
MARK: Jesus #Unfiltered - Day 72 MARK: Jesus #Unfiltered

    • キリスト教

Jesus has been found guilty of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin and now is brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judaea, because the Jews were not able to execute anyone who had broken their religious laws. Now, the religious leaders bring forward a political crime accusing Jesus of setting himself up as King in opposition to Caesar. Pilate asks Jesus if he is the “King of the Jews”, to which Jesus replies that Pilate had said so. Then Jesus remains silent as the chief priests lay out their accusations against Jesus.

In reply to Pilate’s question, Jesus is really saying that, as King of the Jews, he is not trying to take over as a political leader. Jesus’ silence in the face of these accusations was a fulfilment of Isaiah 53:7: “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth”. Jesus was in total control in this situation despite the outward appearances. Jesus could have effectively argued his case against these charges, but remains silent in order to fulfil the Father’s will.

Pilate appears to want to release Jesus because he recognises that Jesus has not committed a crime to warrant the death penalty. But, the crowds are stirred up to demand the release of Barabbas, an insurrectionary and murderer. Pilate hands over Jesus to be crucified because he wants to please the crowd. It is ironic that Pilate authorises Jesus’ death because he doesn’t want to upset the crowd in case news of this travels to Rome, but Pilate is happy to release someone who has actively opposed Roman rule. DR


How do you know that Jesus was in control during this political trial?
Why does Pilate release Jesus to be crucified?
Can you think of some situations in your life when it would have been better to have remained silent than to have spoken?


Lord Jesus, we thank you that you were obedient to the Father’s will. Help us to recognise you as our true King, not a political leader or military leader. Help us to resist the pressure of others and follow your will for our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jesus has been found guilty of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin and now is brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judaea, because the Jews were not able to execute anyone who had broken their religious laws. Now, the religious leaders bring forward a political crime accusing Jesus of setting himself up as King in opposition to Caesar. Pilate asks Jesus if he is the “King of the Jews”, to which Jesus replies that Pilate had said so. Then Jesus remains silent as the chief priests lay out their accusations against Jesus.

In reply to Pilate’s question, Jesus is really saying that, as King of the Jews, he is not trying to take over as a political leader. Jesus’ silence in the face of these accusations was a fulfilment of Isaiah 53:7: “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth”. Jesus was in total control in this situation despite the outward appearances. Jesus could have effectively argued his case against these charges, but remains silent in order to fulfil the Father’s will.

Pilate appears to want to release Jesus because he recognises that Jesus has not committed a crime to warrant the death penalty. But, the crowds are stirred up to demand the release of Barabbas, an insurrectionary and murderer. Pilate hands over Jesus to be crucified because he wants to please the crowd. It is ironic that Pilate authorises Jesus’ death because he doesn’t want to upset the crowd in case news of this travels to Rome, but Pilate is happy to release someone who has actively opposed Roman rule. DR


How do you know that Jesus was in control during this political trial?
Why does Pilate release Jesus to be crucified?
Can you think of some situations in your life when it would have been better to have remained silent than to have spoken?


Lord Jesus, we thank you that you were obedient to the Father’s will. Help us to recognise you as our true King, not a political leader or military leader. Help us to resist the pressure of others and follow your will for our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
