In the Plan of God; the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war - Part 3 - God's Plan Calvary Chapel Perth Sermons

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What drives the world to sign a peace covenant with Israel?
Jesus, the MEMRA - The word of God, is:

1. Same as God but distinct from God (John 1:1-2)
2. Agent of Creation (John 1:3) - He created everything
3. Agent of Salvation (John 1:4) - Eternal life comes from faith and believe in Jesus Christ
4. The Shekinah Glory; Agent of Revelation (John1:5)
5. God made Visible (John 1:14)
6. God the Covenant Signer (Exodus 24:1-8)

What drives the world to sign a peace covenant with Israel?
Jesus, the MEMRA - The word of God, is:

1. Same as God but distinct from God (John 1:1-2)
2. Agent of Creation (John 1:3) - He created everything
3. Agent of Salvation (John 1:4) - Eternal life comes from faith and believe in Jesus Christ
4. The Shekinah Glory; Agent of Revelation (John1:5)
5. God made Visible (John 1:14)
6. God the Covenant Signer (Exodus 24:1-8)