
You're struggling to hear God's voice in your everyday life. You may feel distant from Him and unsure of how to draw closer.
Our podcast, "The Power of God's Whisper", will help train your ear to hear God's voice and provide practical steps on how to respond when you hear it. By learning how to listen for His voice, you will experience more intimacy with God..


The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast If God Spoke To You During The Most Active Part Of Your Day...Would You Notice?

    • 宗教/スピリチュアル

You're struggling to hear God's voice in your everyday life. You may feel distant from Him and unsure of how to draw closer.
Our podcast, "The Power of God's Whisper", will help train your ear to hear God's voice and provide practical steps on how to respond when you hear it. By learning how to listen for His voice, you will experience more intimacy with God..


    24-160 On the Front Lines: The Making of a Prayer Warrior

    24-160 On the Front Lines: The Making of a Prayer Warrior

    Welcome to The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast. Today, we dive deep into what it means to be a prayer warrior. It's about more than just throwing up occasional prayers; it's about committing yourself to the battleground of intercession, where you believe wholeheartedly that your prayers can influence both heaven and earth.
    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Luke 18:1 - "Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up."
    In Luke 18:1, Jesus introduces the Parable of the Persistent Widow to underscore a vital aspect of spiritual life: persistence in prayer. The widow’s relentless pursuit of justice from an unjust judge gives us a glimpse into the heart of true intercession. This parable isn’t just a story; it's a direct call to action for those of us looking to deepen our impact as prayer warriors. Persistence isn’t just a good trait; it’s essential.
    Focus Points for Becoming a Prayer Warrior:
    * Embrace Persistence:
    * Emulate the persistent widow. Prayer should be a persistent, ongoing practice. Don't be discouraged by delays or silence; view them as opportunities to demonstrate your faithfulness and trust in God’s timing.
    * Cultivate Faith:
    * Strong prayer warriors have unshakeable faith. Believe in the power of your prayers, not because of who you are, but because of who God is. Remember, you are communicating with the omnipotent Creator who loves to respond to His children.
    * Intercede With Purpose:
    * Intercession means pleading on behalf of others. Whether it's for personal needs, friends, family, or global crises, bring these concerns to God with clarity and intentionality. Understand the needs you're praying about and commit them to God.
    * Maintain Spiritual Alertness:
    * Stay spiritually alert. Keep your heart and mind attuned to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. Be ready to pray at a moment’s notice, sensitive to the spiritual realities around you.
    * Develop a Prayer Strategy:
    * Organize your prayer life. Just like a soldier prepares for battle, a prayer warrior should have a strategy. This might include specific times of prayer, prayer lists, or dedicated prayer spaces. Approach prayer with the seriousness and dedication it deserves.
    Conclusion: To be a prayer warrior is to join the ranks of those who wield the strategic weapon of prayer on the spiritual battlefield. It requires persistence, faith, purposeful intercession, alertness, and a well-planned strategy. These elements are not just suggestions—they're necessary for effective spiritual warfare.
    Call to Action: Identify one area of your prayer life that needs strengthening. Commit to developing this area over the next month. Perhaps you need to be more persistent or maybe you need to organize your prayer strategy. Whatever it is, make a plan and stick to it.
    Question of the Day: What challenges do you face in becoming a more persistent prayer warrior, and how can you overcome them?
    Let's Pray: Father, we come before You committed to being warriors on our knees. Teach us to pray with persistence, guide us in faith, and alert us to the needs of those around us. Help us to strategize our prayers in a way that honors You and brings about Your will on earth. We ask for the strength to never give up, trusting in Your perfect plan. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
    Stay steadfast in your commitment to prayer, and remember that each petition you make is heard by a God who acts. Keep pushing, keep praying, and keep believing. You are a warrior, equipped for every spiritual battle.
    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe

    • 7分
    24-159 In the Trenches: Training to Be a Prayer Warrior

    24-159 In the Trenches: Training to Be a Prayer Warrior

    Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast. Today, we're delving into the life of a prayer warrior. This isn’t about casual prayers before meals; this is about stepping into the role of an intercessor, someone who commits deeply to praying for others and believes wholeheartedly in the power of those prayers to effect real change.
    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Acts 12:5 - "So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him."
    In Acts 12, the early church provides a profound example of what it means to be committed to intercessory prayer. While Peter was imprisoned, facing almost certain execution, the church didn’t just hope for the best; they prayed earnestly for his release. Their prayers were powerful and effective, leading to an angelic intervention that freed Peter—an event that demonstrates the significant impact our prayers can have when we commit to interceding for others.
    Focus Points for Becoming a Prayer Warrior:
    * Commit to Earnest Prayer:
    * Like the early church praying for Peter, commit to earnest, heartfelt prayer. This isn’t about reciting words but pouring out your soul to God, believing in His power to intervene.
    * Pray Collectively:
    * Engage with others in prayer. Collective prayer, where two or more are gathered in His name, holds tremendous power. Organize prayer meetings or join existing groups within your community.
    * Intercede Regularly:
    * Make intercession a regular part of your prayer life. Set aside specific times to pray not just for personal needs but for the needs of others, whether they be friends, family, leaders, or nations.
    * Believe in the Power of Prayer:
    * Truly believe in the effectiveness of your prayers. The story of Peter’s release from prison isn’t just a tale from the past; it’s a reminder that God still responds to the earnest prayers of His people today.
    * Stay Persistent:
    * Don’t give up. The church prayed for Peter until he was released. In your own life, stay persistent in prayer, even when the situation seems dire or the wait for an answer is prolonged.
    Conclusion: Becoming a prayer warrior isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires dedication, a deep faith, and a commitment to standing in the gap for others. It’s about making a difference through the spiritual discipline of prayer.
    Call to Action: This week, challenge yourself to increase your time in intercessory prayer. Pick a cause or a person who needs prayer and commit to praying for them daily. Witness how your dedicated prayers can bring about change.
    Question of the Day: What situation in your life or in the lives of others can you begin to earnestly intercede for starting today?
    Let's Pray: Lord, we come before You today, ready to take up the mantle of prayer warriors. Equip us with the strength to pray earnestly and the faith to believe in the power of those prayers. Help us to be steadfast in our commitment to intercession, knowing that our prayers can move mountains and open prison doors. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Keep pressing on, warriors. Your prayers are powerful and effective. Remember, each day is an opportunity to impact the world through the power of prayer. Let’s make it count.
    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe

    • 6分
    24-158 Gearing Up: Becoming a Prayer Warrior

    24-158 Gearing Up: Becoming a Prayer Warrior

    Hello, everyone, and welcome to The Power of God's Whisper Podcast. In today's episode, we're diving into the profound role of being a prayer warrior. This goes beyond merely saying prayers—it involves a deep dedication to intercession and a firm belief in the transformative power of prayer to effect change in both the spiritual and physical worlds.
    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Colossians 4:2 - "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."
    In Colossians 4:2, Paul gives us a simple yet powerful command: "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." This verse isn’t just a casual suggestion; it’s a call to action for anyone who wants to be a prayer warrior. Being devoted means making prayer a central part of your life, staying alert to the needs around you, and maintaining a heart of gratitude.
    Focus Points for Becoming a Prayer Warrior:
    * Devote Yourself to Prayer:
    * Make prayer a priority. Set aside specific times each day to talk with God. Whether it's in the morning, during your lunch break, or before bed, consistency is key. This devotion will build a strong foundation for your spiritual life.
    * Be Watchful:
    * Stay alert to what’s happening around you. Pay attention to the needs of others, the challenges your community faces, and the spiritual battles that are being fought. This awareness will guide your prayers and make them more effective.
    * Be Thankful:
    * Gratitude changes your perspective. Start your prayers with thanksgiving, acknowledging God’s blessings and faithfulness. A thankful heart keeps you humble and reminds you of God’s constant provision.
    * Intercede for Others:
    * A prayer warrior stands in the gap for others. Take time to pray for your family, friends, church, and even those you don’t know personally. Your prayers can bring comfort, healing, and change.
    * Stay Persistent:
    * Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Persistence in prayer shows your faith and dedication. Keep praying, knowing that God is at work even when you can’t see it.
    Conclusion: Becoming a prayer warrior is a powerful and rewarding calling. It requires dedication, watchfulness, and a heart full of gratitude. By devoting yourself to prayer, staying alert to the needs around you, and interceding persistently, you can make a significant impact in the spiritual realm.
    Call to Action: This week, choose one of the focus points and start incorporating it into your daily routine. Whether it’s setting aside specific times for prayer, being more watchful, or practicing gratitude, take a step toward becoming a prayer warrior.
    Question of the Day: Which aspect of being a prayer warrior do you find most challenging, and how can you work on it this week?
    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of prayer. Help us to devote ourselves to prayer, to be watchful and thankful. Teach us to intercede for others and to persist in our prayers, trusting in Your power and faithfulness. Equip us to be effective prayer warriors for Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
    As you go about your week, remember the power and importance of prayer. Stay committed, stay watchful, and trust that God hears and responds to the prayers of His people. Be a prayer warrior, and watch how God moves in your life and the lives of others.
    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe

