
Are you a Christian wife who wants the loving godly marriage that the Lord designed for you, but are unsure what that looks like or how to get it? Do you want to have confidence in your marriage and being the submissive wife you are called to be, without the fear that you’re doing it wrong? Is it a struggle to know what the truth is, to stop worrying all the time, and to put your faith and trust in the Lord?

Then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve got you!

Here is where you will find biblical answers to life’s challenging questions about marriage. How to have confidence and peace in your role as a submissive wife. Hear encouraging wisdom from God’s Word and to learn put your trust in Him as you live out your faith everyday.

Hey girl, I’m Nanci Adamson. Christian Mentor, Bible Teacher, Speaker, Women’s ministry leader, mom to 3, and Grammy to 7 sweet babies who are the light of my life. I see you and I get you, because I’ve been there. As a young wife it was important to me to have a strong, loving marriage, but I didn’t come from a Christian home so there was no example to follow for how to achieve that. All I knew was that I wanted a better marriage and family life than what I grew up in.

Over the years the Lord has taught me how to find biblical answers to life’s questions in His Word and to rely on His wisdom, not the world’s for guidance and direction in my life. When we know His Word and apply it to our lives, then we will truly have peace as we trust our Heavenly Father for our marriages.

This is what living out our faith is all about and it can bring you to new heights, life changing experiences, and amazing blessings in your life that you thank God for everyday. He did it for me and He wants to do it for you.

Are you ready for it? Then grab some coffee, pull up a chair next to mine and let’s get started!

Blog, Journals & Free Printables ~ www.faithlivedout.com

Sister’s Like You ~ faithlivedoutcommunity@facebook.com

Looking for a speaker for your next women’s event or just want to chat, contact me at nanci@faithlivedout.com

Faith Lived Out ~God’s Wisdom and Encouragement for Christian Wives Nanci Adamson ~ Christian Mentor I Bible Teacher I Speaker l Women’s Ministry Leader

    • 宗教/スピリチュアル

Are you a Christian wife who wants the loving godly marriage that the Lord designed for you, but are unsure what that looks like or how to get it? Do you want to have confidence in your marriage and being the submissive wife you are called to be, without the fear that you’re doing it wrong? Is it a struggle to know what the truth is, to stop worrying all the time, and to put your faith and trust in the Lord?

Then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve got you!

Here is where you will find biblical answers to life’s challenging questions about marriage. How to have confidence and peace in your role as a submissive wife. Hear encouraging wisdom from God’s Word and to learn put your trust in Him as you live out your faith everyday.

Hey girl, I’m Nanci Adamson. Christian Mentor, Bible Teacher, Speaker, Women’s ministry leader, mom to 3, and Grammy to 7 sweet babies who are the light of my life. I see you and I get you, because I’ve been there. As a young wife it was important to me to have a strong, loving marriage, but I didn’t come from a Christian home so there was no example to follow for how to achieve that. All I knew was that I wanted a better marriage and family life than what I grew up in.

Over the years the Lord has taught me how to find biblical answers to life’s questions in His Word and to rely on His wisdom, not the world’s for guidance and direction in my life. When we know His Word and apply it to our lives, then we will truly have peace as we trust our Heavenly Father for our marriages.

This is what living out our faith is all about and it can bring you to new heights, life changing experiences, and amazing blessings in your life that you thank God for everyday. He did it for me and He wants to do it for you.

Are you ready for it? Then grab some coffee, pull up a chair next to mine and let’s get started!

Blog, Journals & Free Printables ~ www.faithlivedout.com

Sister’s Like You ~ faithlivedoutcommunity@facebook.com

Looking for a speaker for your next women’s event or just want to chat, contact me at nanci@faithlivedout.com

    81 ~ Parents & In-Laws and What To Do When They Make Life Difficult ~ Part 2

    81 ~ Parents & In-Laws and What To Do When They Make Life Difficult ~ Part 2

    In this episode we are continuing our chat about parents and in-laws. What their place is suppose to be in our life now that we are married, how we are to treat them, and what to do when they behave rudely or make our lives difficult.

