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CH 20 Revelation is not as weird as you might think

    • キリスト教

Session 10, part two - chapter 20

Prophecy is not history written in advance

The visions in Ch 19-22 are a picture of complete restoration and recreation

Jesus is the Eschaton (End). Everything in history is resolved by how it relates to Him

Like Ch 19, the focus shifts to different key relations (Church, Israel, nations, spiritual enemies of KOG). Pictures return to same events previously described (eg Final battle)

Question of churches in Asia Minor in the C1st AD – Why are we suffering? Wasn’t Satan defeated?

Answer involves visions that explain Jesus relation to the great enemy, Satan

Satan bound v2

Satan freed v7

Satan judged v10

Satan bound

To keep from deceiving the nations

Isa 24.21-22

Matt 12.18-30

Jesus understands his work as binding the strongman (removing Satan’s power) and then plundering his house (release of captives).

The binding of Satan is a work of Jesus when he is on the earth

Satan is rendered powerless with respect to the Church and the Kingdom of God by Jesus work (Cross)

Jesus understands his task is to gather from among the nations (work of gospel proclamation through the Church)

This is about the age of grace we live in now – the gospel is going out among the nations and God is gathering His people into the Church

That Christians are being gathered from among the nations is a reassuring sign to Christians that Satan has been stripped of power and bound

1000 years (Psalm 90.4 / 2 Peter 3.8)

not literal. Indicates the quality of time (not quantity) - Perfect period for ingathering

highlights the completeness of Jesus victory

contrasts “a short time” of Satan’s release (speaks of limited authority and power)

Reign with Christ for 1000 years

Key OT text is Ezekiel 37-48

Dan 7. 22, 26-27

Picture of the rule of suffering Church in heaven now

Resolution of cry of martyrs in Rev 6.9-11 – They will judge!’

Rom 8.17/2 Tim  2.12

First resurrection – Jesus relation to Church is that they will be alive to God and share His rule from heaven (1 Peter 2.5-9)

Satan freed

After the 1000 years = at the end of the period of grace (gospel proclamation)

Satan freed to deceive nations for a short time (=limited authority) (Ez 38-39)

Returns to events of Ch 19

Surround camp of God’s people = God’s people in wilderness (faithless Israel)

Deliverance of Israel will be national (in relation to nations)

Nations will be judged by the way they relate to Israel (Gen 12 / Matt 25.31)

Satan judged

In the end, enemies of God will be abolished (Satan, Death, Hades)

Relational death = permanent relational separation (will not share a relation to the one who is the end – Jesus). No place in new creation

Final judgment

General resurrection

Opening of 2 books (Dan 7.9-10 & Dan 12.1-2)

“Rejoice your name is written in the Book of Life” (Luke 10.20-21) = to have a relationship with Jesus

Judgment according to what he has done (individual and based on actions)

Encouragement – Jesus reigns and his mercy will surprise us (2 Peter 3.3-13)


1. What does Jesus' analogy in Matthew 12 about tying up the strong man reveal about how he understands his work on the earth?

2. How does an understanding of Jesus as the end person help to make sense of the end times?

3. How do the parallel pictures of the binding of Satan and the reign of the saints provide encouragement to the Church now?

Session 10, part two - chapter 20

Prophecy is not history written in advance

The visions in Ch 19-22 are a picture of complete restoration and recreation

Jesus is the Eschaton (End). Everything in history is resolved by how it relates to Him

Like Ch 19, the focus shifts to different key relations (Church, Israel, nations, spiritual enemies of KOG). Pictures return to same events previously described (eg Final battle)

Question of churches in Asia Minor in the C1st AD – Why are we suffering? Wasn’t Satan defeated?

Answer involves visions that explain Jesus relation to the great enemy, Satan

Satan bound v2

Satan freed v7

Satan judged v10

Satan bound

To keep from deceiving the nations

Isa 24.21-22

Matt 12.18-30

Jesus understands his work as binding the strongman (removing Satan’s power) and then plundering his house (release of captives).

The binding of Satan is a work of Jesus when he is on the earth

Satan is rendered powerless with respect to the Church and the Kingdom of God by Jesus work (Cross)

Jesus understands his task is to gather from among the nations (work of gospel proclamation through the Church)

This is about the age of grace we live in now – the gospel is going out among the nations and God is gathering His people into the Church

That Christians are being gathered from among the nations is a reassuring sign to Christians that Satan has been stripped of power and bound

1000 years (Psalm 90.4 / 2 Peter 3.8)

not literal. Indicates the quality of time (not quantity) - Perfect period for ingathering

highlights the completeness of Jesus victory

contrasts “a short time” of Satan’s release (speaks of limited authority and power)

Reign with Christ for 1000 years

Key OT text is Ezekiel 37-48

Dan 7. 22, 26-27

Picture of the rule of suffering Church in heaven now

Resolution of cry of martyrs in Rev 6.9-11 – They will judge!’

Rom 8.17/2 Tim  2.12

First resurrection – Jesus relation to Church is that they will be alive to God and share His rule from heaven (1 Peter 2.5-9)

Satan freed

After the 1000 years = at the end of the period of grace (gospel proclamation)

Satan freed to deceive nations for a short time (=limited authority) (Ez 38-39)

Returns to events of Ch 19

Surround camp of God’s people = God’s people in wilderness (faithless Israel)

Deliverance of Israel will be national (in relation to nations)

Nations will be judged by the way they relate to Israel (Gen 12 / Matt 25.31)

Satan judged

In the end, enemies of God will be abolished (Satan, Death, Hades)

Relational death = permanent relational separation (will not share a relation to the one who is the end – Jesus). No place in new creation

Final judgment

General resurrection

Opening of 2 books (Dan 7.9-10 & Dan 12.1-2)

“Rejoice your name is written in the Book of Life” (Luke 10.20-21) = to have a relationship with Jesus

Judgment according to what he has done (individual and based on actions)

Encouragement – Jesus reigns and his mercy will surprise us (2 Peter 3.3-13)


1. What does Jesus' analogy in Matthew 12 about tying up the strong man reveal about how he understands his work on the earth?

2. How does an understanding of Jesus as the end person help to make sense of the end times?

3. How do the parallel pictures of the binding of Satan and the reign of the saints provide encouragement to the Church now?

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