外国文学。Foreign Literature: Exploring the Beauty of Global Narratives

外国文学。Foreign Literature: Exploring the Beauty of Global Narratives

外国文学の作品から、好きな文章を朗読します。 更新は不定期です。/ Excerpts from translations of foreign literature into Japanese.Updates are irregular. Welcome to "外国文学。Foreign Literature: Exploring the Beauty of Global Narratives," a captivating podcast managed solely by me. Join me on this literary journey as we transcend borders and delve into the enchanting realm of global literature. In this podcast, I carefully select and read works that have profoundly moved my heart, offering you a unique and heartfelt experience. As the sole creator and manager of this podcast, I curate a collection of bilingual audiobooks whenever available, bringing you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the original language alongside their Japanese translations. While not always bilingual, when these audiobooks are present, they enrich the experience, allowing you to appreciate the nuances and beauty of the original work. Each episode is meticulously crafted to captivate your imagination. I share carefully chosen excerpts and audiobooks that showcase the profound nuances and emotions embedded within these global narratives. As I manage this podcast alone, I devote my time and attention to curating a collection that resonates deeply with me, with the hope of evoking the same emotions and appreciation within you. While updates to the podcast will occur irregularly, rest assured that each episode is infused with passion and care. I prioritize the quality of the content, ensuring that every selection reflects my dedication to sharing the beauty and power of global literature. Join me as we celebrate the universal themes and shared human experiences found in foreign literature. Subscribe today and let "外国文学。Foreign Literature: Exploring the Beauty of Global Narratives" be your guide into the captivating world of bilingual audiobooks whenever available. Together, we will embark on a literary journey that knows no borders, appreciating the transformative power of literature and the connections it forges across cultures and languages.


  1. 2022/12/31 · ボーナス • 南風舎 PODCASTのみ

    “ Among the Rocks ” by Robert Browning / 岩陰に ロバート・ブラウニング

    明けましておめでとうございます。 お正月は、「春/spring」ではありますが、この「秋/ autumn」の詩は、何か新しい年の始まりの日にふさわしい気がしました。 2023年が皆様にとって良い年となりますように! Among the Rocks by Robert Browning I. OH, good gigantic smile o’ the brown old earth, This autumn morning! How he sets his bones To bask i’ the sun, and thrusts out knees and feet For the ripple to run over in its mirth; Listening the while, where on the heap of stones The white breast of the sea-lark twitters sweet. II. That is the doctrine, simple, ancient, true; Such is life’s trial, as old earth smiles and knows. If you loved only what were worth your love, Love were clear gain, and wholly well for you Make the low nature better by your throes! Give earth yourself, go up for gain above. 岩陰に 一 嗚呼、物古りし鳶色の「地」の微笑の大きやかに、 親しくもあるか、今朝の秋、偃曝に其骨を 延し横へ、膝節も、足も、つきいでて、漣の 悦び勇み、小躍に越ゆるがまゝに浸たりつゝ、 さて欹つる耳もとの、さゞれの床の海雲雀、 和毛の胸の白妙に囀ずる声のあはれなる。 二 この教こそ神ながら旧るき真の道と知れ。 翁びし「地」の知りて笑む世の試ぞかやうなる。 愛を捧げて価値あるものゝみをこそ愛しなば、 愛は完たき益にして、必らずや、身の利とならむ。 思の痛み、苦みに卑しきこゝろ清めたる なれ自らを地に捧げ、酬は高き天に求めよ。 上田敏『海潮音』より https://youtu.be/CP0qt9zii7c

