
204 | A Perfect Storm with Robert and Linda Hall While We're Waiting® - Hope After Child Loss

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My guests today are Robert and Linda Hall from Auburn, Alabama. The Halls struggled through eight years of infertility before they adopted their only son, John, at four months of age. John was a remarkable child who loved the Lord and loved people and brought great joy to his parents. When he was a young teen, however, a perfect storm of the traumatic loss of a friend, a prescription for Oxycontin due to a sports injury, and exposure to others’ drug use, led to years of addiction....

My guests today are Robert and Linda Hall from Auburn, Alabama. The Halls struggled through eight years of infertility before they adopted their only son, John, at four months of age. John was a remarkable child who loved the Lord and loved people and brought great joy to his parents. When he was a young teen, however, a perfect storm of the traumatic loss of a friend, a prescription for Oxycontin due to a sports injury, and exposure to others’ drug use, led to years of addiction....
