
瞎扯学中文 is a podcast to help intermediary Mandarin learner to immerse in natural and authentic Chinese conversions. In the podcast we discuss topics from daily lives to politics, from China and around the world. We also explain words and expressions.

瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese Joanne

    • 教育
    • 4.7 • 3件の評価

瞎扯学中文 is a podcast to help intermediary Mandarin learner to immerse in natural and authentic Chinese conversions. In the podcast we discuss topics from daily lives to politics, from China and around the world. We also explain words and expressions.

    Episode 61 | 爱与成长:聊聊亲子关系 Growing Up and Parent-child Relationship

    Episode 61 | 爱与成长:聊聊亲子关系 Growing Up and Parent-child Relationship

    Free transcript with Pinyin + Translation:  https://www.yaya.press/doc/DZoO0kFByCaaqnxvTGtz
    Try Yaya for your Chinese Learning (it's built by my husband David) !Yaya is a language learning webapp where you learn by reading - it is still the beta version so expect bugs! ;) Reading compelling content is one of the most effective ways to learn another language. And it's fun! Give a creative topic or prompt, and it uses AI to generate a dialog, story, article, or other fun types of content with sentence-by-sentence translations at any reading level. You can also upload your own texts (so you can study with whatever reading you want!). Yaya will get you tackling that novel you've been wanting to read much sooner in your learning journey. Try it!
    打断|dǎduàn|interrupt; break off; cut off
    亲子关系|qīnzǐguānxì|parent-child relationship
    同龄|tónglíng|same age; of the same age
    转折点|zhuǎnzhédiǎn|turning point; critical point; watershed
    感悟|gǎnwù|perception; insight; understanding
    长大成人|chángdàchéngrén|grow up; come of age; reach adulthood
    迅速|xùnsù|rapid; speedy; fast
    老去|lǎo qù|grow old; aging
    掌控|zhǎngkòng|control; dominate
    欲望|yùwàng|desire; longing; craving
    价值观|jiàzhíguān|values; value system; moral values
    人生观|rénshēngguān|outlook on life; life view; philosophy of life
    认知|rènzhī|cognition; awareness; perception
    挣扎|zhēngzhá|struggle; wrestle; flounder
    碰撞|pèngzhuàng|collision; clash; conflict
    领悟|lǐngwù|comprehend; understand; grasp
    关键的节点|guānjiàn de jiédiǎn|critical point; key point
    精确|jīngquè|accurate; precise
    老年大学|lǎoniándàxué|university for the elderly; senior university
    玩手机|wán shǒujī|play with a mobile phone; use a mobile phone
    深刻地理解到|shēnkè de lǐjiě dào|deeply understand; profoundly realize
    成年人|chéngniánrén|adult; grown-up
    一套理论|yītào lǐlùn|a set of theories; a theory
    伤人|shāngrén|hurt someone; injure someone
    矛盾|máodùn|conflict; contradiction; disagreement
    冷暴力|lěngbàolì|cold violence; silent treatment; emotional neglect
    搞那么大|gǎo nàme dà|make a big deal out of it; blow things out of proportion
    上一辈人|shàng yībèi rén|previous generation; older generation
    情绪价值|qíngxù jiàzhí|emotional value
    边界感|biānjiè gǎn|sense of boundaries; sense of limits
    混为一谈|hùnwéiyītán|to confuse two different things; to lump together
    孝顺|xiàoshùn|filial piety; to be obedient to one's parents
    投射|tóushè|project; cast; throw
    帖子|tiězi|post; message; thread
    自我意识|zìwǒyìshí|self-awareness; self-consciousness
    亲密关系|qīnmìguānxì|intimate relationship
    从属关系|cóngshǔguānxì|subordinate relationship; dependency relationship
    养育之恩|yǎngyùzhīēn|the grace of raising; the kindness of upbringing
    养儿防老|yǎng'érfánglǎo|raise children to provide for old age
    公务员|gōngwùyuán|civil servant; public official
    探索自我|tànsuǒ zìwǒ|self-exploration; self-discovery
    虚无缥缈|xūwúpiǎomiǎo|ethereal; illusory; vague

