
21. Reaching Individuals in the Workplace & the Church Marketplace Multipliers

    • キリスト教

 This month, Jeff Clark interviews Pastor Rob Paterson, who shares a story about reaching individuals for Christ while working at a car dealership rather than a church! His unique experience gives an example for pastors and non-pastors to learn from! We hope you enjoy listening!
Show Links:
Marketplace Multipliers Website
Marketplace Multiplier Book
Ordinary Believers Becoming Multipliers

 This month, Jeff Clark interviews Pastor Rob Paterson, who shares a story about reaching individuals for Christ while working at a car dealership rather than a church! His unique experience gives an example for pastors and non-pastors to learn from! We hope you enjoy listening!
Show Links:
Marketplace Multipliers Website
Marketplace Multiplier Book
Ordinary Believers Becoming Multipliers
