
Are you ready to supercharge your Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Mandarin Chinese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Mandarin Chinese and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to China? Maybe you want to speak Mandarin Chinese with your friends from Beijing or Shanghai? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse yourself in China.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese Fluent Fiction Network

    • 教育

Are you ready to supercharge your Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Mandarin Chinese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Mandarin Chinese and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to China? Maybe you want to speak Mandarin Chinese with your friends from Beijing or Shanghai? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse yourself in China.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.


    Building Bonds: A Day of Adventure at the Temple of Heaven

    Building Bonds: A Day of Adventure at the Temple of Heaven

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Building Bonds: A Day of Adventure at the Temple of Heaven
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 阳光明媚的一个早晨,小明和丽丽站在天坛外,微笑着望向蓝天。
    En: It was a sunny morning.

    Zh: 今天是公司组织的部门团队建设活动。
    En: Xiao Ming and Lili stood outside the Temple of Heaven, smiling as they looked at the blue sky.

    Zh: 大家要在这里度过一天。
    En: Today was the company's department team-building event, and everyone would spend the day here.

    Zh: 同事们陆续来到天坛,集合在一起。
    En: Colleagues gradually arrived at the Temple of Heaven and gathered together.

    Zh: 大伙儿兴奋地讨论着接下来的活动。
    En: Everyone was excitedly discussing the upcoming activities.

    Zh: 领队赵经理开始讲话,他说:“今天我们要进行一个趣味游戏,考验大家的合作能力。
    En: Team leader Manager Zhao began to speak, saying, "Today we will play a fun game to test everyone's cooperation abilities."

    Zh: ”活动开始了。
    En: The activities began.

    Zh: 第一个任务是分组找天坛里的七个景点。
    En: The first task was to form teams to find seven landmarks within the Temple of Heaven.

    Zh: 小明和丽丽被分在同一组。
    En: Xiao Ming and Lili were in the same group.

    Zh: 他们决定先去祈年殿,因为这是天坛最著名的景点。
    En: They decided to go to the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests first, as it is the most famous spot in the Temple of Heaven.

    Zh: 他们快步走到祈年殿,拿出相机拍照。
    En: They quickly walked to the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests and took out their camera to take pictures.

    Zh: 然后,小明提议:“我们看看地图,找到下一个景点,斋宫。
    En: Then, Xiao Ming suggested, "Let's look at the map and find the next landmark, the Imperial Vault of Heaven."

    Zh: ”丽丽点头同意,他们继续前进。
    En: Lili nodded in agreement, and they continued onward.

    Zh: 路上,他们遇到其他同事。
    En: On the way, they encountered other colleagues, and everyone cheered each other on.

    Zh: 大家互相加油打气。
    En: After walking a bit, they successfully found the Imperial Vault of Heaven and took pictures to commemorate the moment.

    Zh: 走了一会儿,他们顺利找到了斋宫并拍照留念。
    En: Next was the Circular Mound Altar.

    Zh: 接下来是皇穹宇。
    En: Xiao Ming and Lili jogged along, happily sharing their thoughts.

    Zh: 小明和丽丽一路小跑,开心地分享自己的心得。
    En: Lili said, "Team activities are really fun, and we get to know each other better."

    Zh: 丽丽说:“团队活动真的很有趣,我们还可以认识彼此更多。
    En: Three hours later, all the landmarks had been found.

    Zh: ”三个小时后,所有景点都找到了。
    En: Everyone gathered at the center of the Temple of Heaven, and Manager Zhao announced, "Congratulations, task completed!

    Zh: 大家聚在天坛中心,赵经理宣布:“恭喜,任务完成!
    En: Every team did an excellent job."

    Zh: 每组都很出色。
    En: Finally, Manager Zhao concluded, "Thank you for your efforts.

    Zh: ”最后,赵经理总结道:“感谢大家的努力,今天我们不仅完成了任务,还增强了团队凝聚力。
    En: Today we not only completed the task but also strengthened our team cohesion."

    Zh: ”小明和丽丽互相微笑,心里觉得这一天非常值得。
    En: Xiao Ming and Lili smiled at each other, feeling that the day had been truly worthwhile.

    Zh: 活动结束后,小明和丽丽走出天坛,他们决定以后常常出来走走,放松心情。
    En: After the event, Xiao Ming and Lili exited the Temple of Heaven, deciding to come out and relax more often in the future.

