
Adapting in 2021 T&T Honda, Steering You Straight

    • 自動車

It's been a busy 15 months with so many changes. 
In this episode, Navroz explains what has been happening at the dealership to adapt to the new way of doing business at T&T Honda with customer safety being top of mind. 
Lots of unique and highly streamlined approaches have come from the changes and it looks like many are here to stay, both due to restrictions and guidelines but also because our customers are enjoying a lot of the new ways we are doing things. 

It's been a busy 15 months with so many changes. 
In this episode, Navroz explains what has been happening at the dealership to adapt to the new way of doing business at T&T Honda with customer safety being top of mind. 
Lots of unique and highly streamlined approaches have come from the changes and it looks like many are here to stay, both due to restrictions and guidelines but also because our customers are enjoying a lot of the new ways we are doing things. 
