
195- #BeBravePoems: It takes courage to open yourself‪✨‬ Izza In The Real World

    • メンタルヘルス

When I’m feeling sad and lost, the thing that’s been helping me apart from drinking my Iced Coffee is reading through poem and quotes from the poets online. I hope we can lift each other up. We can do this! ✨🫂

Message me on Instagram to join our #BeBrave Community: https://instagram.com/izzaintherealworld?igshid=1bj5gkmbnn52h

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/IzzaInTheRealWorld/posts/?ref=page_internal

When I’m feeling sad and lost, the thing that’s been helping me apart from drinking my Iced Coffee is reading through poem and quotes from the poets online. I hope we can lift each other up. We can do this! ✨🫂

Message me on Instagram to join our #BeBrave Community: https://instagram.com/izzaintherealworld?igshid=1bj5gkmbnn52h

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/IzzaInTheRealWorld/posts/?ref=page_internal