    Zh: 天坛的美景与欢乐的笑声,成为他们记忆中的一部

    • 12分
    A Day of Delight: Exploring Beijing's Traditional Temple Fair

    A Day of Delight: Exploring Beijing's Traditional Temple Fair

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: A Day of Delight: Exploring Beijing's Traditional Temple Fair
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 在一个晴朗的早晨,小明和丽丽来到北京市。
    En: On a clear morning, Xiaoming and Lily arrived in Beijing.

    Zh: 他们要去参加一年一度的传统庙会。
    En: They were going to attend the annual traditional temple fair.

    Zh: 庙会在城市的中心,非常热闹。
    En: The fair was in the center of the city and was very bustling.

    Zh: 小明和丽丽走进庙会的大门。
    En: Xiaoming and Lily walked through the main gate of the fair.

    Zh: 里面有很多摊位,有卖吃的,有玩的,还有很多好看的东西。
    En: Inside, there were many stalls selling food, games, and lots of interesting items.

    Zh: 空气中弥漫着糖葫芦和烤肉的香味。
    En: The air was filled with the aroma of candied fruit and grilled meat.

    Zh: “小明,你看,那边有卖糖画的,我们去看看吧!
    En: "Xiaoming, look, there's a sugar painting stall over there.

    Zh: ”丽丽兴奋地说。
    En: Let's go take a look!"

    Zh: 小明点点头,两人走向糖画摊位。
    En: Lily said excitedly.

    Zh: 摊主是一位老爷爷,他用糖浆在铁板上画出漂亮的图案。
    En: Xiaoming nodded, and the two walked towards the sugar painting stall.

    Zh: 有龙,有凤,还有花朵。
    En: The stall owner was an elderly man who used syrup to draw beautiful patterns on a metal plate.

    Zh: 丽丽挑了一只蝴蝶,小明选了一条龙。
    En: There were dragons, phoenixes, and flowers.

    Zh: 接着,他们来到一个捏泥人的摊位。
    En: Lily chose a butterfly, and Xiaoming selected a dragon.

    Zh: 丽丽兴奋地说:“我想要一个猫。
    En: Next, they came to a dough figurine stall.

    Zh: ”摊主阿姨拿起一块泥巴,灵巧地捏了起来。
    En: Lily said excitedly, "I want a cat."

    Zh: 不一会儿,一个可爱的猫泥人出现了。
    En: The lady vendor picked up a piece of dough and skillfully shaped it.

    Zh: 丽丽高兴地接过来。
    En: Before long, a cute dough cat appeared.

    Zh: 小明说:“我们去看庙会的表演吧。
    En: Lily happily took it.

    Zh: ”他们来到一个小舞台前。
    En: Xiaoming said, "Let's go watch the performances at the fair."

    Zh: 舞台上有许多人在表演传统舞狮。
    En: They arrived in front of a small stage where many people were performing traditional lion dances.

    Zh: 狮子的动作很灵活,观众都开心地拍手。
    En: The lion's movements were very agile, and the audience clapped cheerfully.

    Zh: 表演结束后,小明和丽丽继续逛庙会。
    En: After the performance, Xiaoming and Lily continued exploring the fair.

    Zh: 他们看到一个射箭的游戏摊位,决定试一试。
    En: They saw an archery game stall and decided to give it a try.

    Zh: 小明拿起弓箭,吸一口气,瞄准目标。
    En: Xiaoming picked up a bow and arrow, took a deep breath, and aimed at the target.

    Zh: “嗖!
    En: "Whoosh!"

    Zh: ”一箭射中红心。
    En: The arrow hit the bullseye.

    Zh: 丽丽兴奋地跳起来:“小明,你太厉害了!
    En: Lily jumped up excitedly, "Xiaoming, you're amazing!"

    Zh: ”天色渐暗,庙会的灯笼亮了起来。
    En: As it got darker, the lanterns at the fair lit up.

    Zh: 五颜六色的灯笼让庙会更加美丽。
    En: The colorful lanterns made the fair even more beautiful.

    Zh: 小明和丽丽走到一个卖小饰品的摊位。
    En: Xiaoming and Lily walked to a stall selling small accessories.

