
Cybersecurity in Healthcare Perspectives on Health and Tech

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It’s essential to prioritize cybersecurity, particularly for healthcare organizations that handle sensitive patient information. With so much at stake, it’s critical to recognize the importance of cybersecurity and take proactive measures to prevent potential breaches. In a recent discussion, two experts from Oracle emphasized the significance of areas such as ransomware resiliency, cyber-recovery, and other crucial aspects of cybersecurity.  

Waleed Ahmed, Senior Manager, Cloud Engineering, Oracle 
Esteban Rubens, Field Chief Technology Officer, Oracle Cloud    
Hear Them Talk About:   

What’s going on with cybersecurity in healthcare today (0:42) 
What Oracle Health is doing to address the cybersecurity situation (1:17) 
Areas of Focus 
What is the threat intelligence in the platform? (1:27) 
The need to continuously monitor and detect threats (1:50) 
How to allow the business to continue and provide care in the event of an attack (2:35) 
Ransomware resiliency and ransomware recovery (2:53) 
How to deliver a cyber-recovery (3:17) 
A recap of the three prongs that Oracle is focused on to deliver cybersecurity (3:47) 
How Oracle can support both clinical and non-clinical systems (4:08)   

Notable Quotes

“There’s an incredible amount of scrutiny in understanding what the threat landscape is and it’s becoming more prevalent in healthcare, where it’s an opportunity for attackers to lock in and prevent businesses from occurring where it matters most.” - Waleed Ahmed 

“You have to be able to say, not only is my architect resilient, but in the event I do have a cyberattack, can the business continue?” - Waleed Ahmed 

“Oracle is delivering in three different prongs. The ability to detect, the ability to assess, monitor, and also provide the capability of bringing the systems back up.” - Waleed Ahmed 

Learn more about how Oracle is safeguarding operations with resilient architecture and military-grade security. 

Watch on-demand and live webcasts by registering for Oracle Health Inside Access.  

Episode Transcript:
00:00:00:00 – 00:00:00:09
Perspectives introduction
You’re listening to Perspectives on Health and Tech, a podcast by Oracle with conversations about connecting people, data, and technology to help improve health for everyone.
00:00:00:10 - 00:00:00:24
Hi, I'm Esteban Rubens. I’m the Field Healthcare CTO at Oracle Cloud. And we're here to have a quick chat on cybersecurity and health care. I'm joined by Waleed Ahmed. He's a leader on the engineering and architecture side of Oracle Cloud. Welcome.
00:00:00:24 - 00:00:00:25
Pleasure to be here, Esteban.
00:00:00:26 - 00:00:00:35
What's going on in cybersecurity in health care today? We've seen so many headlines. There's a lot going on, very high profile attacks. There's a lot of flack everywhere. What's your take on it?
00:00:00:36 - 00:00:01:01
There is there's an incredible amount of scrutiny in understanding what the threat landscape is, and it's becoming more and more prevalent where especially in health care, where it is an opportunity for attackers to lock in and prevent businesses from occurring where it matters the most, especially after the pandemic that we've come out of right now.
00:00:01:01 - 00:00:01:36
And it has opened up a great amount of pressure on the organizations to do something about it. And in Oracle Health, what we're doing is we are addressing the situation in a manner of three areas. First of all, is understanding what the threat intelligence is in the platform, understanding threat intelligence and using capabilities from security scientists, and also third party vendors such as CrowdStrike to bring in and assess, assess and interpret what the possible threat areas are.

It’s essential to prioritize cybersecurity, particularly for healthcare organizations that handle sensitive patient information. With so much at stake, it’s critical to recognize the importance of cybersecurity and take proactive measures to prevent potential breaches. In a recent discussion, two experts from Oracle emphasized the significance of areas such as ransomware resiliency, cyber-recovery, and other crucial aspects of cybersecurity.  

Waleed Ahmed, Senior Manager, Cloud Engineering, Oracle 
Esteban Rubens, Field Chief Technology Officer, Oracle Cloud    
Hear Them Talk About:   

What’s going on with cybersecurity in healthcare today (0:42) 
What Oracle Health is doing to address the cybersecurity situation (1:17) 
Areas of Focus 
What is the threat intelligence in the platform? (1:27) 
The need to continuously monitor and detect threats (1:50) 
How to allow the business to continue and provide care in the event of an attack (2:35) 
Ransomware resiliency and ransomware recovery (2:53) 
How to deliver a cyber-recovery (3:17) 
A recap of the three prongs that Oracle is focused on to deliver cybersecurity (3:47) 
How Oracle can support both clinical and non-clinical systems (4:08)   

Notable Quotes

“There’s an incredible amount of scrutiny in understanding what the threat landscape is and it’s becoming more prevalent in healthcare, where it’s an opportunity for attackers to lock in and prevent businesses from occurring where it matters most.” - Waleed Ahmed 

“You have to be able to say, not only is my architect resilient, but in the event I do have a cyberattack, can the business continue?” - Waleed Ahmed 

“Oracle is delivering in three different prongs. The ability to detect, the ability to assess, monitor, and also provide the capability of bringing the systems back up.” - Waleed Ahmed 

Learn more about how Oracle is safeguarding operations with resilient architecture and military-grade security. 

Watch on-demand and live webcasts by registering for Oracle Health Inside Access.  

Episode Transcript:
00:00:00:00 – 00:00:00:09
Perspectives introduction
You’re listening to Perspectives on Health and Tech, a podcast by Oracle with conversations about connecting people, data, and technology to help improve health for everyone.
00:00:00:10 - 00:00:00:24
Hi, I'm Esteban Rubens. I’m the Field Healthcare CTO at Oracle Cloud. And we're here to have a quick chat on cybersecurity and health care. I'm joined by Waleed Ahmed. He's a leader on the engineering and architecture side of Oracle Cloud. Welcome.
00:00:00:24 - 00:00:00:25
Pleasure to be here, Esteban.
00:00:00:26 - 00:00:00:35
What's going on in cybersecurity in health care today? We've seen so many headlines. There's a lot going on, very high profile attacks. There's a lot of flack everywhere. What's your take on it?
00:00:00:36 - 00:00:01:01
There is there's an incredible amount of scrutiny in understanding what the threat landscape is, and it's becoming more and more prevalent where especially in health care, where it is an opportunity for attackers to lock in and prevent businesses from occurring where it matters the most, especially after the pandemic that we've come out of right now.
00:00:01:01 - 00:00:01:36
And it has opened up a great amount of pressure on the organizations to do something about it. And in Oracle Health, what we're doing is we are addressing the situation in a manner of three areas. First of all, is understanding what the threat intelligence is in the platform, understanding threat intelligence and using capabilities from security scientists, and also third party vendors such as CrowdStrike to bring in and assess, assess and interpret what the possible threat areas are.
