
13. Wind highlights All-Star game Baseball Sixty One

    • 野球

The Yankees were moving in and out of first place in their battle for the American League lead. Meanwhile, Roger Maris was hitting home runs at a record pace, surging two weeks ahead of Babe Ruth's record-setting pace. Mickey Mantle was also starting to hit home runs.
But the story was the first of two All-Star games. In the American League-National League confrontation, the wind was so predominant at Candlestick Park in San Francisco, some American Leaguers vowed to never play there, if traded to the Giants.
As for the Yankees, they began their road trip after the All-Star break, on a high note.

The Yankees were moving in and out of first place in their battle for the American League lead. Meanwhile, Roger Maris was hitting home runs at a record pace, surging two weeks ahead of Babe Ruth's record-setting pace. Mickey Mantle was also starting to hit home runs.
But the story was the first of two All-Star games. In the American League-National League confrontation, the wind was so predominant at Candlestick Park in San Francisco, some American Leaguers vowed to never play there, if traded to the Giants.
As for the Yankees, they began their road trip after the All-Star break, on a high note.
