All the Amenities JEMcast

    • ユダヤ教

From Living Torah (Volume 65, Episode 260) Mr. Ron Nachman, Mayor of Ariel, Israel, visits the Rebbe: You can double the population of Ariel by launching a publicity campaign. Promote the physical amenities that the residents will enjoy, in addition to all the spiritual amenities, which are especially necessary in the Holy Land. Also in this Episode: * Guardian at the Gates * Niggun Utzu Eitza-Ach Tzaddikim * “Check Your Mezuzahs”

From Living Torah (Volume 65, Episode 260) Mr. Ron Nachman, Mayor of Ariel, Israel, visits the Rebbe: You can double the population of Ariel by launching a publicity campaign. Promote the physical amenities that the residents will enjoy, in addition to all the spiritual amenities, which are especially necessary in the Holy Land. Also in this Episode: * Guardian at the Gates * Niggun Utzu Eitza-Ach Tzaddikim * “Check Your Mezuzahs”