    Zh: 丽丽挑选了一对漂亮的耳环,小明买了一条手链。
    En: Lily picked out a pair of pretty earrings, and Xiaoming bought a bracelet.

    Zh: 临回家前,他们找到一处安静的地方坐下休息。
    En: Before heading home, they found a quiet place to sit and rest.

    Zh: 丽丽笑着说:“今天真的很开

    • 14分
    Exploring Beijing’s Forbidden City: A Journey Through History

    Exploring Beijing’s Forbidden City: A Journey Through History

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Exploring Beijing’s Forbidden City: A Journey Through History
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 北京的天空很蓝,太阳高高挂在天上。
    En: The sky over Beijing is very blue, with the sun hanging high.

    Zh: 在北京故宫的门口,小明和丽丽站在一起。
    En: At the gate of the Forbidden City in Beijing, Xiaoming and Lili are standing together.

    Zh: 他们今天有一节特别的文化课。
    En: They have a special cultural lesson today.

    Zh: 在导游的带领下,他们走进了红墙黄瓦的大门。
    En: Led by their tour guide, they walk through the large red walls and yellow tiles gate.

    Zh: 小明问:“丽丽,你知道故宫有多大吗?”
    En: Xiaoming asks, "Lili, do you know how big the Forbidden City is?"

    Zh: 丽丽回答:“听说里面有九千九百九十九间房子呢!”
    En: Lili replies, "I heard it has 9,999 rooms!"

    Zh: 他们跟随导游走进了一个大殿。
    En: Following the guide, they enter a grand hall.

    Zh: 导游说:“这里是太和殿,是皇帝上朝的地方。”
    En: The tour guide says, "This is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, where the emperor held court."

    Zh: 小明和丽丽睁大了眼睛,仔细听着。
    En: Xiaoming and Lili widen their eyes and listen attentively.

    Zh: 接下来,他们去了乾清宫。
    En: Next, they visit the Palace of Heavenly Purity.

    Zh: 导游解释道:“这是皇帝的寝宫,皇帝晚上就在这里休息。”
    En: The guide explains, "This is the emperor's bedchamber, where he rested at night."

    Zh: 丽丽说道:“真漂亮啊,看那边的龙椅,好华丽!”
    En: Lili exclaims, "How beautiful! Look at that dragon throne, it's so magnificent!"

    Zh: 小明走近一些,仔细看那些精致的雕刻。
    En: Xiaoming steps closer to examine the intricate carvings carefully.

    Zh: 走了一段路,小明和丽丽都有点累了。
    En: After walking for a while, both Xiaoming and Lili feel a bit tired.

    Zh: 他们找到一个亭子,坐下来休息。
    En: They find a pavilion and sit down to rest.

    Zh: 故宫的花园很美,有很多花和树,还有小桥和流水。
    En: The Forbidden City’s garden is very beautiful, with many flowers and trees, along with small bridges and flowing water.

    Zh: 小鸟在树上唱歌,风轻轻吹过。
    En: Birds sing in the trees, and the wind blows gently.

    Zh: 休息了一会儿,丽丽对小明说:“我们再去看看其他地方吧,还有好多没看呢!”
    En: After a short rest, Lili says to Xiaoming, "Let's go see other places, there's still a lot we haven't seen!"

    Zh: 小明点点头:“好啊,我们去那边的御花园吧。”
    En: Xiaoming nods, "Sure, let's go to the Imperial Garden."

    Zh: 在御花园里,他们看到了很多奇花异草。
    En: In the Imperial Garden, they see many rare flowers and plants.

    Zh: “丽丽,你看,这朵花真特别!”小明兴奋地指着一朵花说。
    En: "Lili, look at this flower, it's so special!" Xiaoming says excitedly, pointing at a flower.

    Zh: 丽丽笑了:“是啊,真漂亮。听导游说,这些花都是从各地运来的。”
    En: Lili smiles, "Yes, it's really beautiful. The tour guide said these flowers were brought from various places."

    Zh: 快到午饭时间了,文化课也接近尾声。
    En: As lunchtime approaches, the cultural lesson is coming to an end.

    Zh: 导游带着大家来到一个大院,宣布:“今天的文化课到这里就结束了,大家可以自由活动。”
    En: The tour guide leads everyone to a large courtyard and announces, "Today's cultural lesson ends here; you are free to explore on your own."

