
Welcome to Unitopia's podcast, "Neurodiversity in a Nutshell. We use various sources to educate other neurotypical individuals about neurodiversity and help create inclusive mindsets rather than sidelining individuals across the spectrum. To create inclusion and support the neurodiversity movement, both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals must participate. Head to https://www.unitopia.foundation/ to learn how you can help Unitopia create an even larger movement across the world.

Click here for podcast transcripts: https://tinyurl.com/nian-transcripts

Neurodiversity in a Nutshell Unitopia Foundation

    • 教育

Welcome to Unitopia's podcast, "Neurodiversity in a Nutshell. We use various sources to educate other neurotypical individuals about neurodiversity and help create inclusive mindsets rather than sidelining individuals across the spectrum. To create inclusion and support the neurodiversity movement, both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals must participate. Head to https://www.unitopia.foundation/ to learn how you can help Unitopia create an even larger movement across the world.

Click here for podcast transcripts: https://tinyurl.com/nian-transcripts

    37. Interview w/ Dr. Vikram Jaswal

    37. Interview w/ Dr. Vikram Jaswal

    In today's interview with Dr. Vikram Jaswal, we discuss rhetoric, legislation, and more!

    • 58分
    36: Concluding Our Neurodiverse Condition Series

    36: Concluding Our Neurodiverse Condition Series

    In this episode, we close off our Neurodiverse Condition Series and discuss the direction of future episodes.

    • 2分
    35: Introduction to Dyscalculia & Dysgraphia

    35: Introduction to Dyscalculia & Dysgraphia

    In this episode, we discuss the history, rhetoric, and clarify myths surrounding dyscalculia and dysgraphia.

    • 7分
    34: Introduction to Dyslexia

    34: Introduction to Dyslexia

    In this episode, we discuss the history, rhetoric, and clarify myths surrounding dyslexia.

    • 9分
    33: Learning Disabilities: An Overview

    33: Learning Disabilities: An Overview

    In this episode, we will be covering the various learning disabilities, their background, and a brief history.

    • 5分
    32: Tourette Syndrome, Part 2

    32: Tourette Syndrome, Part 2

    In this episode, we will be covering the strengths and challenges, along with the myths and misconceptions associated with Tourette Syndrome.

    • 8分


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