    • 6分
    24-157 Ready for Battle: Becoming a Prayer Warrior

    24-157 Ready for Battle: Becoming a Prayer Warrior

    Welcome, friends, to The Power of God's Whisper Podcast. Today, we're talking about becoming a prayer warrior. This isn’t just about saying prayers here and there; it’s about committing deeply to intercession and believing in the power of prayer to effect change in both the spiritual and physical realms.
    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
    In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Paul gives us a blueprint for a prayer-filled life. He encourages us to rejoice, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. These actions are not just suggestions; they are God's will for us in Christ Jesus. To be a prayer warrior, you need to weave prayer into every part of your daily life, making it a natural and continuous dialogue with God.
    Focus Points for Becoming a Prayer Warrior:
    * Rejoice Always:
    * Start your day with joy. Rejoicing isn’t just about being happy; it’s about finding joy in God's presence and His promises. Let this joy fuel your prayers, making them heartfelt and sincere.
    * Pray Continually:
    * Prayer isn’t confined to a specific time or place. It’s an ongoing conversation with God. Throughout your day, keep the lines of communication open. Talk to Him about your concerns, your hopes, and your gratitude.
    * Give Thanks in All Circumstances:
    * Gratitude changes your perspective. When you thank God in all circumstances, you acknowledge His sovereignty and goodness. This attitude helps you see beyond your immediate troubles and trust in His plan.
    * Intercede for Others:
    * A prayer warrior stands in the gap for others. Dedicate time to pray for your family, friends, community, and even those you don’t know. Your prayers can bring healing, comfort, and guidance to those in need.
    * Stay Persistent and Vigilant:
    * Don’t give up if you don’t see immediate results. Persistence in prayer demonstrates faith and commitment. Stay vigilant, always ready to lift up prayers as the Holy Spirit prompts you.
    Conclusion: Becoming a prayer warrior is a noble calling. It requires dedication, joy, and a heart tuned to God's voice. By rejoicing always, praying continually, giving thanks, interceding for others, and staying persistent, you can become a powerful force in the spiritual realm.
    Call to Action: This week, choose one of the focus points and start incorporating it into your daily routine. Whether it’s starting your day with joy, practicing continual prayer, or interceding for others, take a step toward becoming a prayer warrior.
    Question of the Day: What part of your prayer life needs the most growth, and how can you begin to strengthen it this week?
    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of prayer. Help us to rejoice always, to pray continually, and to give thanks in all circumstances. Teach us to be persistent and vigilant in our prayers, and to intercede faithfully for others. Strengthen our commitment to be prayer warriors, trusting in the power of prayer to bring about change. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
    As you go about your week, remember the power and importance of prayer. Stay committed, stay joyful, and trust that God hears and responds to the prayers of His people. Be a prayer warrior, and watch how God moves in your life and the lives of others.
    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe

    • 6分
    24-156 Ready for Battle: Becoming a Prayer Warrior

    24-156 Ready for Battle: Becoming a Prayer Warrior

    Welcome, friends, to The Power of God's Whisper Podcast. Today, we're diving into what it means to be a prayer warrior. This isn't about saying a few prayers now and then; it's about being deeply committed to intercession, believing in the transformative power of prayer, and being ready to see changes in both the spiritual and physical realms.
    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Ephesians 6:18 - "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."
    Paul's letter to the Ephesians instructs believers to "pray in the Spirit on all occasions." This isn't just a casual suggestion but a command to integrate prayer into every aspect of our lives. As prayer warriors, our role is to remain vigilant and persistent, using prayer as our key tool in spiritual warfare and intercession.
    Focus Points for Becoming a Prayer Warrior:
    * Pray in the Spirit:
    * Praying in the Spirit means allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers. This involves being open to His leading, letting Him bring to mind the needs you should be interceding for, and trusting Him to give you the words when you don't know what to pray.
    * Pray on All Occasions:
    * Make prayer a constant part of your life. Whether you're facing a crisis or experiencing joy, bring it to God in prayer. This continual conversation with God keeps you aligned with His will and aware of His presence.
    * Use All Kinds of Prayers and Requests:
    * Don’t limit your prayers. Include prayers of praise, thanksgiving, confession, and supplication. Pray for big things and small things, for personal needs and the needs of others. This variety enriches your prayer life and keeps you engaged.
    * Be Alert:
    * Stay spiritually alert, always ready to pray. This means being aware of the needs around you and sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Being alert helps you to intercede effectively and in a timely manner.
    * Always Keep on Praying for All the Lord’s People:
    * Persistence in prayer is crucial. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate answers. Keep praying, trusting that God is at work. Intercede regularly for fellow believers, lifting up their needs and seeking God’s intervention in their lives.
    Conclusion: Being a prayer warrior is a high calling. It requires dedication, vigilance, and a strong faith in the power of prayer. As you integrate these focus points into your life, you'll find yourself becoming more effective in your prayers and more attuned to God's voice.
    Call to Action: This week, commit to praying on all occasions. Start small if you need to, but make it a habit. Whether you're driving, cooking, or taking a walk, use that time to pray. Let prayer become a natural part of your daily routine.
    Question of the Day: What steps can you take this week to become more vigilant and persistent in your prayer life?
    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of prayer. Help us to pray in the Spirit on all occasions, to remain alert, and to be persistent in our prayers for all Your people. Teach us to use all kinds of prayers and to trust in the power of intercession. Equip us to be effective prayer warriors for Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
    As you go about your week, remember the power and importance of prayer. Stay committed, stay vigilant, and trust that God hears and responds to the prayers of His people. Be a prayer warrior, and watch how God moves in your life and the lives of others.
    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe

    • 6分
    24-155 Equipping Yourself as a Prayer Warrior

    24-155 Equipping Yourself as a Prayer Warrior

    Welcome, listeners, to another episode of The Power of God's Whisper Podcast. Today, we’re talking about how to prepare yourself to be a prayer warrior. This isn’t just about reciting prayers; it’s about committing deeply to intercession, believing in the transformative power of prayer, and being ready to see changes both spiritually and physically.
    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: James 5:16 - "Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."
    James 5:16 offers a straightforward yet profound truth. It emphasizes that the prayers of those who live righteously are powerful and effective. As prayer warriors, we are called to step into this role with clean hearts and determined spirits, ready to engage in spiritual warfare and intercede for others.
    Focus Points for Becoming a Prayer Warrior:
    * Live Righteously:
    * The foundation of being a prayer warrior is living a life aligned with God’s principles. Righteous living involves confessing our sins, seeking forgiveness, and striving to live in accordance with God’s Word. When we live righteously, our prayers carry power and effectiveness.
    * Commit to Intercession:
    * Intercession is praying on behalf of others. It means stepping into the gap and lifting others up in prayer. This requires dedication and a willingness to prioritize others’ needs. Make a habit of praying for your family, friends, community, and even those you may not know personally.
    * Believe in the Power of Prayer:
    * A prayer warrior must have a strong belief in the power of prayer. Understand that prayer can change circumstances, heal the sick, and bring about spiritual breakthroughs. Approach prayer with faith, knowing that God hears and responds to the prayers of His people.
    * Be Persistent:
    * Persistence is key in prayer. Don’t give up if you don’t see immediate results. Keep praying, keep interceding, and trust that God is at work, even when you can’t see it. Persistence in prayer demonstrates faith and commitment.
    * Stay Spiritually Alert:
    * A prayer warrior must be spiritually alert, always ready to pray at a moment’s notice. This means staying connected to God through regular prayer and Bible study, being aware of the needs around you, and being sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
    Conclusion: Becoming a prayer warrior is a call to action for every believer. It’s about stepping into a role that requires dedication, faith, and persistence. Remember, the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective. By living righteously, committing to intercession, believing in the power of prayer, being persistent, and staying spiritually alert, you can make a significant impact through your prayers.
    Call to Action: This week, choose one of the focus points and start incorporating it into your daily routine. Whether it’s committing to intercession, practicing persistent prayer, or staying spiritually alert, take a step towards becoming a prayer warrior.
    Question of the Day: What area of your prayer life needs the most growth, and how can you take steps to improve it this week?
    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of prayer. Help us to live righteously and commit to interceding for others. Strengthen our faith in the power of prayer, and give us the persistence to keep praying even when we don’t see immediate results. Make us spiritually alert to the needs around us and sensitive to Your leading. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
    As you go about your week, remember that you are equipped to be a prayer warrior. Your prayers are powerful and effective. Stay committed, stay faithful, and watch how God moves through your intercession.
    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other s

    • 6分


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