    Zh: 小明问丽丽:“你饿了吗?”
    En: Xiaoming asks Lili, "Are you hungry?"

    Zh: 丽丽点点头:“有点饿。我们去吃午饭吧,然后再逛逛。”
    En: Lili nods, "A bit

    • 14分
    Unveiling the Secrets: An Adventure Back to the Ming Dynasty

    Unveiling the Secrets: An Adventure Back to the Ming Dynasty

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Unveiling the Secrets: An Adventure Back to the Ming Dynasty
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 在一个阳光明媚的早晨,王伟、李娜和张强来到了故宫。
    En: On a sunny morning, Wang Wei, Li Na, and Zhang Qiang arrived at the Forbidden City.

    Zh: 他们手中握着一个神秘的装置,那是一个时间旅行设备。
    En: They held a mysterious device in their hands, a time-travel apparatus.

    Zh: 他们准备冒险,探索明朝的秘密。
    En: They were ready for an adventure to explore the secrets of the Ming Dynasty.

    Zh: 王伟按下按钮,瞬间,他们出现在了明朝。
    En: Wang Wei pressed a button, and instantly, they appeared in the Ming Dynasty.

    Zh: 故宫陈设豪华,屋顶金光闪闪。
    En: The Forbidden City was luxuriously furnished, with golden roofs glistening.

    Zh: 张强有些惊讶地说:
    En: Zhang Qiang, somewhat surprised, exclaimed, "We really are back in the Ming Dynasty!"

    Zh: 李娜提醒大家要低调行事。
    En: Li Na reminded everyone to act discreetly.

    Zh: 他们小心翼翼地走进了一间房间,里面摆满了古代文物。
    En: They cautiously walked into a room filled with ancient artifacts.

    Zh: 墙上挂着一幅卷轴,上面写着:“永乐大典。”
    En: Hanging on the wall was a scroll, inscribed with "Yongle Encyclopedia."

    Zh: 王伟走近卷轴,仔细察看。
    En: Wang Wei approached the scroll and examined it closely.

    Zh: 他发现卷轴背面有一个小开关。
    En: He found a small switch on the back of the scroll.

    Zh: 按下开关,墙壁突然移动,露出了一个秘密房间。房间里陈列着许多古书和宝物。
    En: Pressing the switch caused the wall to move suddenly, revealing a secret room filled with many ancient books and treasures.

    Zh: “三人小心注意,不要让人发现。”李娜轻声说。
    En: "Everyone, be careful and don’t let anyone discover us," Li Na whispered.

    Zh: 他们开始翻阅古书,寻找着明朝的秘密。
    En: They began to browse through the ancient books, searching for the secrets of the Ming Dynasty.

    Zh: 忽然,张强发现了一本记载皇宫秘史的古书。
    En: Suddenly, Zhang Qiang found a book recording the secret history of the imperial palace.

    Zh: 他激动地举起书,说:“快看,这就是我们找的!”
    En: Excitedly, he held up the book and said, "Look, this is what we are looking for!"

    Zh: 就在他们聚精会神地翻阅时,一位身穿古装的守卫进入了房间。
    En: As they were engrossed in reading, a guard dressed in ancient attire entered the room.

    Zh: 他发现了他们,大声喊道:“你们是谁?”
    En: He discovered them and shouted, "Who are you?"

    Zh: 王伟急中生智,用流利的明朝官话解释说:“我们是来保护这些书的。”
    En: Thinking quickly, Wang Wei explained in fluent Ming Dynasty Mandarin, "We are here to protect these books."

    Zh: 守卫有些疑惑,但没有多问。
    En: The guard, albeit suspicious, did not inquire further.

    Zh: 他挥了挥手,让他们继续。
    En: He waved his hand, allowing them to continue.

    Zh: 他们继续研究,终于发现了一段关于明朝皇帝的秘密。
    En: They resumed their study and finally uncovered a secret about the Ming Dynasty emperor.

    Zh: 这段秘密若传到后世,将改变历史。
    En: If this secret were to be passed down to future generations, it would change history.

    Zh: “我们得赶紧回去,把这些记录带回去。”李娜说。
    En: "We need to hurry back and take these records with us," Li Na said.

