
I Can... Strive for Inclusion in Friendship I Can Do This

    • 自己啓発

Join Us in today's episode to hear (a lot of nervous laughs) a bit about what it is like being a parent of a special needs child, things we can do as parents to be more inclusive of kids with different abilities, and how we as friends can create better support systems for each other.

We are not doctors; these are our opinions and thoughts shared from our readings and personal experiences.

Secret Sidebar:
Alexa has no idea I am linking this in the show notes, but the Kassian's Life would benefit significantly from having access to a Texo Trainer Full Time. If you loved this story and are looking for a way to help support them in their journey, I linked the Go Fund Me Below and the link to what the Trexo Trainer does. Kassian had access to one as a part of a clinical study, but because it is considered experimental, it is not covered by or funded by our government. Robotic technology seen in the Trexo Trainer has significantly improved the quality of life and trains the muscles to hold proper form for walking.

Trexo Trainer:

Link to the News Article Showing the benefits:

Link To Go Fund Me for the Texo Trainer: Kassian's Super Hero Fund

Social Media Links:

Thanks, everyone, for listening. I am learning so much about my new recording equipment and look forward to improving with each episode for you all! If you like this episode, please leave it a review. I can't wait to bring you more great episodes like these in the future. If you want to get in touch, I can be reached at: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/icandothis_podcast/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liz-senneker-i-can-do-this-podcast

Join Us in today's episode to hear (a lot of nervous laughs) a bit about what it is like being a parent of a special needs child, things we can do as parents to be more inclusive of kids with different abilities, and how we as friends can create better support systems for each other.

We are not doctors; these are our opinions and thoughts shared from our readings and personal experiences.

Secret Sidebar:
Alexa has no idea I am linking this in the show notes, but the Kassian's Life would benefit significantly from having access to a Texo Trainer Full Time. If you loved this story and are looking for a way to help support them in their journey, I linked the Go Fund Me Below and the link to what the Trexo Trainer does. Kassian had access to one as a part of a clinical study, but because it is considered experimental, it is not covered by or funded by our government. Robotic technology seen in the Trexo Trainer has significantly improved the quality of life and trains the muscles to hold proper form for walking.

Trexo Trainer:

Link to the News Article Showing the benefits:

Link To Go Fund Me for the Texo Trainer: Kassian's Super Hero Fund

Social Media Links:

Thanks, everyone, for listening. I am learning so much about my new recording equipment and look forward to improving with each episode for you all! If you like this episode, please leave it a review. I can't wait to bring you more great episodes like these in the future. If you want to get in touch, I can be reached at: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/icandothis_podcast/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liz-senneker-i-can-do-this-podcast