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

    • 27分
    Episode 60 | 三十岁的都开始养生了 Wholesome lifestyles for millennials

    Episode 60 | 三十岁的都开始养生了 Wholesome lifestyles for millennials

    Free transcript with Pinyin + Translation:   https://www.yaya.press/doc/QQaFqX6GklQAEiBN8XPu
    Try Yaya for your Chinese Learning (it's built by my husband David) !Yaya is a language learning webapp where you learn by reading - it is still the beta version so expect bugs! ;) Reading compelling content is one of the most effective ways to learn another language. And it's fun! Give a creative topic or prompt, and it uses AI to generate a dialog, story, article, or other fun types of content with sentence-by-sentence translations at any reading level. You can also upload your own texts (so you can study with whatever reading you want!). Yaya will get you tackling that novel you've been wanting to read much sooner in your learning journey. Try it!

    娱乐--yúlè--entertainment; recreation; amusement
    项目--xiàngmù--project; program; item
    搞笑--gǎoxiào--funny; humorous; amusing
    帖子--tiězi--post; message; note
    精准--jīngzhǔn--accurate; precise; exact
    精神--jīngshén--spirit; mind; vitality
    追求--zhuīqiú--pursuit; aspiration; to pursue
    流行--liúxíng--popular; fashionable; prevalent
    90年代--90 niándài--the 1990s
    半马--bàn mǎ--half marathon
    酸爽--suān shuǎng--refreshing; exhilarating; pleasantly stimulating
    寂寞--jìmò--lonely; lonesome; solitude
    气氛--qìfēn--atmosphere; ambiance
    初衷--chūzhōng--original intention; initial purpose
    挑战一下自己--tiǎozhàn yīxià zìjǐ--challenge oneself
    维持--wéichí--maintain; keep; preserve
    酸痛--suāntòng--sore; aching
    心肺功能--xīnfèi gōngnéng--cardiopulmonary function
    平路--píng lù--flat road
    下坡--xiàpō--downhill; descent; slope
    来得及--láidejí--to be in time for; to make it in time; to have enough time
    氛围--fēnwéi--atmosphere; ambiance; environment
    拉练--lāliàn--training; drill; physical training
    迈开腿--màikāi tuǐ--to stretch out one's legs; to take a step
    下楼梯--xiàlóutī--go downstairs
    潮流--cháoliú--trend; fashion; current
    抬轿子--táijiàozi--to carry the sedan chair
    全程--quánchéng--the whole process; the entire way; throughout
    养生--yǎngshēng--health preservation; wellness; health cultivation
    修行--xiūxíng--spiritual practice; self-cultivation
    伤膝盖--shāng xīgài--injure the knee
    禅修--chán xiū--meditation; Zen practice
    徒步--túbù--hiking; walking; trekking
    上瘾--shàngyǐn--addictive; to become addicted
    碎片化信息--suìpiàn huà xìnxī--fragmented information
    灵魂--línghún--soul; spirit
    鸡汤--jītāng--chicken soup; motivational or comforting words
    赚钱养家--zhuànqián yǎngjiā--earn money to support the family
    觉醒--juéxǐng--awakening; enlightenment; realization
    大数据--dà shùjù--big data
    晒--shài--to sun; to bask; to dry in the sun
    熬夜--áoyè--to stay up late; to burn the midnight oil
    枸杞--gǒuqǐ--goji berries; wolfberry
    开水--kāishuǐ--boiled water

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

    • 19分
    Episode 59 | 对二十岁的自己最想说的话 Things I would tell my 20 year old self

    Episode 59 | 对二十岁的自己最想说的话 Things I would tell my 20 year old self

    Free transcript with Pinyin + Translation:   https://www.yaya.press/doc/seADexWXZ3YyEwPBJ1Ei
    Try Yaya for your Chinese Learning (it's built by my husband David) !Yaya is a language learning webapp where you learn by reading - it is still the beta version so expect bugs! ;) Reading compelling content is one of the most effective ways to learn another language. And it's fun! Give a creative topic or prompt, and it uses AI to generate a dialog, story, article, or other fun types of content with sentence-by-sentence translations at any reading level. You can also upload your own texts (so you can study with whatever reading you want!). Yaya will get you tackling that novel you've been wanting to read much sooner in your learning journey. Try it!
    If Yaya doesn't work for you, try here: transcript and vocabulary


