15 episodes

Podcast by Joshua McLerran & Brandon Isbell

Radio For The Blind Joshua McLerran & Brandon Isbell

    • Education

Podcast by Joshua McLerran & Brandon Isbell

    Chapter 13: Change Your Language, Change the World

    Chapter 13: Change Your Language, Change the World

    ****************Produced by Brandon Isbell****************
    ******Written & co-produced by Joshua David McLerran******
    ************Recorded at AMR.FM, Salt Lake City************

    –––––––––– Find out more at http://www.radiofortheblind.com –––––––––

    My Dear Sir...
    While passing through your native land, I have discovered an exceptional painting entitled The Aristocracy Within. I have been informed by its curator that you are responsible for its creation. I absolutely must become the owner of this work of genius, wherefore have I written to you now.

    However... after inquiring as to the current costs of paint & canvas & the like, I have discovered the price that you are asking to be exceptionally high & therefore quite unreasonable.

    Enclosed, please find a cheque that should cover the amount of your expenses in creating the thing & I will expect the delivery of this masterpiece to my summer home in St. Denis Basilica by no later than this Sunday next.

    I applaud your work, good sir, you are an Artist to the very penetralia of your being & your connaturally occurring talent is confounding in its inimitability.

    My only advice to you (if I may be thus pardoned from such audacity) is to leave the tenets of sales & business to those who are better equipped in mental & experiential capacities for such things, as your apparent expertise does not extend into pecuniary matters, only those pertaining to the Arts.

    I look forward to receiving this exciting piece & have already chosen the location of its hanging.

    I am forever in your trust & am most sincerely yours... Marie Antoinette

    CHAPTER 13:

    So... what can We do? We must remember that others are suffering. We must remember this at absolutely all times until there is no more suffering in the world. This should not weigh us down or cause us to feel helpless, but it should lift us up and inspire us to make something better of the world around us.

    We must remember that there are Human Beings on the Earth at this very moment who consider toilet paper to be a luxury of the wealthy. We must remember that there are Humans who are feeling as though there is nothing they can do to change their situations – much as we feel perhaps at times - and we must remember that when an individual influences the course of his or her own future, the future is influenced determinably for us all.

    We must remember that a conversation with another – informing him or her of the unknown suffering in the world, asking to hear his or her own thoughts on the matter - ideas on how to change things, make things better for us all - these things have an effect upon the individual and, quite ultimately, the world.

    When we think about something, it becomes a part of our language as well. When we speak of things, we find our actions are influenced by this dialog (to say "I'm going to do this!" forces us to choose either a path of honesty or a path of unreliability, and we most often wish to be known for the former, so we will try to Live up to what it is that we have said that we would do).

    Ultimately, it is our actions that will change the world, altering the course of Humanity in such a way as to point us in one direction or another, as it is our individual actions that will determine for us each: our characters and our overall destinies in Life.

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    • 9 min
    Chapter 12: In a Letter to Bangladesh

    Chapter 12: In a Letter to Bangladesh

    ****************Produced by Brandon Isbell****************
    ******Written & co-produced by Joshua David McLerran******
    ************Recorded at AMR.FM, Salt Lake City************

    –––––––––– Find out more at http://www.radiofortheblind.com –––––––––

    Before Enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water.
    After Enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water.
    - Anonymous

    অধ্যায় 12
    বাংলাদেশ একটি চিঠিতে ...
    GOOGLE এর সাথে অনুবাদ &
    বাংলা কোন জ্ঞান

