
F**king Fantastic Community! With Rina Teslica and Lauren Fenton | S3 | E16 The Skies We’re Under

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Join Rachel and Sarah for Episode 15 of The Skies We’re Under. They’re joined by the super cool Rina and Lauren from the brilliant F**king Normal Podcast
as they celebrate the awesomeness of our wonderful collective community. It’s a bit of a love in for the fantastic podcasting community we’re part of (shout out to SendCast and Stories About Autism)
There’s plenty of catch up time with Rachel and Sarah: Sarah has just about survived a hen weekend, they’re both full of the lurgy, feeling feverish, and dreaming of a life like Downton Abbey… Upstairs not downstairs!
As we’re cheering podcasts - can you cheer for us - you can nominate The Skies We’re Under as a listener’s choice NOW at The British Podcast Awards
We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.
You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:
Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU
 (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)
You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at tswupodcast@gmail.com
Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to tswupodcast@gmail.com
Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .
Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen. That way we don’t have to bribe our children to review!
Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

Join Rachel and Sarah for Episode 15 of The Skies We’re Under. They’re joined by the super cool Rina and Lauren from the brilliant F**king Normal Podcast
as they celebrate the awesomeness of our wonderful collective community. It’s a bit of a love in for the fantastic podcasting community we’re part of (shout out to SendCast and Stories About Autism)
There’s plenty of catch up time with Rachel and Sarah: Sarah has just about survived a hen weekend, they’re both full of the lurgy, feeling feverish, and dreaming of a life like Downton Abbey… Upstairs not downstairs!
As we’re cheering podcasts - can you cheer for us - you can nominate The Skies We’re Under as a listener’s choice NOW at The British Podcast Awards
We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.
You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:
Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU
 (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)
You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at tswupodcast@gmail.com
Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to tswupodcast@gmail.com
Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .
Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen. That way we don’t have to bribe our children to review!
Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.