    入职 rù zhí | to take up a position; to start a new job
    稀客 xī ke | rare guest
    老套 lǎotào | cliché
    全局最优解 quánjú zuìyōu jiě | global optimum solution
    职业道路 zhíyè dàolù | career path; professional journey
    曲折 qūzhé | tortuous; winding; full of twists and turns
    随意 suíyì | casual; arbitrary; random
    积累 jīlěi | accumulate; build up; gather
    幸存者偏差 xìngcúnzhě piānchā | survivorship bias
    反过来说 fǎnguòláishuō | on the other hand
    很妙 hěnmiào | wonderful; marvelous; fantastic
    归因于 guīyīnyú | attribute to
    三番 sānfān | san fransisco
    随机 suíjī | random
    恐慌 kǒnghuāng | panic
    规划 guīhuà | plan; planning; arrangement
    人生伴侣 rénshēng bànlǚ | life partner
    水晶球 shuǐjīngqiú | crystal ball
    女巫 nǚwū | witch
    路径 lùjìng | path; route; way
    梗 gěng | meme; internet joke; online slang
    高考 gāokǎo | college entrance examination; Gaokao
    攀岩 pānyán | rock climbing
    值得被爱 zhíde bèi ài | worthy of being loved
    穿梭 chuān suo | shuttle; shuttle back and forth
    信念 xìnniàn | belief; faith; conviction
    盲目 máng mu | blind; blindly; without vision
    稀奇 xī qi | rare; unusual; surprising
    运势 yùnshì | luck; fortune; destiny
    纠缠 jiūchán | entangle; entanglement; to entangle
    算命师 suànmìngshī | fortune teller
    算命 suànmìng | fortune-telling
    八字 bāzì | birthdate; destiny; horoscope

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

    • 25分
    Episode 58 | 你最讨厌什么样的老板?What type of boss is the worst?

    Episode 58 | 你最讨厌什么样的老板?What type of boss is the worst?

    Free transcript with Pinyin + Translation:  https://www.yaya.press/web_reader/904c35bb-77de-4665-b40d-b6a676bc1169
    Try Yaya for your Chinese Learning (it's built by my husband David) !Yaya is a language learning webapp where you learn by reading - it is still the beta version so expect bugs! ;) Reading compelling content is one of the most effective ways to learn another language. And it's fun! Give a creative topic or prompt, and it uses AI to generate a dialog, story, article, or other fun types of content with sentence-by-sentence translations at any reading level. You can also upload your own texts (so you can study with whatever reading you want!). Yaya will get you tackling that novel you've been wanting to read much sooner in your learning journey. Try it!
    If Yaya doesn't work for you, try here: transcript and vocabulary

