
國際時事跟讀 Ep.K795: 臺灣青年抗議爭議法案,政治動盪中展開示威 Taiwan's Youth Rally Against Controversial Bill Amidst Political Turmoil 通勤學英語 15Mins Today

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國際時事跟讀 Ep.K795: Taiwan's Youth Rally Against Controversial Bill Amidst Political Turmoil

Highlights 主題摘要:
Taiwanese youth are actively protesting against a controversial bill backed by opposition parties, which they believe threatens Taiwan's democratic principles and national security.The proposed legislation aims to expand the parliament's investigative powers and scrutinize the executive branch, leading to concerns about potential abuse of power by legislators.The protests highlight the complex political landscape in Taiwan, with the ruling DPP championing Taiwan's sovereignty amid increasing pressure from Beijing.
Taiwan is grappling with political unrest as thousands of predominantly young protesters gather outside the legislature to oppose a controversial bill backed by opposition parties. The proposed legislation, which aims to expand the parliament's investigative powers and tighten scrutiny over the executive branch, has drawn widespread criticism for its potential to undermine Taiwan's democratic principles and compromise national security. The protests coincide with the inauguration of President Lai Ching-te, who secured a historic third consecutive term for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), further highlighting the deep political divisions within the island nation.


Critics of the bill argue that its vague wording and lack of adequate checks and balances could pave the way for power abuses by legislators. They express concern that government officials could be compelled to disclose sensitive information, such as diplomatic and defense secrets, or face criminal penalties under the proposed "contempt of parliament" offense. The DPP accuses the opposition of rushing the bill through without sufficient deliberation or transparency, while the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People's Party (TPP) maintain that the reforms are essential to enhance government accountability and combat corruption.

該法案的批評者認為,其措辭含糊不清、缺乏適當的制衡機制,可能為立法者濫用權力鋪平道路。他們擔心,政府官員可能被迫披露敏感信息,例如外交和國防機密,或者在擬議的 "藐視國會" 罪名下面臨刑事處罰。民進黨指責在野黨在沒有充分審議或透明度的情況下倉促通過該法案,而國民黨和臺灣民眾黨則堅稱,改革對於加強政府問責制和打擊腐敗至關重要。

The protests, which have drawn comparisons to the 2014 Sunflower Movement, underscore the challenges faced by Lai's administration in the abse

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以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)

國際時事跟讀 Ep.K795: Taiwan's Youth Rally Against Controversial Bill Amidst Political Turmoil

Highlights 主題摘要:
Taiwanese youth are actively protesting against a controversial bill backed by opposition parties, which they believe threatens Taiwan's democratic principles and national security.The proposed legislation aims to expand the parliament's investigative powers and scrutinize the executive branch, leading to concerns about potential abuse of power by legislators.The protests highlight the complex political landscape in Taiwan, with the ruling DPP championing Taiwan's sovereignty amid increasing pressure from Beijing.
Taiwan is grappling with political unrest as thousands of predominantly young protesters gather outside the legislature to oppose a controversial bill backed by opposition parties. The proposed legislation, which aims to expand the parliament's investigative powers and tighten scrutiny over the executive branch, has drawn widespread criticism for its potential to undermine Taiwan's democratic principles and compromise national security. The protests coincide with the inauguration of President Lai Ching-te, who secured a historic third consecutive term for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), further highlighting the deep political divisions within the island nation.


Critics of the bill argue that its vague wording and lack of adequate checks and balances could pave the way for power abuses by legislators. They express concern that government officials could be compelled to disclose sensitive information, such as diplomatic and defense secrets, or face criminal penalties under the proposed "contempt of parliament" offense. The DPP accuses the opposition of rushing the bill through without sufficient deliberation or transparency, while the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People's Party (TPP) maintain that the reforms are essential to enhance government accountability and combat corruption.

該法案的批評者認為,其措辭含糊不清、缺乏適當的制衡機制,可能為立法者濫用權力鋪平道路。他們擔心,政府官員可能被迫披露敏感信息,例如外交和國防機密,或者在擬議的 "藐視國會" 罪名下面臨刑事處罰。民進黨指責在野黨在沒有充分審議或透明度的情況下倉促通過該法案,而國民黨和臺灣民眾黨則堅稱,改革對於加強政府問責制和打擊腐敗至關重要。

The protests, which have drawn comparisons to the 2014 Sunflower Movement, underscore the challenges faced by Lai's administration in the abse
