
Alan Aspuru-Guzik on self driving labs Machines and Molecules

    • 自然科学

In the latest episode, Alan Aspuru-Guzik introduces us to the transformative potential of self-driving labs, where complex chemical equipment merges with machine learning. However, it's not about chasing the perfect algorithm – it's about making things work. Old workhorses like Bayesian optimization he augments with a wide range of innovative twists. Motivated by David King's chilling take on climate change, Aspuru-Guzik urges us to venture into uncharted territory, balancing imagination with impact. Because, in the end, it's about doing what can truly add value.

In the latest episode, Alan Aspuru-Guzik introduces us to the transformative potential of self-driving labs, where complex chemical equipment merges with machine learning. However, it's not about chasing the perfect algorithm – it's about making things work. Old workhorses like Bayesian optimization he augments with a wide range of innovative twists. Motivated by David King's chilling take on climate change, Aspuru-Guzik urges us to venture into uncharted territory, balancing imagination with impact. Because, in the end, it's about doing what can truly add value.
