
海外旅行で使える英会話23 英語で乗り換え案内〜地下鉄を使った行き方を聞いてみよ‪う‬ 海外旅行で使える英会話 めざまし英会話

    • 言語学習

めざまし英会話23回目はCase23 Asking about metro stations(地下鉄を使った行き方を聞いてみよう)です。
前回の道案内が好評でしたので、今回は地下鉄の駅までの行き方と、乗り換えなどをどのように尋ねているかを聴いてみましょう☆特に「Is it within walking distance?」はとっても大事ですね。歩く距離じゃない場合は、タクシーではなく地下鉄を利用してみるのも1つですね。ちょっと長めのセリフもありますが、何度も聴いて言えるようになってしまいましょう〜^^



Case23 Asking about metro stations

【You】Excuse me.

We are looking for North Coast Plaza and it seems like we are going in the wrong direction.

Is it within walking distance?

【Man】No, it’s actually quite far from here. You should take a metro.

That would be the easiest way to bring you there.

【Y】Thank you. How can I get to the nearest metro station from here?

【M】It’s just 3 blocks from here.

You should keep going straight on this street, and you will see the post office on the right-hand side.

You can find the metro station called “Sunset Station” next to the post office.

【Y】OK, then at which station are we getting off?

【M】“Capital City Hall Station” is the one where you need to get off.

It is only 5 stops from Sunset Station.

【Y】Do we need to transfer between trains?

【M】No, you don’t need to transfer. Just go straight through.

【Y】Wonderful. I appreciate your help.

【M】You are welcome. Enjoy your day.


めざまし英会話23回目はCase23 Asking about metro stations(地下鉄を使った行き方を聞いてみよう)です。
前回の道案内が好評でしたので、今回は地下鉄の駅までの行き方と、乗り換えなどをどのように尋ねているかを聴いてみましょう☆特に「Is it within walking distance?」はとっても大事ですね。歩く距離じゃない場合は、タクシーではなく地下鉄を利用してみるのも1つですね。ちょっと長めのセリフもありますが、何度も聴いて言えるようになってしまいましょう〜^^



Case23 Asking about metro stations

【You】Excuse me.

We are looking for North Coast Plaza and it seems like we are going in the wrong direction.

Is it within walking distance?

【Man】No, it’s actually quite far from here. You should take a metro.

That would be the easiest way to bring you there.

【Y】Thank you. How can I get to the nearest metro station from here?

【M】It’s just 3 blocks from here.

You should keep going straight on this street, and you will see the post office on the right-hand side.

You can find the metro station called “Sunset Station” next to the post office.

【Y】OK, then at which station are we getting off?

【M】“Capital City Hall Station” is the one where you need to get off.

It is only 5 stops from Sunset Station.

【Y】Do we need to transfer between trains?

【M】No, you don’t need to transfer. Just go straight through.

【Y】Wonderful. I appreciate your help.

【M】You are welcome. Enjoy your day.