    同事 tóng​shì | colleague  
    职场 zhí​chǎng | workplace  
    大同小异 dà​tóng​xiǎo​yì | similar with slight differences  
    协调 xié​tiáo | coordination  
    生态 shēng​tài | ecology  
    国际组织 guó​jì zǔ​zhī | international organization  
    利益相关方 lì​yì xiāng​guān fāng | stakeholders  
    打交道 dǎ​jiāo​dào | interact or deal with  
    咨询 zī​xún | consulting  
    政府 zhèng​fǔ | government  
    领导 lǐng​dǎo | leadership  
    教授 jiào​shòu | professor  
    草根 cǎo​gēn | grassroots  
    擅长 shàn​cháng | skilled at, proficient in  
    学术界 xué​shù​jiè | academic circle  
    根据不同的角色 gēn​jù bù​tóng de jué​sè | based on different roles  
    不同文化 bù​tóng wén​huà | cultural differences  
    不同背景 bù​tóng bèi​jǐng | cultural diversity  
    不同视角 bù​tóng shì​jiǎo | different perspectives  
    欣赏 xīn​shǎng | appreciate, admire  
    尊重 zūn​zhòng | respect  
    绩效指标 jì​xiào zhǐ​biāo | performance indicators  
    好奇心 hào​qí​xīn | curiosity  
    倾听 qīng​tīng | listen attentively and sincerely  
    试图 shì​tú | attempt or try  
    销售 xiāo​shòu | sales  
    发扬 fā​yáng | promote and develop  
    大局观 dà​jú guān | big picture perspective  
    优势 yōu​shì | advantage  
    管得很细 guǎn de hěn xì | micromanage  
    微观管理 wēi​guān guǎn​lǐ | micromanagement  
    直截了当 zhí​jié​liǎo​dàng | straightforward, direct  
    表面上一套,背后一套 biǎo​miàn shàng yī​tào, bèi​hòu yī​tào | double standards  
    破事 pò shì | trivial matters  
    阴阳怪气 yīn​yáng​guài​qì | hypocritical or two-faced  
    很不舒服 hěn bù shū​fu | very uncomfortable  
    表扬 biǎo​yáng | praise  
    相亲相爱 undefined | undefined  
    拉踩 lā cǎi | praise and criticize  
    贬低 biǎn​dī | belittle or demean  
    狼性文化 láng xìng wén​huà | wolf culture  
    有害 yǒu​hài | harmful  
    抢了我的饭碗 qiǎng le wǒ de fàn​wǎn | took my job  
    季度 jì​dù | quarter  
    说白了 shuō​bái​le | in plain terms  
    末位淘汰 mò wèi táo​tài | last place elimination  
    考评 kǎo​píng | performance evaluation  
    惨 cǎn | miserable, unfortunate  
    触发 chù​fā | trigger  
    事无巨细 shì​wú​jù​xì | meticulous attention to detail  
    强加 qiáng​jiā | impose one's ideas  
    八字不合 bā​zì bù​hé | incompatible personalities  
    掌控 zhǎng​kòng | control  
    气场 qì​cháng | aura or presence  
    冲突 chōng​tū | conflict  
    顺畅 shùn​chàng | smooth, fluent  
    朋友圈 Péng​you​quān | social media circle  
    承认 chéng​rèn | acknowle

    • 19分
    Episode 57 | 生活中的小幸运 Little lucky things in our lives

    Episode 57 | 生活中的小幸运 Little lucky things in our lives

    Free transcript with Pinyin + Translation:  https://www.yaya.press/web_reader/3a3fd93d-c56b-4a39-9642-2a0d7b88445a

    Try Yaya for your Chinese Learning (it's built by my husband David) !Yaya is a language learning webapp where you learn by reading - it is still the beta version so expect bugs! ;) Reading compelling content is one of the most effective ways to learn another language. And it's fun! Give a creative topic or prompt, and it uses AI to generate a dialog, story, article, or other fun types of content with sentence-by-sentence translations at any reading level. You can also upload your own texts (so you can study with whatever reading you want!). Yaya will get you tackling that novel you've been wanting to read much sooner in your learning journey. Try it!
    If Yaya doesn't work for you, try here: transcript and vocabulary

    Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/cko0g8j5m1toy0984t6s7mqtk/comments

