
Nimma Toothpaste alli uppu idiya‪?‬ Y.R.E.

    • 個人ジャーナル

"In today's time, we add artificial flavour in our lemonade and slices of lemon in our finger bowl"

Do we read what is under the wraps before we eat, do we ask ourself if it is good for us? 

OR even if we read, we ignore and enjoy the food exactly like a smoker who ignores the "Smoking Kills" warning on the cigarettes cover.

"In today's time, we add artificial flavour in our lemonade and slices of lemon in our finger bowl"

Do we read what is under the wraps before we eat, do we ask ourself if it is good for us? 

OR even if we read, we ignore and enjoy the food exactly like a smoker who ignores the "Smoking Kills" warning on the cigarettes cover.
