
Current NICU mama Kayla Zurface joins us to share her son’s unique SCID diagnosis Presley’s Purpose - Thriving in the NICU

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Current NICU mama Kayla Zurface joins us from the NICU to share her journey, and her son’s unique SCID diagnosis with us. At the time of this interview, they have spent over 10 months in the hospital, and are currently waiting to be released as they await his Thymus Transplant. We know these convos are not easy, but we want NICU families to know there are many of us out there who do understand what they are going through. Sending love and prayers to all our NICU fam.

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Presley's Purpose Facebook: www.facebook.com/presleyspurpose

IG - www.instagram.com/presleyspurpose

Website: www.presleyspurpose.com

Podcast Host : www.facebook.com/rinda.emick

Current NICU mama Kayla Zurface joins us from the NICU to share her journey, and her son’s unique SCID diagnosis with us. At the time of this interview, they have spent over 10 months in the hospital, and are currently waiting to be released as they await his Thymus Transplant. We know these convos are not easy, but we want NICU families to know there are many of us out there who do understand what they are going through. Sending love and prayers to all our NICU fam.

Join our community on social:

Presley's Purpose Facebook: www.facebook.com/presleyspurpose

IG - www.instagram.com/presleyspurpose

Website: www.presleyspurpose.com

Podcast Host : www.facebook.com/rinda.emick
