her commitment to integrating wellness into every aspect of life, offering listeners a blueprint for nurturing their skin and overall health well beyond their 40s.
    How to reach Dr. Haley:
    Linkedin  Instagram  Website    Links mentioned in the show:
    Pursue Your Spark Blueprint Course  

    • 55 min
    Redefining Bone Health In Midlife #213

    Redefining Bone Health In Midlife #213

    Welcome to your action plan to combat osteoporosis, which you can manage with the right strategies. This episode shifts our focus from shock and worry to empowerment through proactive prevention. We discuss the importance of early screening, especially for those at increased risk due to factors like early menopause or a family history of osteoporosis.
    It's crucial to start these screenings as early as age 65 or even earlier for those at higher risk. Redefining Bone Health In Midlife transforms fear into action and takes charge of your bone health today.
    Osteoporosis, often called the silent killer, progresses without symptoms and can lead to fractures, loss of height, and severe pain. Factors contributing to the risk include low physical activity, poor diet, and confident lifestyle choices like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. However, we debunk common myths surrounding this condition, emphasizing that osteoporosis is not an inevitable part of aging and can be managed effectively with lifestyle adjustments.
    Today, we're taking charge of our bone health with five key strategies. First, engage in weight-bearing and resistance exercises to help build and maintain bone density and improve muscle strength. Incorporate balance and flexibility exercises to reduce the risk of falls. Nutrition also plays a critical role; focus on a diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium to support bone health.
    In this episode, we also explore the benefits of Pilates, which enhances muscle strength and balance and promotes better posture and flexibility. Pilates can be particularly beneficial in increasing bone mineral density in the spine.
    Your mindset is your greatest ally in redefining bone health in midlife. Start today by making one small change to improve your bone health—adding more calcium-rich foods to your diet, taking a brisk walk, or exploring a Pilates class.
    I invite you to share how this episode has inspired you. Email me at heike@heikeyates.com with “BONE” in the subject line to share your story or ask questions.
     Ready to take a more significant step? Click the link right here to book your 20-minute Spark Breakthrough and set up your call today. Don't delay; your journey to better health and fitness starts now. 
    Links mentioned in the show:
    #137 Bone Health Over 50: Osteoporosis vs. Osteoarthritis  #5 Pilates To Crush Osteoporosis (from our limited Pilates podcast series) Free 20-minute Spark Breakthrough Call Pursue Your Spark Bueprint Course  

    • 34 min
    How To Keep The Weight Off For Good In Midlife/ft. Jill McCauslin & Chris Brown #212

    How To Keep The Weight Off For Good In Midlife/ft. Jill McCauslin & Chris Brown #212

    We will explore a topic that many find challenging and crucial: maintaining weight loss in midlife and beyond. I enjoyed chatting with Jill McCauslin and Chris Brown, the inspirational founders of Becoming Elli, a community where women over 50 come together to celebrate and support each other in becoming fit, strong, and vibrant.
    Jill and Chris shared their transformations, revealing how hitting their fifties was not an end but a beautiful beginning to discovering the joys of running, lifting weights, and leading a healthier lifestyle. They emphasized that the fitness journey is ongoing, much like the story of Elli, the Norse Goddess of Aging, who embodies strength and resilience.
    One of the golden nuggets from our conversation was the importance of finding a balance between exercise and nutrition that you can enjoy and sustain long-term. Unlike the initial stages of weight loss, which might focus more on calorie deficits and intensive workouts, maintaining weight loss is about creating a lifestyle you love, including various activities and focusing on whole, nutritious foods.
    A striking insight was the role of support systems in this journey. Whether it's a community like Becoming Elli or a close accountability partner, having someone to share your ups and downs with can make all the difference in staying on track and feeling motivated.
    Through our chats, Jill and Chris highlighted that one of the biggest lessons is accepting that weight maintenance is a dynamic process. It's normal for your body to fluctuate, and being kind to yourself, adjusting your habits as needed, and staying connected with a supportive community is critical to navigating these changes.
    To anyone feeling overwhelmed by the idea of keeping the weight off, remember, you're not alone. This journey is about progress, not perfection. Embrace the small victories, lean on your community, and remember, every day is a new opportunity to pursue your spark and thrive.
    Connect with Chris and Jill
    Website Facebook Instagram 🌟 Feeling stuck in your midlife wellness journey? Let’s change that together! I’m inviting you to a no-obligation 20-minute Spark Breakthrough Call. It’s your chance to uncover what’s holding you back and take the first step toward a transformative health, fitness, and nutrition journey.

