
Finding Normal Part 1 Mosaic Community Church of Dayton

    • キリスト教

What does a normal meal look like? What is a normal night's sleep? How much
loneliness or sadness is it normal to have or tolerate on a daily basis? Whatever
is normal to you is invisible to you even if it is harming you. In this series
we talk about how to discover when we have normalized situations that prevent
us from thriving.

Part One: Survival Mode

When we normalize situations that we were not meant to endure, we end up in
survival mode. Today we talk about all the different layers of normalization
that we need to watch out for in order to move from surviving to thriving.

What does a normal meal look like? What is a normal night's sleep? How much
loneliness or sadness is it normal to have or tolerate on a daily basis? Whatever
is normal to you is invisible to you even if it is harming you. In this series
we talk about how to discover when we have normalized situations that prevent
us from thriving.

Part One: Survival Mode

When we normalize situations that we were not meant to endure, we end up in
survival mode. Today we talk about all the different layers of normalization
that we need to watch out for in order to move from surviving to thriving.
