
Weekly sermon audio from Mercy Church in Morgantown, WV

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Weekly sermon audio from Mercy Church in Morgantown, WV

    Wisdom in the Wilderness

    Wisdom in the Wilderness

    1 Samuel 25:1-44

    In this fallen world, there is often tension between folly and wisdom, as on display in today’s narrative of David, Nabal and Abigail. Merely exercising wisdom is not a guarantee of success, especially if we divorce wise actions from the author of wisdom himself. We can trust in the providence of our God who is big and transcendent enough to provide it to us, and who is kind enough to be disposed to grant it, even in the midst of our ongoing folly and rebellion. May we boast in the Lord for his reconciling love.

    Restraint, Reason, and Reward

    Restraint, Reason, and Reward

    1 Samuel 24:1-22

    Today’s text becomes more intense, and illustrates for us that “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Tim 1:7.  Our restraint from sin is not primarily self-discipline but rather a matter of where we place our affections.  May our supreme confidence in God’s goodness shape our reasoning as it did for David.  And may we remain always restless until we find our rest in him, which is our greatest reward.

    Delivered From Destruction

    Delivered From Destruction

    1 Samuel 23:1-29

    We have an “ostrich problem” in the sense that we often stick our heads in the sand to ignore a problem, or else try to solve something ourselves that only God can solve.  The story of David inquiring of the Lord and seeing him work powerfully to deliver him has great application for us.  We are reminded to repent and believe, submitting to Christ for our salvation which we could never earn on our own.  While we remain in the wilderness with residual sin that still clings to us, the kindness of God calls us into covenant community to encourage us to continue to walk in that grace.

    Fruitful Faith

    Fruitful Faith

    John 15:1-17

    Farewells often carry with them mixed emotions.  There is often the excitement of what comes next, along with the sadness of leaving friends behind.  Today’s text contains part of Jesus’ extended farewell discourse, containing truths that he wants to impress upon his disciples.  As he departs this world, he exhorts them not to take their eyes off him, but to abide in him as branches connected to the true vine.  He encourages them — and us — to grow in obedience and fruitfulness that we may bring glory to God, and to do so while growing in love for one another.

    Reasons for Rejoicing

    Reasons for Rejoicing

    1 Peter 1:1-9

    As elect exiles who have been chosen by God and had our hearts regenerated, we can humbly understand that we contributed nothing to our new birth while rejoicing that our powerful God can save anyone.  As we move through our lives toward eternity in the presence of God, we must understand that he is much more interested in our sanctification than in our comfort.  Our loving God allows trials to come our way in order to refine and purify us, weaning us from self-reliance to depend more fully on him.

    Evil and Triumph

    Evil and Triumph

    1 Samuel 22:6-23

    What a stark contrast in today’s text between the perverse, irrational evil demonstrated by Saul, and the triumph of Yahweh in preserving a remnant of the priesthood through Abiathar.  God’s ultimate and final triumph over evil and sin has already been accomplished through the cross of Jesus, even as we continue to wait for his return.  Until then, as members of today’s priesthood of all believers, may we have the courage to continue showing up and speaking the truth in love, even if we may face consequences.


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