
MATTHEW: Day 35 MATTHEW: The King in Jerusalem

    • キリスト教

The hour has almost arrived, but before it does, Jesus goes to Gethsemane to pray. All throughout Jesus’ ministry, we regularly witness him taking time out to spend with his Father in prayer. But this time is different. For not only does he take some of the disciples with him, but he asks them to keep watch. Up to this point, when Jesus spoke of the coming judgment and ultimately his return, he regularly implored all who will listen to keep watch! And now, as things reach their culmination, his plead with the disciples is emphatic. Surely they must have known that something cataclysmic was about to happen as Jesus shares that his “soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death”. We can only begin to understand what Jesus was feeling and of the load that he was bearing with the cross set before him. But even with cross ahead of him - with all the pain and sin that he would bear - he submits his life to the Father’s will, “yet not as I will, but as you will”. Jesus prays a second time, “if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done”. But the cross is the only way. What phenomenal obedience! What phenomenal love, that Jesus would submit himself even to death, in order that we might live.

But how are the disciples going? How are the keeping watch? They’re not; they’re asleep. It’s hard to imagine the extra layer of sorrow that must have been for Jesus as his friends could not keep awake to support him in this great hour of need. But as the disciples sleep, it’s also a reminder that what Jesus must now face, he must face alone. Many died on crosses, but there is only one - the one who is God himself - who could die as the ultimate sacrifice for the world. Jesus knows that. Jesus has submitted his life to that cause. And now, they rise, to meet his betrayer. AL


Why could only Jesus go to the cross as a sacrifice for the world? What do you think it means for us to ‘keep watch’ as we await Jesus’ return?


Lord Jesus, we can only begin to imagine what it was like for you to carry the weight of the world’s sin on the cross. Thank you, that even though you did not deserve it, that you went willingly and obediently to the Father. Please help us to faithfully keep watch as we await for your return. Amen.

The hour has almost arrived, but before it does, Jesus goes to Gethsemane to pray. All throughout Jesus’ ministry, we regularly witness him taking time out to spend with his Father in prayer. But this time is different. For not only does he take some of the disciples with him, but he asks them to keep watch. Up to this point, when Jesus spoke of the coming judgment and ultimately his return, he regularly implored all who will listen to keep watch! And now, as things reach their culmination, his plead with the disciples is emphatic. Surely they must have known that something cataclysmic was about to happen as Jesus shares that his “soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death”. We can only begin to understand what Jesus was feeling and of the load that he was bearing with the cross set before him. But even with cross ahead of him - with all the pain and sin that he would bear - he submits his life to the Father’s will, “yet not as I will, but as you will”. Jesus prays a second time, “if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done”. But the cross is the only way. What phenomenal obedience! What phenomenal love, that Jesus would submit himself even to death, in order that we might live.

But how are the disciples going? How are the keeping watch? They’re not; they’re asleep. It’s hard to imagine the extra layer of sorrow that must have been for Jesus as his friends could not keep awake to support him in this great hour of need. But as the disciples sleep, it’s also a reminder that what Jesus must now face, he must face alone. Many died on crosses, but there is only one - the one who is God himself - who could die as the ultimate sacrifice for the world. Jesus knows that. Jesus has submitted his life to that cause. And now, they rise, to meet his betrayer. AL


Why could only Jesus go to the cross as a sacrifice for the world? What do you think it means for us to ‘keep watch’ as we await Jesus’ return?


Lord Jesus, we can only begin to imagine what it was like for you to carry the weight of the world’s sin on the cross. Thank you, that even though you did not deserve it, that you went willingly and obediently to the Father. Please help us to faithfully keep watch as we await for your return. Amen.
