
The Bootleggers Buzzcast is a community driven Podcast covering stories and news from the text based mafia-game bootleggers.us.

Bootleggers is a free browser-based multiplayer mafia game set during the 1930s Prohibition era in the United States.

Bootleggers Buzzcast Bootleggers Buzzcast

    • レジャー

The Bootleggers Buzzcast is a community driven Podcast covering stories and news from the text based mafia-game bootleggers.us.

Bootleggers is a free browser-based multiplayer mafia game set during the 1930s Prohibition era in the United States.

    R11 E14 - Round 11 Begins!

    R11 E14 - Round 11 Begins!

    Join Coastie, as he reads this week's Bootleggers Buzz articles to you so you don't have to. Creating an alternative way to enjoy the Buzz on the go.

    • 36分
    R10 E13 - Final Episode of Round 10

    R10 E13 - Final Episode of Round 10

    Join Coastie, as he reads this week's Bootleggers Buzz articles to you so you don't have to. Creating an alternative way to enjoy the Buzz on the go. 

    • 47分
    R10 E12: Behind the Crew - The Chicago Outfit!

    R10 E12: Behind the Crew - The Chicago Outfit!

    Join Coastie, Skullette, ChicagoGodfather, ArronYates, and DaBat as we sit down to discuss the origins, current atmosphere, and future plans of The Chicago Outfit. We take a sneak-peak behind the scenes of TCO, and found out quite a bit. Tune in to find out for yourself!

    • 32分
    R10 E11: TI vs TGF! Why?

    R10 E11: TI vs TGF! Why?

    Join Coastie, Himmel, and CMurder as we sit down to discuss the war between The Untouchables/The Gambino Family and The Invisibles/The Royal Family. More specifically, the feud between TI and TGF. We take a sneak-peak behind the scenes of this war, its origins, their perspectives on who is currently winning, and how they see it culminating in the end. Things get a little tense but everyone was able to remain civil, thankfully. Tune in to see for yourself! 

    • 18分
    R10 E10: Behind The Crew - Project Lazarus

    R10 E10: Behind The Crew - Project Lazarus

    Join Coastie as he sits down with Haagenti from Project Lazarus. We take an unbridled sneak-peak behind the scenes with an up and coming crew who seems to be heading in the right direction. Make the determination yourself as we embark on our journey to get to know the crews of bootleggers, just a little closer.

    • 19分
    R10 E9: Behind The Crew - The Gambino Family

    R10 E9: Behind The Crew - The Gambino Family

    Join Coastie as he sits down with The Gambino Family. Chop, CMurder, and SilentBob more specifically. To discuss their origins, what they're about, and their most recent bold move to step into the limelight and center stage of the bootleggers community. If you're interested in YOUR crew being interviewed, reach out to Coastie at your earliest convenience. 

    • 28分


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