  2. 2022/03/26 • 南風舎 PODCASTのみ

    [Bilingual] To the Cuckoo by William Wordsworth/郭公 ウィリアム・ワーズワース

    Join my small literature club https://www.patreon.com/kasumikobayashi William Wordsworth “To the Cuckoo” O blithe New-comer! I have heard, I hear thee and rejoice. O Cuckoo! shall I call thee Bird, Or but a wandering Voice? While I am lying on the grass Thy twofold shout I hear; From hill to hill it seems to pass, At once far off, and near. Though babbling only to the Vale Of sunshine and of flowers, Thou bringest unto me a tale Of visionary hours. Thrice welcome, darling of the Spring! Even yet thou art to me No bird, but an invisible thing, A voice, a mystery; The same whom in my school-boy days I listened to; that Cry Which made me look a thousand ways In bush, and tree, and sky. To seek thee did I often rove Through woods and on the green; And thou wert still a hope, a love; Still longed for, never seen. And I can listen to thee yet; Can lie upon the plain And listen, till I do beget That golden time again. O blessèd Bird! the earth we pace Again appears to be An unsubstantial, faery place; That is fit home for Thee! ウィリアム・ワーズワース 郭公へ 幸福な新参者よ。嗚呼、わたしは聞いた、 いまもまた汝の声を聞き、歓喜する。 カッコーよ!わたしは汝を鳥と呼ぶべきか それとも彷徨える声と呼ぶべきか? わたしが草の上に横たわっている間 汝の二重の叫びをわたしは聞く 丘から丘へ、それは通り過ぎていくようだ 同時に 遠くへも近くへも 。 囀りは陽光と花々の 谷にしか聞こえないけれど 、 汝はわたしに物語をもたらす 幻のような時間を 。 Translation is my own



  • 毎月、第二日曜日にエピソードを公開しています。/ Episodes are released on the second Sunday of each month. Introducing "和歌、俳句、詩。Waka, Haiku & Poem: Step into a captivating realm of Japanese poetry with "和歌、俳句、詩。Waka, Haiku & Poem." As the immersive audiobook podcast, I invite you to indulge in the sheer delight of the soundscape, transcending language barriers and Japanese proficiency levels. Here, the joy of the auditory experience takes center stage, allowing you to immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of Japanese verse, regardless of your language skills. With its title, "和歌、俳句、詩。Waka, Haiku & Poem," my podcast encompasses the rich tapestry of poetic expressions found in Japanese culture. Embracing the concept of an audiobook, I present a unique opportunity to appreciate the melodic cadence and emotive power of the spoken word. You can bask in the enchanting sounds of Japanese poetry, irrespective of your level of understanding of the language. This podcast is a sanctuary for all poetry enthusiasts, regardless of your Japanese language level. Even if you are a beginner or have yet to explore the intricacies of the language, you can revel in the beauty of the sounds themselves. Allow the melodic cadence and rhythmic flow of the verses to captivate your senses and awaken a newfound appreciation for the artistry of Japanese poetry. Join our diverse community of listeners who find solace and inspiration in the auditory experience of "和歌、俳句、詩。Waka, Haiku & Poem." Subscribe today and embark on an enchanting journey through the world of Japanese verse, where the beauty of the sounds transcends language proficiency, and the pure enjoyment of the auditory experience takes precedence. Let the magic of this audiobook podcast transport you to a realm of poetic delight, where the language of the heart resonates with the melodic vibrations of Japanese verse.

  • 日本文学を逍遥致しませんか。 毎月、第一日曜日(小説、エッセイ等)、第三日曜日(古典)を配信しています。 私の声は決して美声とは言えませんが、子供の頃に母が就寝前に本を読み、作り出してくれた穏やかな夜の雰囲気を思い出しながら、心地よい朗読であるよう努めています。このポッドキャストの制作者であり朗読者として、日本文学の旅のお手伝いができることを心より願っています。 / Scheduled episodes: Every month, the first Sunday (novels, essays, etc.), the third Sunday (classics). Now, grab your Matcha, find a comfortable spot, and sit back. You're invited to immerse yourself in the rich world of Japanese literature with our latest podcast episode. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to the genre, there's something here for everyone. Tune in, relax, and let the storytelling transport you to another time and place. As the sole creator and narrator of this podcast, I sincerely hope to contribute to an understanding of the essence of both classical and contemporary Japanese literature.