    The world has its own views on this, but what does the Bible say about how we are to treat our parents? As we started to see last week, there is more in scripture about parents then we may have realized and that how we treat them, can have a direct affect on our own lives as well.

    Today, I’ll be sharing with you some of my own experience as a mother-in-law, the responsibility that scripture says we have to our parents and how to avoid conflicts or resolve them when they happen.

    Let’s get started.

    • 33分
    80 ~ Parents & In-Laws and What To Do When They Make Life Difficult ~ Part 1

    80 ~ Parents & In-Laws and What To Do When They Make Life Difficult ~ Part 1

    Taking two different people, and putting them together in marriage, learning about each other, and learning to become one, can be challenging enough. Then, when you add two sets of parents into the mix, it can be seem impossible that you will ever all get along. Especially if the parents are having a hard time letting go of their baby or understanding their new place in your life.

    As a married adult what exactly is their place? What do you do when they make life difficult and cause problems in your marriage or your family? Most importantly, what does the Bible say about how we are to treat our parents?

    Today, I’m sharing with you some of my own experiences with parents and in-laws, as well as what scripture tells us about how to treat them and what to do when they make life difficult.

    Let’s get started.

    • 28分
    79 ~ How To Know The Still Small Voice of God ~ Part 2

    79 ~ How To Know The Still Small Voice of God ~ Part 2

    Last week we asked the question; does God really speak to us today? And if He does, how do we know it’s Him?

    We began to look at some of the differing characteristics between God, us, and the enemy that can help us in determining where our thoughts are coming from. If we are truly hearing from God, being led astray by the enemy or seeking to fill our own sinful desires.

    We’re continuing in this topic today. So if you are searching for what the next right step is? If you have thoughts and question if it’s God who is leading you in this direction? Then join me today as we discover how to know the still small voice of God.

    Let’s get started!

    • 35分
    78 ~ How to Know the Still Small Voice of God ~ Part 1

    78 ~ How to Know the Still Small Voice of God ~ Part 1

    Does God really speak to us today? And if He does, how do we know it’s Him? How do we know that it’s not just our own wishful thinking or weird notions that we have. Can Satan or his minions put thoughts in our minds. And if so, how do we recognize those thoughts and know what the truth really is?

    There are differing characteristics between God, us, and the enemy that can help us in determining where our thoughts are coming from. If we are truly hearing from God, being led astray by the enemy or seeking to fill our own sinful desires.

    If you are searching for what the next right step is? If you have thoughts and question if it’s God who is leading you in this direction? Then join me today as we discover how to know the still small voice of God.

    Let’s get started!

    • 29分
    77 ~ How To Be The Wise Woman Who Builds Her Home

    77 ~ How To Be The Wise Woman Who Builds Her Home

    As woman, we have the ability and the calling by God to set the tone of our homes. Proverbs 14:1 tells us . . .
    “Every wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.”

    We all want to be wise and to build our house, but what does this look like exactly. What foolish things is God talking about here that would cause us to pull our houses down? Could some of us be doing this, tearing our houses down little by little without even realizing it?

    Join me as we take a look at scripture to learn how to be the wise woman who builds her home.

    Let’s get started.

    • 27分
    76 ~ Money, Trust, & Marriage ~ Navigating Finances as a Christian Couple

    76 ~ Money, Trust, & Marriage ~ Navigating Finances as a Christian Couple

    A lot of problems can arise when we begin to navigate our finances as a married couple. We’re unsure about what the right way to do this is, what’s fair, and can I really trust someone else with my financial future?

    There are some who have some very strong opinions about this, preconceived notions as to how it is to be done, or difficulty in giving up control by trusting someone else to do what’s best for them.

    Join me as we take a look at money, trust, and marriage. What the root of the problems that you’re facing may be and how to fix them. 

    Let’s get started.

    • 40分


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