    Zh: 王伟再次按下时间旅行装置的按钮,三人被传送回了现代。
    En: Wang Wei pressed the button on the time-travel device again, and the three of them were transported back to the present day.

    Zh: 回到现代,三人激动地展示他们

    • 14分
    Tea & Teamwork: Crafting Success by the West Lake

    Tea & Teamwork: Crafting Success by the West Lake

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Tea & Teamwork: Crafting Success by the West Lake
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 丽丽、小明和建国三人坐在西湖边的一家茶馆里,准备开会。
    En: Lili, Xiaoming, and Jianguo were sitting in a teahouse by the West Lake, preparing for a meeting.

    Zh: 周围环境很美,湖水清澈见底,绿树成荫。
    En: The surroundings were beautiful, with the lake water clear to the bottom and shaded by lush green trees.

    Zh: 茶馆里人不多,很安静,适合开会。
    En: There weren't many people in the teahouse, making it very quiet and suitable for a meeting.

    Zh: 桌上摆着三杯热腾腾的龙井茶,淡淡的茶香弥漫在空气中,令人心旷神怡。
    En: On the table were three cups of steaming Longjing tea, and the subtle aroma of tea filled the air, refreshing their minds.

    Zh: 丽丽看着小明和建国,说:“我们今天讨论新项目。
    En: Lili looked at Xiaoming and Jianguo and said, "Today, we're discussing the new project.

    Zh: 这个项目非常重要。
    En: This project is very important."

    Zh: ”小明点点头,说:“对的。
    En: Xiaoming nodded and said, "Yes.

    Zh: 我们需要一个好计划。
    En: We need a good plan."

    Zh: ”建国则皱着眉头,沉思片刻后说:“是的,但我们现在面临一个大问题,资金不够。
    En: Jianguo, however, frowned and, after a moment's thought, said, "Yes, but we now face a major issue: insufficient funds."

    Zh: ”听了建国的话,丽丽心里一紧,但她很快平静下来。
    En: Hearing Jianguo's words, Lili felt a tightness in her heart but quickly calmed down.

    Zh: 她温柔地说:“没关系,我们一起想办法。
    En: She gently said, "It's okay, we will find a solution together.

    Zh: 你们有什么好主意?
    En: Do you have any good ideas?"

    Zh: ”小明忽然眼睛一亮,他说:“我们可以找合作伙伴。
    En: Suddenly, Xiaoming's eyes lit up, and he said, "We can find partners.

    Zh: 这样,我们不但有资金,还可以一起分担风险。
    En: This way, we not only have funds but also share the risks."

    Zh: ”建国听了眼前一亮:“这个主意不错。
    En: Jianguo's eyes lit up after hearing this: "That's a good suggestion.

    Zh: 我也可以联系一些朋友,看他们有无兴趣。
    En: I can also contact some friends and see if they're interested."

    Zh: ”丽丽满意地点点头,说:“好,我们就这样决定。
    En: Lili nodded with satisfaction and said, "Good, let's decide on this.

    Zh: 大家一起努力。
    En: Let's all work together."

    Zh: ”三人喝了口茶,继续讨论细节。
    En: The three of them took a sip of their tea and continued to discuss the details.

    Zh: 他们分工明确,各自负责不同的任务。
    En: They had a clear division of labor, with each person responsible for different tasks.

    Zh: 丽丽负责联系合作伙伴,小明负责项目计划,建国负责预算和市场调研。
    En: Lili was in charge of contacting partners, Xiaoming was responsible for the project plan, and Jianguo handled the budget and market research.

    Zh: 阳光洒在茶馆的木桌上,时间在不知不觉中流逝。
    En: Sunlight spilled onto the wooden table of the teahouse, and time passed unnoticed.

    Zh: 几小时后的讨论后,三人达成了一致。
    En: After several hours of discussion, the three reached a consensus.

    Zh: 虽然任务艰巨,但他们都觉得前景光明,对未来充满希望。
    En: Although the tasks were challenging, they felt optimistic about the future and filled with hope.

    Zh: 会议结束后,丽丽、小明、建国三人站在西湖边,望着湖水。
    En: After the meeting, Lili, Xiaoming, and Jianguo stood by the West Lake, gazing at the water.