    • 53 min
    Midlife Mindset Shifts To Strength and Flexibility #211

    Midlife Mindset Shifts To Strength and Flexibility #211

    Today, we're diving into how changing your mindset can literally change your life, especially during midlife. It's not just about getting stronger or more flexible; it's about how your thoughts shape your journey. Our bodies and minds are evolving in midlife, and it's prime time to align our mental wellness with our physical health. 
    We're talking practical strategies for those ready to shift a powerful mindset. 'Midlife Mindset Shifts to Strength and Flexibility' is your go-to for insights that transform not just how you move but how you think and feel every step of the way.
    First up, we tackle the significant mental roadblocks: the fear of failure, feeling overwhelmed by too many fitness options, and getting stuck in who we used to be. We explore how adopting a growth mindset transforms challenges into opportunities for growth. For instance, facing a new exercise is about celebrating each small step forward.
    Then, we discuss the importance of setting intentions alongside goals. This approach brings a deeper, personal connection to our fitness journey, fueling our motivation from within. Whether we aim to hike easily or play with grandchildren pain-free, intentions guide us toward our goals with more passion.
    Self-compassion is another critical point. We emphasize the power of being kind to ourselves on tough days, using positive self-talk, and setting realistic expectations to build resilience and maintain a balanced approach to health and fitness.
    Lastly, we share some practical tips: start with achievable goals, tune into your body's needs, make exercise a natural part of your daily routine, celebrate every win, and use journaling as a tool for reflection and gratitude.
    By fostering a positive mindset and acknowledging the small victories along the way, we pave the path toward a stronger, more flexible, and fulfilled self in midlife. 
    2 Ways To Take Action
    🌟Pursue Your Spark Blueprint: Dive into our 8-week online group course, specially crafted for women in midlife. It's more than just a program—it's a life-changer. Learn to eat better, move more, and unlock boundless energy. With my guidance, you'll step into a life of strength and confidence. Join me to transform your health and step into your most confident self. Ready for a change? Apply here.
    🔥 It's your time to shine! Secure your 20-minute Spark Breakthrough Call now, and let’s pinpoint the one action step that will pivot your health journey. Don’t wait—sign up here right now. This is your moment to take a bold step towards the wellness you deserve!

    • 35 min
    Break Midlife Barriers As A Gateway To Self-Love/ft. Deb Blum #210

    Break Midlife Barriers As A Gateway To Self-Love/ft. Deb Blum #210

    We're getting up close with Deb Blum, the inspiring soul behind The Whole Soul Way. She's not just the brains of this operation; she's a certified life, parent, and health coach with a Business Administration/IT background from the University of Connecticut. Deb recently started a new chapter, moving to Arizona with her husband of 20 years. Join us in this week's episode, "Break Midlife Barriers As A Gateway To Self-Love."
    Deb's mission? To help women in midlife shed societal expectations and reveal their true essence. She believes in the power of being fully expressed and seen for our inherent magnificence. And let me tell you, her belief that understanding our emotional well-being is critical to our health is a game changer.
    After facing a midlife awakening and a near-divorce, Deb pivoted to women's empowerment coaching. She launched The Whole Soul Way, a self-paced online program transforming midlife women's lives. It guides them from living by others' rules to embracing their authentic selves. Deb's step-by-step process is about breaking free from fear and conditioning, leading to happiness, fulfilling relationships, and inner peace.
    Deb's journey began with a pivotal question: 'Who is this person living this life?' This led her to champion living authentically, where inner work becomes essential for well-being.
    She knows the struggle of managing others' expectations while striving for self-authenticity. Deb's approach? Love and acknowledge yourself. Don't rely on others to feel good. It's about self-recognition and embracing your true self.
    Deb also discusses the concept of 'reparenting our inner child,' which is crucial for changing our lifestyle habits. She warns against the pitfalls of self-care that avoid more profound issues. Striking the right balance between physical and emotional care is crucial.
    Deb offers steps to break free and live authentically for those feeling stuck. It's all about reclaiming your wholeness and stopping the act of being someone you're not. Deb's insights are a roadmap to embracing your true self in midlife.
    How to connect with Deb:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/debblum/  FB: https://www.facebook.com/DebBlumOfficial/  WEBSITE: https://www.thewholesoulway.com/ 🌟 Feeling stuck in your midlife wellness journey? Let's change that together! I'm inviting you to a no-obligation 20-minute Spark Breakthrough Call. It's your chance to uncover what's holding you back and take the first step toward a transformative health, fitness, and nutrition journey.

    • 45 min

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