
Gaining Self Confidence ~ The Beauty in Me Gaining Self Confidence ~ The Beauty in Me

    • 自己啓発

The main objective of this podcast is that I want you to know it is okay not to "fit in" to this mold that society has made for us and be content with yourself. Many girls aren't being accepted either by our community, friends, or even their own family. I want to step in and help them in their journey of being content with themselves regardless of the backlash they are receiving.

I started a platform called "Sikhnificance" is a free space platform to discuss our Sikh issues in society. A facet of communication will be through podcasts.

Guest Speaker: Mrs. Onkar Kaur Dhillon is 28 years old, and currently resides in Calgary, Alberta. She is a prominent social media influencer. Follow her Instagram! @glamonketo

Reach out to us:
Instagram: sikhnificant
Email: beingsikhnifcant@gmail.com

The main objective of this podcast is that I want you to know it is okay not to "fit in" to this mold that society has made for us and be content with yourself. Many girls aren't being accepted either by our community, friends, or even their own family. I want to step in and help them in their journey of being content with themselves regardless of the backlash they are receiving.

I started a platform called "Sikhnificance" is a free space platform to discuss our Sikh issues in society. A facet of communication will be through podcasts.

Guest Speaker: Mrs. Onkar Kaur Dhillon is 28 years old, and currently resides in Calgary, Alberta. She is a prominent social media influencer. Follow her Instagram! @glamonketo

Reach out to us:
Instagram: sikhnificant
Email: beingsikhnifcant@gmail.com