    1. বন্ধুরা,
    2. আমরা অনেক বিয়োগান্তক শুনেছেন
    3. আমাদের অন্তরে মিশ বীট
    4. আমরা আলাদা, কিন্তু আমরা একতাবদ্ধ,
    5. তুমি একা নও
    6. তোমার অবিচার প্রতিকৃত করা হবে
    7. আমরা কিন্ত আপনার সাহায্য চাই
    8. আমরা তথ্য প্রয়োজন
    9. আমরা অবিদিত
    10.আমাদের শেখাও
    11.আমরা তোমাকে ভালবসি
    12.বহু কোম্পানি আপনাকে অপব্যবহারের হয়.
    13.আমরা কি তারা জানেন যে কি করছেন প্রয়োজন
    14.তারা কিভাবে আচরণ করে না?
    15.আপনার নিয়োগকর্তা ভয?়
    16.তারা আপনাকে সম্মানের সঙ্গে আচরণ করেন?
    17.এটা সংগঠিত করার সময়
    18.আপনি বড় কিছু সব একটি অংশ
    19.আমরা সব একসাথে
    20.আমরা অপেক্ষারত
    21.আপনি একটি ভয়েস আছে
    22.আমরা সাহসী হতে হবে
    23.প্রত্যেক কোম্পানির এত শক্তিশালী মনে করা হয়
    24.তাদের ক্ষমতা একটি বিভ্রম
    25.তাদের ক্ষমতা জনগণের কাছ থেকে আসে
    26.তাদের শক্তি আমাদের সব থেকে আসে
    27.আমরা শান্তি উৎপত্তি হয়
    28.পরিবর্তন আমাদের থেকেই শুরু
    29.আমরা শান্তিপূর্ণভাবে সংগঠিত করা শুরু হয়
    30.আমরা গ্লোবাল দক্ষিণ সব অঙ্গ প্রত্যঙ্গ
    31.আমরা একসাথে স্ট্যান্ড
    32.একসাথে আমরা শক্তিশালী হয়
    33.আমরা আপনার কণ্ঠ শুনতে
    34.যখন তোমরা কথা বল, আমরা এক কণ্ঠস্বর হয়
    35.আমরা সবসময় শান্তির জন্য কথা বলতে হবে
    36.কোন সমস্যা নেই সহিংসতায় মীমাংসিত হয়
    37.সহিংসতা আরো সমস্যার এনেছে
    38.শান্তি সবসময় আমাদের মধ্যে হতে হবে
    39.তারা লাঠি নিয়ে আমাদের বীট হবে
    40.কিন্তু আমরা পেটানো হবে না

    • 3 min
    Chapter 11: The Altruistic Used Ferrari

    Chapter 11: The Altruistic Used Ferrari

    ****************Produced by Brandon Isbell****************
    ******Written & co-produced by Joshua David McLerran******
    ************Recorded at AMR.FM, Salt Lake City************

    –––––––––– Find out more at http://www.radiofortheblind.com –––––––––

    It is a good rule to always tip a minimum of 20%... even if the service is bad.
    Sometimes people just have to work, regardless of the many heartaches, headaches, & other tragedies of Life.
    As patron’s of another’s service, we may never know this, but will only see a Human Being who is inattentive or simply ignorant of our NEEDS...

    CHAPTER 11:

    Auctioned by Sotheby’s: "Untitled (DSS 155"
    Red fluorescent Plexiglas & stainless steel
    33 x 68 x 48 in (84 x 172.7 x 122 cm)
    Lot 25 SOLD $4,674,500 US
    Masterpiece of minimalism from a distinguished American collection
    Donald Judd 1928-1994


    $4,674,500 US
    This is the price someone paid for a box that cannot be eaten.

    $7 US
    This is the weekly salary of an average sugarcane worker in the Philippines.

    12,842 YEARS
    This is how long the above person would have to work in order to afford the $4.5 million box (if working every day & spending nothing).

    55 YEARS
    This is the average lifespan of a sugarcane worker in the Philippines.

    12 YEARS OLD
    This is the average age of a sugarcane worker in the Philippines when he is permanently pulled from school by his parents so that he may help support his family by working in the fields (no matter how brilliant or fragile he may be). Until we change this, he will die there, just as his father & all his grandfathers before.

    43 YEARS
    This is the average number of years a sugarcane worker in the Philippines is able to work the fields before his body just gives out.

    This is the number of lifetimes a sugarcane worker in the Philippines would have to live & work to afford this box (if working every day & spending nothing).

    This quantity represents those in the world who are out of touch with Humanity’s current state to the point at which they may honestly believe this box was a bargain.


    Before purchasing something, determine what the average expenditure might be for a similar item.

    Subtract the above average from the total cost of the thing you want.

    If the difference is less than or equal to zero, buy the thing & never think twice about it.

    If the difference is greater than zero, plan on matching that difference through pecuniary philanthropy.

    Add these philanthropic expenditures to the total cost of the item. This is how much the item will cost you. If this is too expensive for you, then you cannot afford it, so look for something cheaper.


    $225,325 US
    This is the cost of a used 2011 Ferrari 458 Italia.

    $22,700 US
    This is the average purchase price of a car in the US (according to the Federal Trade Commission).