    Zh: 建国说:“只要我们团结一致,一定能成功。
    En: Jianguo said, "As long as

    • 14分
    Unforgettable Adventures on the Great Wall: A Day to Remember

    Unforgettable Adventures on the Great Wall: A Day to Remember

    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Unforgettable Adventures on the Great Wall: A Day to Remember
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Zh: 阳光灿烂的一天,玲玲、小明和大伟决定去长城游览。
    En: A Sunny day, Lingling, Xiaoming, and Dawei decided to visit the Great Wall.

    Zh: 早上,他们到了一辆红色的小巴士前。
    En: In the morning, they arrived at a small red bus.

    Zh: 三个人都很兴奋。
    En: All three were very excited.

    Zh: 经过两小时的车程,他们终于到达了长城。
    En: After a two-hour drive, they finally reached the Great Wall.

    Zh: 看到长城,大家都惊叹不已。
    En: Upon seeing the Great Wall, everyone was amazed.

    Zh: 长城很长,很高,像一条巨龙盘绕在山顶。
    En: The Great Wall was long and tall, like a giant dragon winding along the mountain top.

    Zh: 他们开始慢慢地走上长城的台阶。
    En: They began to slowly walk up the steps of the Great Wall.

    Zh: 玲玲说:“我们可以多拍几张照片,留念。
    En: Lingling said, "We can take a few more photos as mementos."

    Zh: ”小明和大伟都同意。
    En: Xiaoming and Dawei both agreed.

    Zh: 走到一个风景最美的地方时,玲玲拿出她的相机。
    En: When they reached a spot with the most beautiful scenery, Lingling took out her camera.

    Zh: 大伟站在一块大石头上,背景是蓝天白云。
    En: Dawei stood on a big rock, with the blue sky and white clouds as the background.

    Zh: 小明则倚着城墙,笑得很开心。
    En: Xiaoming leaned against the city wall, smiling happily.

    Zh: 玲玲按下快门,拍了一张照片。
    En: Lingling pressed the shutter and took a photo.

    Zh: 忽然,玲玲发现相机没电了。
    En: Suddenly, Lingling discovered that her camera was out of battery.

    Zh: 她有点失落。
    En: She felt a bit disappointed.

    Zh: 小明拿出自己的手机,说:“别担心,我的手机可以拍照。
    En: Xiaoming took out his phone and said, "Don't worry, my phone can take pictures."

    Zh: ”玲玲开心地笑了。
    En: Lingling smiled happily.

    Zh: 他们继续在长城上走着,遇到了很多游客。
    En: They continued walking along the Great Wall and met many tourists.

    Zh: 每个人都很友善,充满笑容。
    En: Everyone was friendly and full of smiles.

    Zh: 到了中午,他们找了一个阴凉的地方休息,吃了一些带来的零食。
    En: By noon, they found a shady spot to rest and ate some snacks they had brought.

    Zh: 下午,他们开始下山。
    En: In the afternoon, they started descending the mountain.

    Zh: 长城的每一个角落都充满了历史的痕迹。
    En: Every corner of the Great Wall was filled with historical traces.

    Zh: 玲玲、小明和大伟都觉得这次游览非常有意义。
    En: Lingling, Xiaoming, and Dawei felt that this visit was very meaningful.

    Zh: 下山后,三个人决定再拍一张合照做纪念。
    En: After descending the mountain, the three decided to take another group photo as a souvenir.

    Zh: 大伟举起手机,三个人都笑得很开心。
    En: Dawei raised his phone, and all three smiled happily.

    Zh: 照片定格在他们最美的时刻。
    En: The photo captured their most beautiful moment.

    Zh: 太阳下山了,他们告别了美丽的长城,回到了巴士上。
    En: The sun set, and they said goodbye to the beautiful Great Wall and returned to the bus.

    Zh: 大家都疲惫但心满意足。
    En: Everyone was tired but satisfied.

    Zh: 玲玲说:“这真是一个难忘的日子!
    En: Lingling said, "This really was an unforgettable day!"

    Zh: ”小明和大伟都点头同意。
    En: Xiaoming and Dawei both nodded in agreement.

    Zh: 就这样,他们带着满满的回忆回家了。
    En: Thus, they went home with full memories.

    Zh: 长城之行,不仅让他们了解了更多的历史,也让他们的友谊更加深厚。

    • 13分


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