
Life Beyond the Stage, A Story of Resilience and Faith | Kelly K Behind The Mike Podcast

    • キリスト教

Embark on an extraordinary odyssey with Kelly K, an evangelist who's traded rock riffs for pulpit proclamations, proving that faith and unexpected paths can intertwine in the most remarkable ways. Our latest guest's tapestry of tattoos and piercings challenges the quintessential ministry mold, inviting listeners to discover how appearances can both connect us to and divide us from one another. Kelly's story is a raw narrative of life's highs—family, music, survival—and its lows, includin...

Embark on an extraordinary odyssey with Kelly K, an evangelist who's traded rock riffs for pulpit proclamations, proving that faith and unexpected paths can intertwine in the most remarkable ways. Our latest guest's tapestry of tattoos and piercings challenges the quintessential ministry mold, inviting listeners to discover how appearances can both connect us to and divide us from one another. Kelly's story is a raw narrative of life's highs—family, music, survival—and its lows, includin...