    $202,625 US
    This is the difference between the average US car purchase price & the cost of a used 2011 Ferrari 458 Italia

    $202,625 US
    This is the amount in philanthropic donations needed to satisfy the imbalance of such a self-indulgence while Human Beings in the world are still suffering & even starving to death.

    $427,950 US
    This is the total updated cost of a used 2011 Ferrari 458 Italia, including all additional philanthropic appropriations. If you cannot afford this amount, then you need to find a cheaper car.

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    • 5 min
    Chapter 10: Equitable Pay

    Chapter 10: Equitable Pay

    ****************Produced by Brandon Isbell****************
    ******Written & co-produced by Joshua David McLerran******
    ************Recorded at AMR.FM, Salt Lake City************

    –––––––––– Find out more at http://www.radiofortheblind.com –––––––––

    $omehow along the way... we have forgotten that the original purpo$e of currency i$ to easily demon$trate to other$ that We have contributed to
    $ociety in $ome fa$hion other than that which i$ required to realize that which We wi$h to obtain & are therefore de$erving of that which We did not make, grow, rai$e, or otherwi$e do our$elve$...

    CHAPTER 10:

    In speaking with a Caucasian construction contractor in Virginia who seems to understand quite well what the common person goes through on the daily, a story was related of an elderly black gentleman (affectionately monochord Ol’G) who had been working for the company since the contractor's father ran the show.

    The contractor (John) spoke of a time when he had given cost-of-living raises to everyone on board: He gave the carpenters an additional $0.50 an hour and the laborers an additional $0.25. To John, this made sense, as the carpenters were all earning more per hour and would therefore have a higher financial requirement to subsist their daily living.

    To Ol’G (who has now found his time in flesh has passed – may his soul find Rest and Solace, Peace and Love in whatever state it may be right now), this did not make sense and he approached his level-headed boss about it. Ol’G explained,

    "Last year... that loaf’a bread cost twent'eh-fahv cent less'n this year... Now... you give that cahrpenter fi'ty cent, then you go’give Ol’G twent'eh fahv. Tha'don't make no sense. Cahrpenter walk away: quarter in his pocket, that loaf’a bread in his hand. Ol’G just get that loaf’a bread, ain't got no money in his hand. Nah... you give me mah fi'ty cent or you give that carpenter his twent'eh-fahv... 'Cause that loaf’a bread ain't know th’diff’ence."

    Being a good man with a solid head on his shoulders, John had to agree that Ol’G’s logic was sound, according to a laborer's point of view, which he could not deny. You see, as a business owner, it is important to remember – as he did after that discussion – that, when one is doing business, one is doing it with Human Beings, not with pieces of paper or with numbers or with assets.

    In business, as in Life, We must respect the relationships that we have with one another. Call them Basic Human Rights, if you will, but perhaps it is more helpful to view this more as Basic Human Decency, as that is truly what it is.

    One who is impoverished does not see that when shampoo is bottled in a larger quantity, it costs the company less to bottle it, so passing on those savings will encourage the purchase of more product all at once, thus ensuring one more customer for a longer period of time and, consequently, perpetuating the resiliency of the business.

    No, to an impoverished person, the view is simply this:

    "I have X dollars to purchase food & pay my bills, but I need to buy shampoo right now, which costs Y dollars. I do not have a savings, for I am living just from hand-to-mouth, which means, at the end of the week, the equation X minus anything (or even just X by itself) will always equal zero. Therefore, the larger the number that is represented here by Y (the cost of my shampoo), the less food I will eat or the more behind I will become on one bill..."

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    • 5 min
    Chapter 9: The Cause of the Weak

    Chapter 9: The Cause of the Weak

    ****************Produced by Brandon Isbell****************
    ******Written & co-produced by Joshua David McLerran******
    ************Recorded at AMR.FM, Salt Lake City************

    –––––––––– Find out more at http://www.radiofortheblind.com –––––––––

    In the PHILIPPINES...

    The average sugarcane worker is paid the equivalent of about seven United States dollars for each week of work.

    A typical workday is 12-14hours long in the hot tropical sun, with temperature ranges from 88 ̊F to 102 ̊F in 85-100% humidity.

    A sugarcane worker will usually only afford himself 1 meal a day that consists of a plate of rice but if he’s fortunate... salt or vegetable oil or dried minnows

    We should consider this while munching between meals in our offices where we survive in swivel chairs & air conditioning & such.. Let us redefine again our needs & Live more simply, so that others of our species may just simply Live.

