
Billy Newman Photo Podcast | 154 Developing Film And Converting MiniDV Tapes Get Out There Podcast

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Developing Film And Converting MiniDV

Developing a roll of film. Converting Mini DV tapes from 2006. Camping around Mt. Jefferson. Viewing the meteor shower.

154 Developing Film And Converting MiniDV Tapes

Produced by Billy Newman and Marina Hansen


Website Billy Newman Photo https://billynewmanphoto.com/

YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/billynewmanphoto

Facebook Page  https://www.facebook.com/billynewmanphotos/

Twitter  https://twitter.com/billynewman

Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/billynewman/

About   https://billynewmanphoto.com/about/

Developing Film Converting MiniDV

If you’re looking to discuss photography assignment work, or  a podcast interview, please drop me an email.  Drop Billy Newman an email here.

If you want to book a wedding photography package, or a family portrait session,  please visit  GoldenHourWedding.com or you can email the Golden Hour Wedding booking manager here.

If you want to look at my photography, my current portfolio is here.

If you want to purchase stock images by Billy Newman, my current Stock photo library is here.

If you want to learn more about the work Billy is doing as an Oregon outdoor travel guide, you can find resources on GoldenHourExperience.com.

If you want to listen to the Archeoastronomy research podcast created by Billy Newman, you can listen to the Night Sky Podcast here.

If you want to read a free PDF eBook written by Billy Newman about film photography: you can download Working With Film here. Yours free.

Want to hear from me more often?Subscribe to the Billy Newman Photo Podcast on Apple Podcasts here.

If you get value out of the photography content I produce, consider making a sustaining value for value financial contribution, Visit the Support Page here.

You can find my latest photo books all on Amazon here.

Billy Newman Photo Podcast Feed


154 Billy Newman Photo podcast mixdown Developing film and Converting old tapes

Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast for the first week of September 2020. I hope everybody's doing well. Thanks a lot for checking out this episode. I wanted to talk a little about the start of September, some of the stuff I've been up to. It's cool, and I just finished a roll of film here pretty recently. Like I think during this last week when I was out traveling around, and I haven't finished a roll of film in a while, I've been shooting mostly on the digital camera that I've got kind of moved over to canon equipment back in 2018. And I've been shooting with that for, and I guess now almost two years is what it's coming up too. And so, during that time, I picked up a Canon film camera.And I've been using the Canon lenses that I have for my digital camera. On the Eos system over on an older canon film camera from I think the late 90s is what I was able to pick up. So I went over on like kth comm. I think this was this is probably like nine months ago or so at the beginning of the year. And I picked up a really inexpensive Canon camera body was like $35, something like that, to, to pick up this camera, mostly plastic in the body, but it has a bunch of the manual controls that you would expect from the sort of mid-range SLR sort of like the five D Mark, or you know, the five D Mark, the five D line, you know, whatever when you want to pick, but it's not the full professional build model. But it's definitely not the lower-end one. So yeah, it has like kind of the same layout of buttons and stuff on it as you can get with the more modern layout of cannon buttons and stuff. So most of it's really the same as it kind of translates back from one to the other. But it's a cool, pretty simple camera, and it's got, I think, like three focus points, three autofocus points on the inside. And that works fine for t

Developing Film And Converting MiniDV

Developing a roll of film. Converting Mini DV tapes from 2006. Camping around Mt. Jefferson. Viewing the meteor shower.

154 Developing Film And Converting MiniDV Tapes

Produced by Billy Newman and Marina Hansen


Website Billy Newman Photo https://billynewmanphoto.com/

YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/billynewmanphoto

Facebook Page  https://www.facebook.com/billynewmanphotos/

Twitter  https://twitter.com/billynewman

Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/billynewman/

About   https://billynewmanphoto.com/about/

Developing Film Converting MiniDV

If you’re looking to discuss photography assignment work, or  a podcast interview, please drop me an email.  Drop Billy Newman an email here.

If you want to book a wedding photography package, or a family portrait session,  please visit  GoldenHourWedding.com or you can email the Golden Hour Wedding booking manager here.

If you want to look at my photography, my current portfolio is here.

If you want to purchase stock images by Billy Newman, my current Stock photo library is here.

If you want to learn more about the work Billy is doing as an Oregon outdoor travel guide, you can find resources on GoldenHourExperience.com.

If you want to listen to the Archeoastronomy research podcast created by Billy Newman, you can listen to the Night Sky Podcast here.

If you want to read a free PDF eBook written by Billy Newman about film photography: you can download Working With Film here. Yours free.

Want to hear from me more often?Subscribe to the Billy Newman Photo Podcast on Apple Podcasts here.

If you get value out of the photography content I produce, consider making a sustaining value for value financial contribution, Visit the Support Page here.

You can find my latest photo books all on Amazon here.

Billy Newman Photo Podcast Feed


154 Billy Newman Photo podcast mixdown Developing film and Converting old tapes

Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast for the first week of September 2020. I hope everybody's doing well. Thanks a lot for checking out this episode. I wanted to talk a little about the start of September, some of the stuff I've been up to. It's cool, and I just finished a roll of film here pretty recently. Like I think during this last week when I was out traveling around, and I haven't finished a roll of film in a while, I've been shooting mostly on the digital camera that I've got kind of moved over to canon equipment back in 2018. And I've been shooting with that for, and I guess now almost two years is what it's coming up too. And so, during that time, I picked up a Canon film camera.And I've been using the Canon lenses that I have for my digital camera. On the Eos system over on an older canon film camera from I think the late 90s is what I was able to pick up. So I went over on like kth comm. I think this was this is probably like nine months ago or so at the beginning of the year. And I picked up a really inexpensive Canon camera body was like $35, something like that, to, to pick up this camera, mostly plastic in the body, but it has a bunch of the manual controls that you would expect from the sort of mid-range SLR sort of like the five D Mark, or you know, the five D Mark, the five D line, you know, whatever when you want to pick, but it's not the full professional build model. But it's definitely not the lower-end one. So yeah, it has like kind of the same layout of buttons and stuff on it as you can get with the more modern layout of cannon buttons and stuff. So most of it's really the same as it kind of translates back from one to the other. But it's a cool, pretty simple camera, and it's got, I think, like three focus points, three autofocus points on the inside. And that works fine for t
