
MARK: Jesus #Unfiltered - Day 74 MARK: Jesus #Unfiltered

    • キリスト教

Psalm 22 was written by King David at a time when he felt abandoned by God, and experienced great danger and deprivation. It begins abruptly, with a disturbing scene: someone who knows and trusts God is forsaken, and cries out to God in agony. We may readily imagine a situation in the life of King David where he experienced this. Many times he found himself in seemingly impossible circumstances and wondered why God did not rescue him immediately.

The real significance of this Psalm though is that it points to the Messiah, and the suffering Jesus would endure on the cross for our salvation. Jesus deliberately chose these words to describe his agony on the cross (Matt 27:46). It seems certain that Jesus was meditating on the Old Testament during the hours of his suffering and saw his crucifixion as a fulfilment of this psalm.

On the cross at that moment, a holy transaction took place. God the Father regarded Jesus as if he were a sinner who carried the sin of the whole world. As Paul would later write, God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Cor 5:21). Martin Luther wrote that this psalm describes the deep and heavy sufferings of Christ when agonising in the midst of the terrors and pangs of divine wrath and death which surpass all human thought and comprehension. Jesus’ agonised cry and the intentional identification of himself with these words are some of the most intense and mysterious descriptions of what Jesus experienced on the cross. DR


Why does Jesus quote Psalm 22 on the cross?
Why did Jesus feel forsaken (abandoned) by God?
How do you feel that Jesus became sin for us in order to save us?


Almighty God, we thank you that the Psalms point towards the Messiah and the suffering he would willingly endure for us. Help us to grasp the cost of our forgiveness, the cost of our salvation. May this knowledge help us to be truly thankful and willing to share this on our frontlines. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Psalm 22 was written by King David at a time when he felt abandoned by God, and experienced great danger and deprivation. It begins abruptly, with a disturbing scene: someone who knows and trusts God is forsaken, and cries out to God in agony. We may readily imagine a situation in the life of King David where he experienced this. Many times he found himself in seemingly impossible circumstances and wondered why God did not rescue him immediately.

The real significance of this Psalm though is that it points to the Messiah, and the suffering Jesus would endure on the cross for our salvation. Jesus deliberately chose these words to describe his agony on the cross (Matt 27:46). It seems certain that Jesus was meditating on the Old Testament during the hours of his suffering and saw his crucifixion as a fulfilment of this psalm.

On the cross at that moment, a holy transaction took place. God the Father regarded Jesus as if he were a sinner who carried the sin of the whole world. As Paul would later write, God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Cor 5:21). Martin Luther wrote that this psalm describes the deep and heavy sufferings of Christ when agonising in the midst of the terrors and pangs of divine wrath and death which surpass all human thought and comprehension. Jesus’ agonised cry and the intentional identification of himself with these words are some of the most intense and mysterious descriptions of what Jesus experienced on the cross. DR


Why does Jesus quote Psalm 22 on the cross?
Why did Jesus feel forsaken (abandoned) by God?
How do you feel that Jesus became sin for us in order to save us?


Almighty God, we thank you that the Psalms point towards the Messiah and the suffering he would willingly endure for us. Help us to grasp the cost of our forgiveness, the cost of our salvation. May this knowledge help us to be truly thankful and willing to share this on our frontlines. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