  • Welcome to “Noh Stories from Japan’s Legendary Stage,” a program dedicated to introducing the enchanting world of Noh theatre. Hosted by Noh enthusiast Kaseumin (カスミ), this program bridges the beauty of Japanese tradition with a global audience through engaging English introductions and immersive Japanese audiobooks. In our introduction episodes, presented in English, you’ll gain insights into the historical and cultural significance of each Noh play. These episodes explore the themes, characters, and artistry that define Noh theatre, offering clear explanations designed to make this timeless art form accessible to everyone. Whether you are new to Noh or a seasoned enthusiast, these introductions provide the perfect entry point to Japan’s legendary stage. In our audiobook episodes, enjoy Japanese readings of Yōkyoku Monogatari by Mankichi Wada, a writer deeply knowledgeable about Noh. Yōkyoku Monogatari presents the stories of Noh plays in a concise and accessible form, with each story spanning approximately 10 pages. Immerse yourself in the refined and elegant Japanese prose, and experience the lyrical beauty and emotional depth of this timeless art form. This program also occasionally delves into essays by renowned Japanese authors about Noh, offering additional perspectives on this art form’s significance. Join us as we celebrate the elegance of Noh theatre, sharing stories that continue to resonate across generations. Perfect for lovers of literature, theatre, and Japanese culture, this program offers a unique blend of accessibility, artistry, and cultural depth. カスミがご案内する「Noh Stories from Japan’s Legendary Stage」へようこそ! お能の素人愛好家であるカスミが、英語で能の演目をご紹介し、日本語で能にまつわる物語を朗読します。 エピソードでは、主に以下の内容をお届けします: 英語でのあらすじ紹介: 能の歴史や文化的背景、物語のテーマや登場人物、そして能楽の魅力を分かりやすくお伝えします。 日本語での朗読: 能に造詣の深かった和田万吉の『謡曲物語』を朗読します。『謡曲物語』では能の演目が、それぞれ10ページ程度の分かりやすい物語として描かれています。格調高く美しい日本語の文章をお楽しみください。 能に関する文豪のエッセイ: 日本の文学者が綴った能に関するエッセイなども取り上げる予定です。 能楽の魅力を多角的にお伝えするこのプログラムを、どうぞお楽しみください。宜しくお願い致します。

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外国文学の作品から、好きな文章を朗読します。 更新は不定期です。/ Excerpts from translations of foreign literature into Japanese.Updates are irregular. Welcome to "外国文学。Foreign Literature: Exploring the Beauty of Global Narratives," a captivating podcast managed solely by me. Join me on this literary journey as we transcend borders and delve into the enchanting realm of global literature. In this podcast, I carefully select and read works that have profoundly moved my heart, offering you a unique and heartfelt experience. As the sole creator and manager of this podcast, I curate a collection of bilingual audiobooks whenever available, bringing you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the original language alongside their Japanese translations. While not always bilingual, when these audiobooks are present, they enrich the experience, allowing you to appreciate the nuances and beauty of the original work. Each episode is meticulously crafted to captivate your imagination. I share carefully chosen excerpts and audiobooks that showcase the profound nuances and emotions embedded within these global narratives. As I manage this podcast alone, I devote my time and attention to curating a collection that resonates deeply with me, with the hope of evoking the same emotions and appreciation within you. While updates to the podcast will occur irregularly, rest assured that each episode is infused with passion and care. I prioritize the quality of the content, ensuring that every selection reflects my dedication to sharing the beauty and power of global literature. Join me as we celebrate the universal themes and shared human experiences found in foreign literature. Subscribe today and let "外国文学。Foreign Literature: Exploring the Beauty of Global Narratives" be your guide into the captivating world of bilingual audiobooks whenever available. Together, we will embark on a literary journey that knows no borders, appreciating the transformative power of literature and the connections it forges across cultures and languages.

南風舎 Literature Clubの他の作品