    春节 Chūn​jié | Spring Festival
    大吉大利 dà​jí​dà​lì | great luck and prosperity
    拜一个年 bài yí gè nián | celebrate the new year
    万事如意 wàn​shì​rú​yì | good luck and prosperity
    龙腾虎跃 lóng​téng​hǔ​yuè | vigorous and lively
    合家欢乐 hé​jiā​huān lè | family happiness
    容光焕发 róng​guāng​huàn​fā | radiant and glowing
    谐音 xié​yīn | homophone
    生龙活虎 shēng​lóng​huó​hǔ | full of energy and vitality
    成语 chéng​yǔ | idiomatic expression
    触动 chù​dòng | touch emotionally
    录取通知书 lù​qǔ tōng​zhī shū | acceptance letter
    升职 shēng​zhí | promotion
    幸运 xìng​yùn | lucky
    喜事 xǐ​shì | happy event
    瞬间 shùn​jiān | moment
    幸福 xìng​fú | happiness
    小确幸 xiǎo què xìng | small moments of happiness
    搭配 dā​pèi | match or coordinate
    圣诞集市 Shèng​dàn jí​shì | Christmas market
    售卖 shòu​mài | sell
    五颜六色 wǔ​yán​liù​sè | colorful
    手工编织品 shǒu​gōng biān​zhī​pǐn | handmade woven products
    退休 tuì​xiū | retire
    毛衣 máo​yī | sweater
    袖套 xiù​tào | sleeve cover
    袜套 wà​tào | sock covers
    订单 dìng​dān | order
    织 zhī | knit or weave
    暖心 nuǎn xīn | warm-hearted
    挪威 Nuó​wēi | Norway
    丹麦 Dān​mài | Denmark
    倾注 qīng​zhù | pour one's heart and soul
    鸡皮疙瘩 jī​pí​gē​da | goosebumps
    不图回报 bù tú huí​bào | selfless, no expectations
    善意 shàn​yì | goodwill
    陌生人 mò​shēng​rén | stranger
    美好 měi​hǎo | beautiful and wonderful
    回馈 huí​kuì | reciprocate or give back
    友善 yǒu​shàn | friendly
    行为学实验 xíng​wéi xué shí​yàn | behavioral experiment
    注视 zhù​shì | gaze
    神经病 shén​jīng​bìng | mentally ill
    传染力 chuán​rǎn lì | contagious power
    本能 běn​néng | instinct
    发自内心 fā​zì nèi​xīn | heartfelt, sincere
    陡 dǒu | steep
    小镇 xiǎo​zhèn | small town
    餐车 cān​chē | food truck
    刷卡 shuā​kǎ | swipe card
    尴尬 gān​gà | awkward or embarrassed
    汉堡 Hàn​bǎo | hamburger
    世间 shì​jiān | world
    乒乓 pīng​pāng | ping pong
    跨年 kuà nián | New Year's Eve
    欠他钱 qiàn tā qián | owe him money
    亚超 yà chāo | Asian supermarket
    韭菜 jiǔ​cài | Chinese vegetable
    换钱 huàn​qián | exchange money
    做好事不留名 zuò hǎo​shì bù liú míng | do good deeds anonymously
    燃眉之急 rán​méi​zhī​jí | urgent situation
    纯属 chún​shǔ | purely coincidental
    奋力 fèn​lì | make great e

    • 19分
    Episode 56 | 欢天喜地过大年咯 Happy Spring Festival!

    Episode 56 | 欢天喜地过大年咯 Happy Spring Festival!

