
Assimilation, Shalom Beit, and Chabad: Being a Jew in Japan, with the Author of The Wagamama Bride, Liane Grunberg Wakabayashi Open Book with Eitan and Itai

    • ユダヤ教

Liane went to Japan while working as a journalist, never imagining that she would fall in love with a Japanese man while there, and live there, raising children, and finding out exactly what it meant to be Jewish in Japan.

We speak to Liane about Assimilation, Peace in Marriage, and Chabad's outreach in places all over the globe.

Liane went to Japan while working as a journalist, never imagining that she would fall in love with a Japanese man while there, and live there, raising children, and finding out exactly what it meant to be Jewish in Japan.

We speak to Liane about Assimilation, Peace in Marriage, and Chabad's outreach in places all over the globe.
