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CH 14 Revelation is not as weird as you might think

    • キリスト教

Session 7 – Chapter 14 

- Encouraging chapter -> heavenly reality of faithful followers of the Lamb.

- Hidden (open to faith), encouraging readers to look up

- Colossians 3:3 – “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God”

Mount Zion

     o Psalm 2 – installation of Messiah to rule the nations

  - Exodus language (New exodus to Mount Zion)

     o Redeemed from the earth

     o Pure

     o Follow the Lamb

     o Purchased

     o First fruits

     o Blameless

  - “They sang a new song” – New songs accompany victory

First fruits

  - The remnant is offered as first fruits

 - First fruits are offered after exodus = encouraging. Exodus has happened, victory has been won, they are set free

Three Angels

- Angel 1 - gospel to proclaim on earth

   o Fear God

   o Judgement has come

 o Worship

  - Proclamation of the gospel brings judgement

   o A word of grace to Christians – Forgiveness requires judgement

  - Preaching is a sword, it divides by response

- Angel 2 - "Fallen is Babylon"

  - Connection to Beast out of the Sea

- Angel 3 - warning to people about God’s wrath

  - Call to Christians

     o “Patient endurance”

     o “Remain in the faith of Jesus” – Faith is a gift

   o Deeds will follow them – faithful deeds are eternal, joined to Jesus’ life

The harvest

  - Sharp sickle in His hand -> harvesting tool = gospel proclamation

  - Harvesting people

  - Jesus harvests the earth – not a new judgement, judgement of the cross applied

  - Matthew 9:35-10:42 – Jesus speaks about the harvest, says the workers are few and sends out disciples with authority to act and speak in His name

  - Two angels begin a final judgement on those who have rejected the gospel

  - Joel 3 – Judgement against the nations, blessing for God’s people

  - Isaiah 63:1-6 – Vengeance and redemption – inseparable

  - John is applying these pictures of God’s holy love

     o God is not two faced – His love is holy

     o Holy love is a blazing fire that will burn up all that seeks to destroy/ compromise His goodness

     o God’s heart is to save but He will save in righteousness

  - The cross – Jesus is the judge and was judged in our place = the perfect mediator

     o God has dealt with sin completely in Christ

  - Hebrews 12:22-24 – "Jesus the mediator of a new covenant"

  - God’s word is never indirect, revelation is always personal

  - How gracious is God, revealing his holy character to us when we are perfectly secure in His grace and love


1. In what ways can an understanding of “first fruits” encourage Christians?

2. What does it mean that Jesus is “Lord of the Harvest”?

3. What is the gospel we bear witness to? How can we, as God’s church, share the good news faithfully? 

Session 7 – Chapter 14 

- Encouraging chapter -> heavenly reality of faithful followers of the Lamb.

- Hidden (open to faith), encouraging readers to look up

- Colossians 3:3 – “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God”

Mount Zion

     o Psalm 2 – installation of Messiah to rule the nations

  - Exodus language (New exodus to Mount Zion)

     o Redeemed from the earth

     o Pure

     o Follow the Lamb

     o Purchased

     o First fruits

     o Blameless

  - “They sang a new song” – New songs accompany victory

First fruits

  - The remnant is offered as first fruits

 - First fruits are offered after exodus = encouraging. Exodus has happened, victory has been won, they are set free

Three Angels

- Angel 1 - gospel to proclaim on earth

   o Fear God

   o Judgement has come

 o Worship

  - Proclamation of the gospel brings judgement

   o A word of grace to Christians – Forgiveness requires judgement

  - Preaching is a sword, it divides by response

- Angel 2 - "Fallen is Babylon"

  - Connection to Beast out of the Sea

- Angel 3 - warning to people about God’s wrath

  - Call to Christians

     o “Patient endurance”

     o “Remain in the faith of Jesus” – Faith is a gift

   o Deeds will follow them – faithful deeds are eternal, joined to Jesus’ life

The harvest

  - Sharp sickle in His hand -> harvesting tool = gospel proclamation

  - Harvesting people

  - Jesus harvests the earth – not a new judgement, judgement of the cross applied

  - Matthew 9:35-10:42 – Jesus speaks about the harvest, says the workers are few and sends out disciples with authority to act and speak in His name

  - Two angels begin a final judgement on those who have rejected the gospel

  - Joel 3 – Judgement against the nations, blessing for God’s people

  - Isaiah 63:1-6 – Vengeance and redemption – inseparable

  - John is applying these pictures of God’s holy love

     o God is not two faced – His love is holy

     o Holy love is a blazing fire that will burn up all that seeks to destroy/ compromise His goodness

     o God’s heart is to save but He will save in righteousness

  - The cross – Jesus is the judge and was judged in our place = the perfect mediator

     o God has dealt with sin completely in Christ

  - Hebrews 12:22-24 – "Jesus the mediator of a new covenant"

  - God’s word is never indirect, revelation is always personal

  - How gracious is God, revealing his holy character to us when we are perfectly secure in His grace and love


1. In what ways can an understanding of “first fruits” encourage Christians?

2. What does it mean that Jesus is “Lord of the Harvest”?

3. What is the gospel we bear witness to? How can we, as God’s church, share the good news faithfully? 

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