
Landmasses and Continents - Toponyms Map Room Ramblings | Atlas Altera

    • 社会科学

Building off of the general overview in episode #2 for how and why places are named/renamed in Altera, we set off to systematically explore the etymologies behind geographic name in Altera, starting top-level first with landmasses and continents. Other topics covered: the difference between a continent and a landmass, Amerigo Vespucci, the etymology of Alaska, the geographic concepts of Ecumene and Nusantara, the -stan suffix, power relations and exonyms, connecting the East Indies with the Spice Islands or Moluccas, septentrion as north and the historic French system of orientation, the Southern Cross and its tie to iconography in the Southern Hemisphere, and Southern Ocean geographic exceptionalism.

Tired of learning geography and history in an uninspired world? Atlas Altera is a creative exercise that repaints the world while going hardcore on real geography, anthropology, linguistics, and history.

For more content, visit www.atlasaltera.com or watch the video on YouTube.

Building off of the general overview in episode #2 for how and why places are named/renamed in Altera, we set off to systematically explore the etymologies behind geographic name in Altera, starting top-level first with landmasses and continents. Other topics covered: the difference between a continent and a landmass, Amerigo Vespucci, the etymology of Alaska, the geographic concepts of Ecumene and Nusantara, the -stan suffix, power relations and exonyms, connecting the East Indies with the Spice Islands or Moluccas, septentrion as north and the historic French system of orientation, the Southern Cross and its tie to iconography in the Southern Hemisphere, and Southern Ocean geographic exceptionalism.

Tired of learning geography and history in an uninspired world? Atlas Altera is a creative exercise that repaints the world while going hardcore on real geography, anthropology, linguistics, and history.

For more content, visit www.atlasaltera.com or watch the video on YouTube.
