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CH 15 - 16 Revelation is not as weird as you might think

    • キリスト教

Session 8 – Chapter 15 - 16

Another sign in heaven - signs point to a corresponding reality


  > final set of 7, “with them God’s wrath is complete”

  > reminiscent of the plagues against Egypt

EXODUS 15:1-18

  > Song of deliverance

  > We know God by his actions towards us


  > Song of the Lamb -> new covenant in the blood of the Lamb

  > “your righteous acts have been revealed” - Looking back to a victory (cross) that accomplished a new exodus.

The plagues are a demonstration of God’s power - result in a hardening towards God, people will curse God and refuse to repent

God will deal with Babylon in the last days like he dealt with Pharaoh/Egypt

The other side of deliverance for God’s people = Judgement for God’s enemies

  > all those who oppose God’s rule will face His wrath

Plague six and seven highlight the final judgement will be sudden and unexpected

v. 15 “Behold, I come like a thief” -> Jesus’ words = Matthew 24:42-44

Past, present and future

Past - Calvary (Jesus’ work)

  > The bowls of God’s wrath were endured by Jesus at the cross, “It is done” - proclaimed from the throne room

Present - gospel encounter (revealed to faith)

Future - final consummation (manifest to all)

Encouragements from chapter 15/16

1 Corinthians 1:17-30

Jesus has drunk the cup/bowl of God’s wrath on our behalf

The result of the cross = a new exodus that sets free & sets to right all creation

This new exodus will have two results

            > Ingathering of God’s people drawn to God’s heart

             > A judgement of His enemies whose hearts are hardened

Hard hearts do not equal God’s failure to work - they are evidence of His judgement

Paul reminds us that the cross looked weak and foolish so that people may respond to God’s work by faith


How does the Exodus help us understand the Lamb’s righteous act of deliverance?

Why has God used a cross to reveal His love for us? (rather than a raw demonstration of power)

How has God acted towards you, to reveal His heart and soften yours?

Session 8 – Chapter 15 - 16

Another sign in heaven - signs point to a corresponding reality


  > final set of 7, “with them God’s wrath is complete”

  > reminiscent of the plagues against Egypt

EXODUS 15:1-18

  > Song of deliverance

  > We know God by his actions towards us


  > Song of the Lamb -> new covenant in the blood of the Lamb

  > “your righteous acts have been revealed” - Looking back to a victory (cross) that accomplished a new exodus.

The plagues are a demonstration of God’s power - result in a hardening towards God, people will curse God and refuse to repent

God will deal with Babylon in the last days like he dealt with Pharaoh/Egypt

The other side of deliverance for God’s people = Judgement for God’s enemies

  > all those who oppose God’s rule will face His wrath

Plague six and seven highlight the final judgement will be sudden and unexpected

v. 15 “Behold, I come like a thief” -> Jesus’ words = Matthew 24:42-44

Past, present and future

Past - Calvary (Jesus’ work)

  > The bowls of God’s wrath were endured by Jesus at the cross, “It is done” - proclaimed from the throne room

Present - gospel encounter (revealed to faith)

Future - final consummation (manifest to all)

Encouragements from chapter 15/16

1 Corinthians 1:17-30

Jesus has drunk the cup/bowl of God’s wrath on our behalf

The result of the cross = a new exodus that sets free & sets to right all creation

This new exodus will have two results

            > Ingathering of God’s people drawn to God’s heart

             > A judgement of His enemies whose hearts are hardened

Hard hearts do not equal God’s failure to work - they are evidence of His judgement

Paul reminds us that the cross looked weak and foolish so that people may respond to God’s work by faith


How does the Exodus help us understand the Lamb’s righteous act of deliverance?

Why has God used a cross to reveal His love for us? (rather than a raw demonstration of power)

How has God acted towards you, to reveal His heart and soften yours?

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