    CHAPTER 9:

    There are voices that will not be heard unless We give them voice, sweet Lifetimes that will forever be unfound & lost, if We were not to speak of them & write their causes upon the foreheads of the ones who will not listen.

    Consider the cause of the weak written upon the foreheads of the ones who will not listen. The forehead is an interesting place to write a reminder, as those who find they have been marked in such a way will remain unaware of the inscription on their brows, despite the conspicuous nature of their heading. These cretinous gadabouts will remain as such until they chance upon their own reflections and witness for themselves that which has to others been apparent.

    We must ask ourselves how we may be similar to this and seek to read what messages we may find in our reflections as we wonder in this apologue, for they will be more prominent than the cockles of our countenances.

    Those who see such messages will fixate there upon them, struggle to remove them, and – if they cannot – they may try to hide them from the World, for they will know that they are seen as hypocrites if such messages are conveyed.

    We must (each one of us) truly recognize the reason for obeisance toward every individual around. How often we forget this thing. How often we neglect someone because his clothes are torn or her life seems difficult. I have too much to worry about to choose to deal with you as well, we often think and then move on, feeling justified in a few dollars dropped from the comparative oceans of our wealth.

    We should be free with our possessions, for they are not truly ours. Everything that We have beyond our breath and skin is often here because someone had a thought that changed into an idea, that moved into creation, using parts and pieces, ideas, and the like that were created through this self-same process.

    We are mistaken when we hire labor to manufacture all our bright ideas and then tell them that their Time is not worth ours, that we are more important to the operation than they are. Eventually and inevitably, they will stop caring (when at first, they cared so much), for they will have no emotional investment in the process that it takes to see our hopeful dreams come true.

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    • 10 min
    Chapter 8: Raised Poor

    Chapter 8: Raised Poor

    ****************Produced by Brandon Isbell****************
    ******Written & co-produced by Joshua David McLerran******
    ************Recorded at AMR.FM, Salt Lake City************

    –––––––––– Find out more at http://www.radiofortheblind.com –––––––––

    The ground is built of suppositions
    & we all, more shaky than the ones before us,
    Stumble in our tumbling ways toward something
    We can only hope to thus attain.

    We stand, we sit, We think, We Dream.
    All of it & none of it
    The same as once We were before.
    Nearly so:
    (by a torrent of malignancy gone wrong),

    We shudder in our should’ring ways
    (an effort fit for Dreams),
    A close encounter with the Innocence
    We once knew all too well..

    I guess this must be the chase scene here:
    The sirenes, the clapping hands, the sound of quiet
    Freedom as it runs its way through yonder bush
    & its lengthy fingers through our hair...
    All of these befit a tragic loss
    Of some Intelligence gone wrong.

    What efforts there?
    What Solace in the mud?
    Has all the world now gone to pot & fled?
    Am I solely left within its grip,
    A wanderer made of quietude?
    Or am I slipping, even now toward something
    Less incredible than Real?

    CHAPTER 8:

    I have never really liked the idea of sharing with others how much money I have or how I am spending it. By American standards, I was raised poor – or more aptly put, financially deficient (as there are many in this world who are truly poor by way of such deprivations). I have long- since learned that, regardless of my family’s financial deficits while growing up, I was always quite far from ever being truly poor.

    I began working as soon as I was able: babysitting, landscaping, whatever someone would pay me to do. New items, such as clothes or toys or anything of that nature (yes, I grouped clothes and toys together) came on Christmas Eve (only one present each), Christmas Day, birthdays, and just before school began each year (my grandmother would purchase for us each a new outfit consisting of blue jeans and a cool new shirt, shoes, socks, and a belt sometimes, if we were lucky or in need).

    My mother would stockpile all her rummage sale knick-knacks that she found for us throughout the year. She would hide them in the nooks and crannies of our home and often we would search for them or simply stumble upon them while at play. Of course, we would have to feign surprise when they were unwrapped later, through our mother seemed to always know the difference between a ruse and a legitimate reaction. We never had much by way of possession growing up, but we always had Happiness at the core of our relationships, so we were fine.

    I saw this Happiness again within the Philippines, despite the wretched claws of poverty. There, one may find a nation of inequality, quite ravaged by disparity. I could go on for a lifetime speaking of the People in that country, and – although I will abstain for now – I will have it known that the suffering in what is commonly referred to as the Third World (though more aptly put, the Global South) – whether we want to acknowledge it or not – is ever-present and should not ever be ignored.

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    • 10 min

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