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Discussions with 2010 KOTESOL National Candidates Koreabridge - Koreabridge Discussions

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with 2010 KOTESOL
National Candidates

3, 2010

Candidates for KOTESOL National Council (in order of appearance)

 Stafford Lumsden, Conference

 Doug Huffer,  Nominations
& Elections Chair

37:00 Aaron
Jolly, 2nd Vice President

Callaghan, 1st Vice President

Online Voting October 4~14

Onsite Voting at the International
Conference Oct. 16~17

More informatin about elections & candidates at: http://kotesol.org/?q=elections

Post-show Roundtable Discussion Here


06:51:43  craignl ->  Good evening

07:05:32  craignl ->  Good evening Peadar

07:05:46  peadar ->  evening

07:15:15  peadar ->  hi room

07:16:54  craignl ->  Evening all

07:17:23  peadar ->  I believe if anyone has
questions please speak up

07:20:02  saradavila ->  Question for
Conference Chair and Co-Chair: This year conference
acceptence/rejection process was handled in a manner I felt was very
unprofessional. I'd like to know how the conference will address this
issue in the future to make the process more personal, and show more
respect for all canidates submitting papers for the call.

07:21:56  Jeff ->  http://shomuni.blogspot.com/

07:24:32  chosunbimbo ->  @Sara I think you
have to take into consideration there were in excess of 300 proposals
received by the program team - While they were form letters that people
received they were professional and in line with any other rejection or
acceptance letter you might have received from any other organisation

07:25:55  chosunbimbo ->  This will be the
first year in A LONG TIME there have been contests for various positions

07:26:05  chosunbimbo ->  Am I the only one

07:26:06  chosunbimbo ->  Hello

07:26:12  chosunbimbo ->  Is this thing on?

07:26:21  peadar ->  its here

07:26:22  chosunbimbo ->  *tap* *tap*

07:27:07  peadar ->  I can however say having
recieved one of those letters it was not inline with what was sent to
me last year

07:27:20  chosunbimbo ->  rejection letter?

07:27:36  peadar ->  was rejected last year
and accepted this year

07:30:08  chosunbimbo ->  interesting - I got
one - but being on concomm I knew the same day that the mail went out
and paid it little attention - what did it say

07:31:08  peadar ->  it required you to
download and check a full list of accepted proposals to see if you had
ben accepted or rejected

07:31:52  craignl ->  I find Paedar's comment
on rejection/acceptance from year to year interesting. As someone who
participated in the vetting process, I was somewhat concerned that
there were no clear guidelines for vetting proposals. Having been part
of Conference planning teams, both international, that's one area the
Conference Committee might consider for improvment (sorry that I'm
veering a bit off topic).

07:32:52  craignl ->  Sorry, the last sentence
should read '...both international and national'

07:33:06  peadar ->  its a great point I just
worry that the way the notifications were handeld this year might
discourage presenters in the future

07:33:49  saradavila ->  I've been a presenter
at the international for about five years. The acceptance/rejection
process this year was much different form last year.

07:34:05  saradavila ->  This year to find out
if you were accepted or rejected you had to read a list of accepted

07:34:18  saradavila ->  Last year a form
letter was sent to presenters who had been accepted.

07:34:37  saradavila ->  A seperate letter to
presenters who had been rejected, thanking them for time and
encouraging them to resubmit.

07:34:48  craignl ->  Yes, usually when I have
made proposals to other international conferences I have usually gotten
a message courteously but clearly saying 'Yes' or 'No'

07:35:35  chosunbimbo ->  Ah I see - I didn't
realise it was just one email to everyone who su

Download Audio

with 2010 KOTESOL
National Candidates

3, 2010

Candidates for KOTESOL National Council (in order of appearance)

 Stafford Lumsden, Conference

 Doug Huffer,  Nominations
& Elections Chair

37:00 Aaron
Jolly, 2nd Vice President

Callaghan, 1st Vice President

Online Voting October 4~14

Onsite Voting at the International
Conference Oct. 16~17

More informatin about elections & candidates at: http://kotesol.org/?q=elections

Post-show Roundtable Discussion Here


06:51:43  craignl ->  Good evening

07:05:32  craignl ->  Good evening Peadar

07:05:46  peadar ->  evening

07:15:15  peadar ->  hi room

07:16:54  craignl ->  Evening all

07:17:23  peadar ->  I believe if anyone has
questions please speak up

07:20:02  saradavila ->  Question for
Conference Chair and Co-Chair: This year conference
acceptence/rejection process was handled in a manner I felt was very
unprofessional. I'd like to know how the conference will address this
issue in the future to make the process more personal, and show more
respect for all canidates submitting papers for the call.

07:21:56  Jeff ->  http://shomuni.blogspot.com/

07:24:32  chosunbimbo ->  @Sara I think you
have to take into consideration there were in excess of 300 proposals
received by the program team - While they were form letters that people
received they were professional and in line with any other rejection or
acceptance letter you might have received from any other organisation

07:25:55  chosunbimbo ->  This will be the
first year in A LONG TIME there have been contests for various positions

07:26:05  chosunbimbo ->  Am I the only one

07:26:06  chosunbimbo ->  Hello

07:26:12  chosunbimbo ->  Is this thing on?

07:26:21  peadar ->  its here

07:26:22  chosunbimbo ->  *tap* *tap*

07:27:07  peadar ->  I can however say having
recieved one of those letters it was not inline with what was sent to
me last year

07:27:20  chosunbimbo ->  rejection letter?

07:27:36  peadar ->  was rejected last year
and accepted this year

07:30:08  chosunbimbo ->  interesting - I got
one - but being on concomm I knew the same day that the mail went out
and paid it little attention - what did it say

07:31:08  peadar ->  it required you to
download and check a full list of accepted proposals to see if you had
ben accepted or rejected

07:31:52  craignl ->  I find Paedar's comment
on rejection/acceptance from year to year interesting. As someone who
participated in the vetting process, I was somewhat concerned that
there were no clear guidelines for vetting proposals. Having been part
of Conference planning teams, both international, that's one area the
Conference Committee might consider for improvment (sorry that I'm
veering a bit off topic).

07:32:52  craignl ->  Sorry, the last sentence
should read '...both international and national'

07:33:06  peadar ->  its a great point I just
worry that the way the notifications were handeld this year might
discourage presenters in the future

07:33:49  saradavila ->  I've been a presenter
at the international for about five years. The acceptance/rejection
process this year was much different form last year.

07:34:05  saradavila ->  This year to find out
if you were accepted or rejected you had to read a list of accepted

07:34:18  saradavila ->  Last year a form
letter was sent to presenters who had been accepted.

07:34:37  saradavila ->  A seperate letter to
presenters who had been rejected, thanking them for time and
encouraging them to resubmit.

07:34:48  craignl ->  Yes, usually when I have
made proposals to other international conferences I have usually gotten
a message courteously but clearly saying 'Yes' or 'No'

07:35:35  chosunbimbo ->  Ah I see - I didn't
realise it was just one email to everyone who su

1 時間14分