
The sermon audio of Mid Tree Church in Harris County, Ga. BEHOLD // BELIEVE // BECOME

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The sermon audio of Mid Tree Church in Harris County, Ga. BEHOLD // BELIEVE // BECOME

    Serenity in the Storm Exploring Jesus' Sovereign Power | Pastor Will Hawk | April 28, 2024

    Serenity in the Storm Exploring Jesus' Sovereign Power | Pastor Will Hawk | April 28, 2024

    Encounter the transformative power of faith as we traverse the spiritual landscape with Jesus, whose command even the demons obey. The story of a terror-stricken man, bound by darkness and liberated by Christ, sets the stage for our latest episode, where we unearth the depths of Jesus' authority and its implications for our lives. This narrative, entwined with tales of the remarkable Power Team evangelists, brings to light the reality of supernatural forces and the sovereignty Jesus holds over them.

    Step into the realm of the eternal family, where we observe how spiritual kinship blossoms within communities like Midtree, extending a hand to fellow believers through robust support and outreach. Witness Jesus' dominion over nature's chaos as we recount the stilling of a tempest on the Sea of Galilee, a powerful metaphor for the storms we face. This episode challenges us to acknowledge Jesus' lordship, inviting tranquility into the tumult of our existence, and to understand that closeness to Him does not always correlate with deep faith.

    We close our contemplation by harmonizing the concepts of power and grace, as demonstrated by Jesus' interactions with the demon-possessed and his followers. Ford's personal narratives underscore the pivotal decision before us: to recoil from the intensity of Jesus' might or to draw near, embracing His strength and mercy. This discussion is an invitation to discover comfort in the might of Jesus' authority and to accept His grace as the cornerstone of hope and resilience, for believers and skeptics alike.

    • 50分
    From Hearers to Sowers Transforming with the Gospel | Pastor Will Hawk | April 21, 2024

    From Hearers to Sowers Transforming with the Gospel | Pastor Will Hawk | April 21, 2024

    Embark with us on a spiritual excavation as we reexamine the Parable of the Sower. Unveiling the narrative's layered depths, we stretch the fabric of this biblical story, drawing from Luke 8:1-18 to present a cohesive message often missed when taking a mere glance. We dissect the significance of receptive hearts and the resilience required to foster enduring faith, paralleling the four soils in the parable to our own spiritual journey. As we sift through the text, the meaning unfolds, revealing how selective hearing impacts our absorption of divine wisdom and the vital need for an active, responsive approach to life's sown seeds.

    Venturing further, we contemplate the everyday struggles that can distract us from spiritual growth, recognizing how easily we drift off course. With the Parable as our compass, we navigate the 'big three' impediments: external forces, internal flaws, and the world’s entanglements. The emphasis shifts towards the necessity of becoming 'good soil,' a metaphor for a heart that receives, nurtures, and bears fruit through the word of God. Our discussion anchors itself in practical advice, inspiring you to surmount distractions and cultivate a harvest from an honest, good heart.

    Finally, we pivot the lens towards those casting the seeds—the sowers of the gospel—and challenge the default self-centric interpretation of this parable. Our conversation underscores the importance of sharing the word and the varied responses it may evoke. The episode concludes with a fervent call to transform from fallow ground into vibrant sowers ourselves, sharing the life-changing message of the gospel and bearing fruit that endures. Join us and step into your role as a bearer of good news, ensuring your impact resonates through eternity.

    • 46分
    Grace in the Shadows of Doubt | Pastor Will Hawk | April 14th, 2024

    Grace in the Shadows of Doubt | Pastor Will Hawk | April 14th, 2024

    Have you ever felt a tug-of-war between the certainty of faith and the whispers of doubt? Our journey through the Christian experience isn't exempt from such struggles, as illustrated poignantly in this latest episode. We navigate the story of John the Baptist, enveloped by doubt even amidst Jesus's miracles, and grasp at the reassurance Jesus offers. Reflecting on John's uncertainty, we uncover the comforting truth that questioning is a facet of a dynamic faith, not its absence. This episode offers a beacon of hope for those wrestling with the ebbs and flows of belief, illuminating the path where faith and doubt intersect.

    It's through the shared stories of our community that our own stories gain strength, particularly when skepticism clouds our faith. As we recount tales of triumph over adversity, such as a family confronting illness, we see the power of unity in faith. The episode emphasizes that the journey isn't meant to be a solo venture; it's the collective wisdom, the chorus of experiences, and the fellowship of believers that enrich and solidify our spiritual resilience. We explore how leaning into this network can dispel doubts and foster growth, showcasing that, indeed, we are stronger together.

    Finally, we're drawn into the intimate tale of the woman with the alabaster flask, her actions echoing the profound nature of forgiveness and grace. As we contrast her humility with Simon the Pharisee's pride, we're invited to reflect on our own need for mercy. We close with a prayer for strength, extending an open invitation to all to find solace and peace at the feet of Christ. Whether you're a steadfast believer or someone just beginning to explore the faith, you’ll find in this episode a reminder that no one is alone on this spiritual journey.

