
Binge Eating Disorder and Trauma with Expert Amy Pershing Behind The Bite

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How is perfectionism related to trauma? Why do many children start using food as a coping mechanism? How does one break the cycle and make a positive, long-lasting change?
In this podcast episode, I speak with expert Amy Pershing about binge eating disorder and trauma. We reflect on the causes of perfectionism and how to avoid moralizing about food.
Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes. 
SHOW NOTES: Click here
Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast
Visit the website: www.behindthebitepodcast.com

How is perfectionism related to trauma? Why do many children start using food as a coping mechanism? How does one break the cycle and make a positive, long-lasting change?
In this podcast episode, I speak with expert Amy Pershing about binge eating disorder and trauma. We reflect on the causes of perfectionism and how to avoid moralizing about food.
Sign up for the FREE e-course to understand your eating disorder and embark on the road to recovery. We reflect on the harm caused by mirrors, comparing ourselves, and wearing the wrong clothing sizes. 
SHOW NOTES: Click here
Follow me on Instagram @behind_the_bite_podcast
Visit the website: www.behindthebitepodcast.com
