
How ancient teachings help us to navigate modern life. Every two weeks a new episode offers 15 minutes of sanity, drawing from early Buddhist teachings, designed to wake you up from your stress and misery.

It can be hard to believe that doing something as simple as practising mindfulness will free us, but it will. Don’t imagine that there are secret teachings out there somewhere that you need to go and find. The answer is much closer to home. You’ll find it right here in this very moment. It’s always here and it’s always available. If you’re too busy looking for transcendent experiences you’ll miss it. You can find it in the washing of a cup, the sound of a bird, a conversation with your son, your daughter, your mother, your friend. You can find it in the sensations in your body as you work and rest and live and breathe.

Just listen with your body, heart and mind.

Kitchen Sink Dharma Walter Young

    • 宗教/スピリチュアル

How ancient teachings help us to navigate modern life. Every two weeks a new episode offers 15 minutes of sanity, drawing from early Buddhist teachings, designed to wake you up from your stress and misery.

It can be hard to believe that doing something as simple as practising mindfulness will free us, but it will. Don’t imagine that there are secret teachings out there somewhere that you need to go and find. The answer is much closer to home. You’ll find it right here in this very moment. It’s always here and it’s always available. If you’re too busy looking for transcendent experiences you’ll miss it. You can find it in the washing of a cup, the sound of a bird, a conversation with your son, your daughter, your mother, your friend. You can find it in the sensations in your body as you work and rest and live and breathe.

Just listen with your body, heart and mind.

    Holding patterns

    Holding patterns

    Whatever feelings we refuse to accept will simply keep agitating us until we accept them.
    Purification happens when we stop, listen to the body and allow feelings to be just as they are. If we keep doing that, over and over again, the habits of reactivity and clinging are gradually eradicated.

    • 12分
    The factors of awakening

    The factors of awakening

    One of the reasons we practise meditation is to train ourselves to handle all of the ups and downs, from the smallest irritations to the greatest sorrows in our lives.
    The teachings on the seven factors of awakening, which can be seen as a map of the territory, describe a series of steps that lead us to a place of steadiness and resilience.

    • 14分
    Feelings and intuitions

    Feelings and intuitions

    The unconscious mind is incredibly powerful. It has the capacity to process information more quickly and more efficiently than our conscious mind. But it can be prone to errors and biases.
    Emotional resistance clouds our intuitive wisdom. We’re more likely to be misled by feelings if we’re putting a lot of energy into our sense of self.
    Knowing a little about how the mind works helps us to see more clearly.
    This is a recording of a talk given to Insight North East in June 24.

    • 16分
    A bundle of energy

    A bundle of energy

    When we meditate, we find out things about ourselves, like how easily we’re distracted. Sometimes when we have difficulty concentrating, we’re simply unwilling to accept what’s happening right now. What’s really going on is avoidance.
    By sensing into the energy in the body, we’re tuning in to the present moment. We’re saying ‘this is what’s happening, right now, and it’s fine’.

    • 11分


    As humans we have a natural negativity bias. We’re acutely sensitive to things that upset or trouble us.
    Our capacity for gratitude and appreciation counteracts this. Acknowledging the good in our lives supports our sense of wellbeing and makes us less prone to depression.

    • 11分
    There's nothing missing

    There's nothing missing

    Expecting pleasant feelings to remain stable means fighting against reality. Everything that arises passes; feelings change, often within a few seconds.
    And yet still we react and cling as though our lives depend on it.

    • 11分


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