
Expanding our awareness and exploring our fascination with creation Gems

    • スピリチュアル

There are three conditions we need for expanding awareness of our true identity as universal spirit:

1) We have to be willing to tune into it…The only snag is our own misperception that all this can be found only in a galaxy far, far away.

2) We will need to get up-close and personal with the parts of our consciousness that have gone off the deep end into negativity and destructiveness...Our problem is our mistaken notion that our life is a fixed mold we have been plopped into and must now learn to cope with. We think it’s all somehow separate from what we think, will, know, perceive and feel.

3) We need to use our thinking apparatus to reach out to the universal spirit and create, and we need to realize that we create with both our conscious and our unconscious thinking and willing…

Creating is pure fascination, and this fascination doesn’t cease simply because what we create is, at first, perhaps a little less pleasurable or brilliant. It’s like passing our finger over the flame of a candle; if it doesn’t hurt too much the first time, we might do it again, but more slowly…This is when things start to go South…

Our creations start to take on a power of their own. For every created thing has energy invested into it, and this energy has a self-perpetuating nature; it gathers its own momentum. The consciousness that teed up this fun experiment may want to play a little longer than is “safe,” until it no longer leaves itself enough power to reverse the course of things…Our consciousness must counteract the momentum by “remembering” what it already knows—it could be another way…

Then the world becomes our oyster, wanting us to find that pearl.

Listen and learn more.

Gems, Chapter 1: Expanding Our Awareness and Exploring Our Fascination with Creation

Read Original Pathwork® Lecture: #175 Consciousness: Fascination with Creation

There are three conditions we need for expanding awareness of our true identity as universal spirit:

1) We have to be willing to tune into it…The only snag is our own misperception that all this can be found only in a galaxy far, far away.

2) We will need to get up-close and personal with the parts of our consciousness that have gone off the deep end into negativity and destructiveness...Our problem is our mistaken notion that our life is a fixed mold we have been plopped into and must now learn to cope with. We think it’s all somehow separate from what we think, will, know, perceive and feel.

3) We need to use our thinking apparatus to reach out to the universal spirit and create, and we need to realize that we create with both our conscious and our unconscious thinking and willing…

Creating is pure fascination, and this fascination doesn’t cease simply because what we create is, at first, perhaps a little less pleasurable or brilliant. It’s like passing our finger over the flame of a candle; if it doesn’t hurt too much the first time, we might do it again, but more slowly…This is when things start to go South…

Our creations start to take on a power of their own. For every created thing has energy invested into it, and this energy has a self-perpetuating nature; it gathers its own momentum. The consciousness that teed up this fun experiment may want to play a little longer than is “safe,” until it no longer leaves itself enough power to reverse the course of things…Our consciousness must counteract the momentum by “remembering” what it already knows—it could be another way…

Then the world becomes our oyster, wanting us to find that pearl.

Listen and learn more.

Gems, Chapter 1: Expanding Our Awareness and Exploring Our Fascination with Creation

Read Original Pathwork® Lecture: #175 Consciousness: Fascination with Creation