    Free transcript with Pinyin + Translation:  https://www.yaya.press/web_reader/237677ae-0c02-4ac6-a126-86d88ab55bc3
    Transcript powered by Yaya: Yaya is a language learning webapp where you learn by reading - it is still the beta version so expect bugs! ;) Reading compelling content is one of the most effective ways to learn another language. And it's fun! Give a creative topic or prompt, and it uses AI to generate a dialog, story, article, or other fun types of content with sentence-by-sentence translations at any reading level. You can also upload your own texts (so you can study with whatever reading you want!). Yaya will get you tackling that novel you've been wanting to read much sooner in your learning journey. Try it!
    If Yaya doesn't work for you, try here: transcript and vocabulary
    春节 Chūn​jié |  Spring Festival
    挥了一下手 huī le yī​xià shǒu |  waved hand
    逗 dòu |  amuse or entertain
    虚拟 xū​nǐ |  virtual
    有礼貌 yǒu lǐ​mào |  polite
    语气词 yǔ​qì​cí |  particles used to express tone
    简化 jiǎn​huà |  simplify
    直截了当 zhí​jié​liǎo​dàng |  straightforward
    训练 xùn​liàn |  training
    回国 huí​guó |  return to one's country
    旅行 lǚ​xíng |  travel
    泰国 Tài​guó |  Thailand
    曼谷 Màn​gǔ |  capital city of Thailand
    办护照 bàn hù​zhào |  obtain a passport
    签证 qiān​zhèng |  visa
    申请材料 shēn​qǐng cái​liào |  application materials
    可惜 kě​xī |  unfortunate
    影响 yǐng​xiǎng |  influence or affect
    海滩 hǎi​tān |  beach
    报恩 bào​'ēn |  repay kindness
    地陪 dì​péi |  local tour guide
    导游 dǎo​yóu |  tour guide
    少数民族 shǎo​shù​mín​zú |  ethnic minorities
    习俗 xí​sú |  customs or traditions
    年夜饭 nián​yè​fàn |  New Year's Eve dinner
    亲戚 qīn​qi |  relatives
    放鞭炮 fàng​biān​pào |  set off firecrackers
    汉族 Hàn​zú |  Han ethnic group
    春晚 Chūn​Wǎn |  Spring Festival Gala
    除夕 Chú​xī |  New Year's Eve
    联欢 lián​huān |  celebration or gathering
    午夜 wǔ​yè |  midnight
    其乐融融 qí​lè​róng​róng |  joyful and harmonious
    倒数 dào​shǔ |  countdown to New Year
    倒计时 dào​jì​shí |  countdown
    中央电视台 Zhōng​yāng​Diàn​shì​tái |  Central Television
    媲美 pì​měi |  comparable or on par
    元旦 Yuán​dàn |  New Year's Day
    昵称 nì​chēng |  nickname
    阳历 yáng​lì |  Gregorian calendar
    刷 shuā |  brush
    锻炼 duàn​liàn |  exercise
    小年夜 xiǎo nián​yè |  New Year's Eve
    大年夜 dà nián​yè |  New Year's Eve
    阴历 yīn​lì |  Lunar calendar
    红烧肉 hóng​shāo​ròu |  braised pork
    红三剁 hóng sān duò |  red three chop
    八宝饭 bā bǎo fàn |  Eight treasure rice
    糯米 nuò​mǐ |  sticky rice dessert
    核桃 hé​tao |  walnut
    南瓜子 nán​guā zi |  pumpkin seeds
    红枣 hóng​zǎo |  dried red dates
    豆沙 dòu​shā |  sweet bean paste
    彩色 cǎi​sè |  colorful
    压轴 yā zhóu |  grand finale
    赵本山 Zhào​Běn​shān |  famous skit actor
    东北 Dōng​běi |  Northeast China
    小品 xiǎo​pǐn |  skit or sketch
    字幕 zì​mù |  subtitles
    鞭炮 biān​pào |  firecrackers
    时差 shí​chā |  time difference
    嗑瓜子 kè guā​zǐ |  eat melon seeds
    初七 chū qī |  seventh day of the lunar month
    初一 chū​yī |  New Year's Day
    走亲访友 zǒu​qīn​fǎng​yǒu |  visit relatives and friends
    串门 chuàn​mén |  visit

    • 24分





英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
ケビン (Kevin's English Room)
英語聞き流し | Sakura English/サクラ・イングリッシュ
SAKURA English School
6 Minute English
BBC Radio
Hapa英会話 Podcast
Jun Senesac: バイリンガル 英会話 & ビジネス英語 講師
TED Talks Daily
【聞くだけで覚えられる 】簡単な英語表現・ 初級 | 聞き流しのリスニイング 🍎


TeaTime Chinese 茶歇中文
Nathan Rao
大鹏说中文 - Speak Chinese with Da Peng
Da Peng
Speak Chinese Naturally -Learn Chinese (Mandarin)
Speak Chinese Naturally
聊聊东西 - Talk to Me in Chinese
Candice X
Learning Chinese through Stories
Chillchat (Learn Chinese and Chill)
Chilling Chinese