
MARK: Jesus #Unfiltered - Day 73 MARK: Jesus #Unfiltered

    • キリスト教

Before Jesus was sent to be crucified, the Roman soldiers of the Praetorium humiliated him. The crown of thorns, their bending of the knee and the purple robe were evidence they held Jesus’ claim to be King in contempt. The soldiers struck him again and again, and they spat on him again and again. They treated Jesus the same way they would treat any condemned prisoner, even though he was not guilty.

Simon of Cyrene, who happened to be passing by, was forced to carry the cross for Jesus. This was a normal part of crucifixion to further humiliate the prisoner and to make them an example to others. The fact that Jesus could not carry the cross implies that he was physically unable to carry it due to the soldiers’ beating. Jesus was crucified with two other criminals, his charge reading: “the king of the Jews”. As Jesus is on the cross, it becomes crystal clear that Jesus is the true King and Caesar was not. The Roman Empire appeared to be benevolent but it achieved peace with an iron fist. Jesus is a King who saves by laying down his life for us. He is the Prince of Peace.

Once more Jesus is mocked and insulted by passers-by, witnesses, the two criminals and the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They referred to his previous teachings and miracles to challenge Jesus to ‘save’ himself. Jesus chooses the cross and all its pain and humiliation because it was necessary to atone for our sins and enable Jesus to be ‘a merciful High Priest’ who understood the human condition completely, and support us when we are tempted or suffer. DR


How do you react when people insult Jesus?
Why did Jesus need to suffer on the cross?


Heavenly Father, we thank you that Jesus endured humiliation and physical pain and suffering for us. We acknowledge Jesus not only as the King of the Jews, but as the King of the Universe and our King. We thank-you that Jesus meets us when we are tempted or when we suffer because of all that he endured. Thank you Jesus, Amen.

Before Jesus was sent to be crucified, the Roman soldiers of the Praetorium humiliated him. The crown of thorns, their bending of the knee and the purple robe were evidence they held Jesus’ claim to be King in contempt. The soldiers struck him again and again, and they spat on him again and again. They treated Jesus the same way they would treat any condemned prisoner, even though he was not guilty.

Simon of Cyrene, who happened to be passing by, was forced to carry the cross for Jesus. This was a normal part of crucifixion to further humiliate the prisoner and to make them an example to others. The fact that Jesus could not carry the cross implies that he was physically unable to carry it due to the soldiers’ beating. Jesus was crucified with two other criminals, his charge reading: “the king of the Jews”. As Jesus is on the cross, it becomes crystal clear that Jesus is the true King and Caesar was not. The Roman Empire appeared to be benevolent but it achieved peace with an iron fist. Jesus is a King who saves by laying down his life for us. He is the Prince of Peace.

Once more Jesus is mocked and insulted by passers-by, witnesses, the two criminals and the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They referred to his previous teachings and miracles to challenge Jesus to ‘save’ himself. Jesus chooses the cross and all its pain and humiliation because it was necessary to atone for our sins and enable Jesus to be ‘a merciful High Priest’ who understood the human condition completely, and support us when we are tempted or suffer. DR


How do you react when people insult Jesus?
Why did Jesus need to suffer on the cross?


Heavenly Father, we thank you that Jesus endured humiliation and physical pain and suffering for us. We acknowledge Jesus not only as the King of the Jews, but as the King of the Universe and our King. We thank-you that Jesus meets us when we are tempted or when we suffer because of all that he endured. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