    • 56分
    Reflections on Divine Compassion and Human Faith | Pastor Will Hawk | April 7, 2024

    Reflections on Divine Compassion and Human Faith | Pastor Will Hawk | April 7, 2024

    Discover the unexpected places where faith can flourish and how humility serves as a cornerstone to a meaningful spiritual journey. We unpack the riveting tales from Luke chapter 7, where a Roman centurion's astounding faith and a widow's profound grief bring to light the compassionate might of Jesus Christ. We delve into the paradox of spiritual advantage versus genuine faith, challenging both skeptics and believers to evaluate the nature of their own beliefs and the essence of true humility.

    Have you ever wondered about the strength of your own faith or how you measure up in the eyes of the divine? This episode is a heartening exploration of these questions, as we discuss the centurion's exemplary humility and faith, and the remarkable inclusion of the Gentiles into a faith that transcends cultural boundaries. We also consider the transformative nature of faith and how it can redefine our identity under Christ's authority, inviting you to join us in a moment of self-reflection and a call to live out an active faith that emulates Christ's love.

    Ending on a note of encouragement, we shed light on the communal aspects of faith and the power it holds to draw us together, regardless of where we are on our spiritual paths. Whether you're a devout believer or still seeking answers, this episode offers an insightful look at the inclusivity of Christ's message and the transformative impact of faith in our lives. Join us as we offer guidance for deepening your faith and embracing the fullness of a life walked in humility before God.

    • 45分
    The Empty Tomb: What It Means, and Why It Matters | Pastor Will Hawk | March 31, 2024

    The Empty Tomb: What It Means, and Why It Matters | Pastor Will Hawk | March 31, 2024

    As we approach the dawn of Easter Sunday, it's time for a heartfelt exploration of what this day truly means for our faith and spiritual journey. Remember the last time you tried to capture the majesty of a sunrise, only to find the image paled in comparison to the real spectacle? That's a bit like our annual celebration of the resurrection—so often we miss the full depth of this miraculous event. In today's episode, we peel back the layers of tradition and chocolate bunnies to rediscover the awe-inspiring narrative of the empty tomb and the transformative impact it has on our understanding of death and the promises of Jesus.

    Have you ever found unexpected comfort in the oddest of places, like perching on a kitchen countertop during a crowded party? The serene angel at Christ's grave embodies that unconventional solace, a beacon of hope in a setting of despair. As we navigate through this episode, we'll explore intriguing instances of resurrection found in scripture, from Elijah's miraculous acts to a man's astonishing return to life by Elisha's bones. These narratives aren't just ancient texts; they're vibrant threads woven into the fabric of our faith, each one a testament to the enduring promise of life conquering death.

    Wrapping up our journey, we tackle the profound themes of forgiveness and renewal that bloom from Jesus' victory over the grave. We invite you to step away from the sidelines and join us at the empty tomb. Here, amidst the echoes of fear and joy from the first witnesses, you'll find an open invitation to re-evaluate the claims of Christ, the hope encased within the resurrection, and the life-changing decision to trust in the power of the one who overcame death. Today's reflections are more than just a retelling; they're an invitation to embrace gratitude and worship for the miraculous stories of life emerging from death that continue to mold our faith and fill our hearts.

    • 43分
    Transcending Worldly Desires for Heavenly Riches | Will Hawk | March 24, 2024

    Transcending Worldly Desires for Heavenly Riches | Will Hawk | March 24, 2024

    As we reflect on our spiritual journeys, let us be struck by the revolutionary teachings of Jesus about the blessedness of the poor and the woes that can entangle the rich. Through a deep exploration of Luke 6:20-30, this episode invites you on an introspective voyage to understand how material wealth can sometimes cloud our perception of true need and spiritual wealth. The contrast draws a compelling picture of a future built not on earthly riches, but on the riches of the kingdom of God. We look closely at the expectations surrounding the messianic figure during Palm Sunday and how these can shape our vision of who Jesus is and what he stands for, reminding ourselves to steer clear of idolatry and to anchor our hopes in his abiding message.

    Venturing further, we encounter the delicate interplay between faith, gratitude, and the evanescent nature of worldly joys, informed by the poignant musings of C.S. Lewis. This episode is not just about contemplation but a call to radical love—one that extends even to those we may consider enemies. It's a journey through the teachings of Jesus that invites us to redefine joy and love in a way that transcends simple reciprocity. The transformative power of this love not only shapes our earthly relationships but aligns our lives with an eternal perspective, challenging us to live each day with heavenward intentions.

    Wrapping up this spiritual odyssey, we discuss the importance of laying a firm foundation for our faith and actions. We delve into the influence of media and those around us, emphasizing the need for self-examination and critical thinking in shaping our worldview. We are encouraged to pair our listening with deeds, building our lives on the solid rock of Christ's unshakable grace—an anchor that holds steadfast even amidst life's fleeting moments. Join us as we seek clarity and purpose through faith and worship, reminding us that the deepest satisfaction comes from our spiritual connection with the Father, which endures beyond the transient things of this world.

    • 43分


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