
Gallifrey - The Time Lord's Domain from Doctor Who Sleep from Space : Astronomy for Peaceful Dreams

    • 天文学

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In this installment of Sleep from Space, we'll be traveling not just through space, but also through time as we visit Gallifrey, the home world of the Time Lords from Doctor Who. We'll discuss the practical implications of time travel and how it might shape a society like that of the Gallifreyans. From the towering citadel to the vast wastelands, we'll explore what life might be like on a planet where time is more than just a linear progression. Prepare to have your mind blown as we navigate the paradoxes and possibilities of a world that exists across all of time and space!

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In this installment of Sleep from Space, we'll be traveling not just through space, but also through time as we visit Gallifrey, the home world of the Time Lords from Doctor Who. We'll discuss the practical implications of time travel and how it might shape a society like that of the Gallifreyans. From the towering citadel to the vast wastelands, we'll explore what life might be like on a planet where time is more than just a linear progression. Prepare to have your mind blown as we navigate the paradoxes and possibilities of a world that exists across all of time and space!

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